Sentences with phrase «actual intent rather»

Not exact matches

So in this trial, we were successfully able to decode these actual intents, by asking the subject to simply imagine the movement as a whole, rather than breaking it down into a myriad of components.
«So in this trial, we were successfully able to decode these actual intents, by asking the subject to simply imagine the movement as a whole, rather than breaking it down into a myriad components.»
Assault is similar to battery but requires only a threat of violence, rather than an actual touching of the victim and it becomes aggravated assault if there is a deadly weapon involved or if done with the intent to commit a felony.
The intermediate view and to a lesser extent the modern view, also give more weight to individualized evidence of the intent of the parties on a case by case basis, while the traditional view would be rather indifferent to the actual intent of the parties.
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