Sentences with phrase «actual historical events»

The book content we know today is becoming highly interactive and accessible with links to videos and images from actual historical events and original research data.
How much of this novel is based on actual historical events, real places, and people who actually lived?
Whether John's account tells us anything about actual historical events in the relation of Jesus to his disciples I do not know.
The story includes details about rooms in the White House, and there is also an appendix featuring information about actual historical events that relate to the novel.
First Class integrated actual historical events and meshed them with the fantastical world of mutants creating a fun and highly intriguing alternate reality.
I always applaud movies that are based on actual historical events that still manage to keep you completely engrossed and on the edge of your seat.
Unfortunately, though, there are still some even today who refuse to apply any rational analysis to such biblical stories, insisting that they are actual historical events.
Please provide the evidence that ANYONE who is not a christian believes that this was an actual historical event.
As an actual historical event, it makes little sense.
John Updike has a beautiful poem called «Seven Stanzas at Easter» where he chides Christians who want to treat Jesus's death and Resurrection mostly as a moral parable rather than as an actual historical event.
Attempting to be loyal to the Bible by turning the creation accounts into a kind of science or history is like trying to be loyal to the teachings of Jesus by arguing that the parables are actual historical events, and only reliable and trustworthy when taken literally as such.
But in the process of oral transmission it became transformed into a narrative of an actual historical event.
But the story of Christ is absolutely unique and irreplaceable; and this is true not only because it includes the account of an actual historical event as a part of itself but also because it is itself, in all of its essential parts, the creation of the event.
And we are often also told that non-Christian myths convey these truths much more elegantly and nonviolently, neither marred by the crude literalism and moralism of the Christian passion stories nor vexed by fixation on an actual historical event.
A profile and examination of the recent findings of human settlements submerged at the end of the Ice Age when the sea level rose, giving credence to the notion that the story of Atlantis has its roots in actual historical events
Handily outsmarting itself while being extraordinarily stupid, the only saving grace of Basic is that, bucking current trends, it doesn't rape an actual historical event for relevancy, nor is it particularly pretentious.
The adjective «artificial» might seem like a strange one to apply to a film based on actual historical events.
Details: Write a piece of creative writing of between 800 and 2000 words, inspired by any aspect of the past — an actual historical event, place or person.
Murder, Mystery & Intrigue with a Splash of Romance.Based on actual historical events, an epic tale of a young Tudor nobleman's courage as he tries to keep his future Queen safe in one of England's most turbulent eras.
So begins Peony's unforgettable journey of love and destiny, desire and sorrow — as Lisa See's haunting new novel, based on actual historical events, takes readers back to seventeenth - century China, after the Manchus seize power and the Ming dynasty is crushed.
With a haunting and constantly surprising story based on actual historical events, The Terror is a novel that will chill you to your core.
My favorite incarnation is Concubine Swallow in the «Sixteen Concubines» story, which is based on an actual historical event.
Many games are based on actual historical events that took place, or have settings based on the culture of a certain country.
If you need further proof, the Bonfire of the Vanities is an actual historical event that took place in Florence during the year 1497.
This makes them a perfect fit for Total War games, where we give players the freedom to depart from the actual historical events and explore what might have happened had things gone differently.
The game takes place in Medieval times and its single player campaign is based on the actual historical events.
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