Sentences with phrase «actual flow»

The signatories offered a detailed breakdown of expected financial flows vs. actual flows, and they pointed out that many of the chiefs went without compensation in the years during which the project was working its way through the four - year process of verification and validation.
But as Neil Dutta, Chief Economist with Renaissance Macro Research points out, if you look at the actual flow data showing the number of people each month entering and exiting the labor force, the rate at which workers are entering the labor force is actually lower today than at any point over the last two years.
This did not please the Brazilians, and Daly was «kicked upstairs» to a general research unit where he could not disturb the actual flow of loans.
Perhaps, as we have noted, it was necessary and even useful in the actual flow of history for the Church, and especially the papacy, to step into the vacuum left by the collapse of the Roman Empire in Europe and the Middle East.
That is closest to the actual flow of your nipple and the baby will be most comfortable with that.
Those links create the appearance of a sequence from past to future, but there is no actual flow of time from one Now to another.
«The formula we derive turns out to be very useful in operating a quantum computer,» said Victor Albert, first author of a study published in the journal Physical Review X. «Our result says that, in principle, we can engineer «rain gutters» and «gates» in a system to manipulate quantum objects, either after they land or during their actual flow
«Our result says that, in principle, we can engineer «rain gutters» and «gates» in a system to manipulate quantum objects, either after they land or during their actual flow
Coming up with an idea, authoring a draft outline and then scripting the actual flow chart for a branching scenario could require give or take 30 hours from all parties involved.
In these instances, however, the actual flow of new dollars into poor districts is more meager than when Democrats are in control.
These have more to do with the actual flow of the class, assessment, and how kids will work together.
Typically, the actual flow of time doesn't change; instead, the majority of the book's plot is simply located in the analysis and recounting of past events.
Now, Bulletstorm may be a game in which players are rewarded for shooting enemies in the butt, but the actual flow of gameplay, (at least in the demo's Echoes mode) is a FPS with arcade style scoring of the kind most commonly seen in shoot»em ups.
The dotted arrow shows the actual flow of water vapour.
About 700 cfm of actual flow will be needed under sunny conditions to efficiently remove the heat from the sunspace.
The problem is that estimates vary widely as to what the actual flow rate is.
«The actual flow of capital is down but still at quite an elevated level.
it's so hard to get an actual flow, especially after years of doing things at random.
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