Sentences with phrase «actual implications»

One of the important issues arising out of recent trends in religious television lies in the symbolic and actual implications of religion's acquiescence to this process and the subjugation of religion on television to this normalizing process.
Importantly, the review found that the Trade Practices Act 1974 (the Act) has minimal actual implications for the practice of medicine in rural and regional Australia and does not need to be amended in order to address the issues considered.
«While other outlets performed their journalistic duty verifying the veracity and actual implications of the allegations, their combined reach on social media was about 10 times smaller than the reach of misinformation,» the team wrote.
On Monday, First Solar's stock reversed to US$ 46.88 as investors started to wrap their heads around the actual implications of the ITC ruling.
Maybe if you dug your head out of the sand every once and awhile you'd understand the actual implications of martyrdom.
Enough people have already pointed out issues with your thinking about «decadal trends» and the data interpretation, so I won't pile on, but I think it's still worth saying a few words about the actual implications of model - obs agreement.
This conflict between people's common perceptions of uncertainty and its actual implications is not altogether uncommon, and there are many situations in which people's risk perception deviates from best scientific understanding.
What are the actual implications for recruitment in the sector?
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