Sentences with phrase «actual goal of the campaign»

Not exact matches

In service of the goals of its benefactor, WILL has undertaken an aggressive campaign of actual and threatened litigation to ward off scrutiny of and crackdowns on voucher program abuses, to force taxpayers to underwrite transportation for private school voucher students and to advocate for further expansion of the voucher program in the media and with the release of pseudo-science.
My goal at the end of this process of experimentation will be to suggest an actual launch campaign that an author could try for her new book — names of services, frequency of promotions, and so on.
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime offers four core campaigns and the actual levels for each of them are created procedurally even if the actual long - term goals remain the same, offering a level of replayability that's a great asset to the title.
Toll is currently running a very humble Kickstarter campaign (with only an $ 800 goal) to underwrite the costs of printing his DIY electric bike conversion ebook as a physical book (you know, the kind made from actual paper, not electrons).
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