Sentences with phrase «actual mode of a's»

«The actual mode of death would've been coughing up a blood - specked frothy sputum,» says Retallack.
The actual mode of A's presence in B is partly determined by A's decision and partly by B's.
Personhood is God's mode of existence, and since God's mode of existence, in Hartshorne's view, encompasses all possible and actual modes of existence, 19 one would think that this commitment fairly well establishes Hartshorne as a personalist, at least in his metaphysics.
An eternal object, considered as an abstract entity, can not be divorced from its reference to other eternal objects and from its reference to actuality generally; though it is disconnected from its actual modes of ingression into definite actual occasions» (SMW 229f).
Space oddity explores our actuals modes of representations of space.

Not exact matches

The combination of a high number of bearish distribution days and sudden weakness in leadership stocks has forced our proprietary timing model out of its two - month old «Buy» mode as of the November 6 close (details of the newly updated trading signal are restricted to actual Wagner Daily subscribers).
As actual, God includes creativity within himself and could be said to have it as his body or mode of being.
As David Griffin states: «If the world is an actual creation, and not simply a complex idea in the divine mind, or simply aspects of modes» of God, then all - powerful can not mean having all the power» (GPE 269 - 70).
We read no more of attributes and modes, and the tendency toward monism of the earlier book gives way to an emphatic pluralism of actual entities.
Either way, whether authentically or in an «as if» mode, growth in regard to some concepts can be a matter of degree, namely, the degree to which the growth also involves an actual or imaginable change in the learner's personal identity.
Since a given actual entity is causally affected by every other actual entity In its past, this theory would tend to support my original «detailed» interpretation of CE in IWTP, according to which Whitehead is committed to a theory of perception in the mode of CE which yields very specific knowledge of causes.
Unfortunately, this interpretation would yield a vacuous infallibility for CE, since it would be a matter of definition that under it the subject's perceptions in the mode of CE would be of (ale the actual causes operating on it.
(3) Quite likely Whitehead assumes CE is reliable on systematic grounds: the doctrine of prehension, according to which one actual entity is (objectively) in another (PR 50), ensures that perception, in whatever mode, as a special instance of prehension, can never be completely delusive?
This, in turn, must mean that the being and the becoming of an actual entity are two different modes of its existence.
Perception in the mode of presentational immediacy objectifies the actual entities «within one particular duration»: «the «presented duration»» (Process 321).
Some examples are these: «the contemporary nexus perceived in the mode of presentational immediacy» (126), and «the nexus of contemporary actual entities» (317).
The mode of togetherness of the actual entities in a nexus is to be understood in terms of the conception of «eternal object.»
The actual world within which women function includes deep memory of female connectedness, but it also includes a predominantly hetero - relational mode of female relationships.
Through the latter mode of existence every actual entity achieves «objective immortality.»
In any case, as the 90s closed this rock - bohemian leftism increasingly appeared as little but a confused incoherence that took hyper - radical political gestures for granted (sort of as another mode of transgressionism — Chomskyite Marxism for me, Marilyn Manson for thee, piercings for both of us) even as its actual materialism and actual political impotence / apathy became ever - more pronounced.
His way of carrying out this task is to suggest, as a speculative hypothesis, that actual entities of which the world is comprised all have the character of actual occasions, that these all embody creativity, and that creativity oscillates between two modes: transition or efficient causation, and concrescence or final causation.
In contrast to the foregoing, our contention will be that the «natures» of God can better be understood, not as distinguishable parts, but as ways of indicating various interdependent modes of functioning by the whole actual entity, God.
The further problem is to define within the parameters of Whitehead's metaphysics how it is that the completed actual occasion, through its own transitional creativity (Whitehead maintains that the appetition for the future is a mode of creativity), is united to God in such a way that it participates in God's feelings of its own transformation.
The differences between the kinds of things in nature then go back to the different contrasts, repetitions, divisions, or modes of integration involved in the chains of prehensions by which actual occasions make up societies with different defining characteristics.
This is not to claim that the Christian thing is only present concretely in the mode of actual congregations.
Let us consider the mode of presence of one actual entity in another.
In light of this assumption, a somewhat detailed account of diverse types of prehensions by one actual occasion of others is relevant to the question of the possible diversity of modes of God's presence in man.
Hence the modes of presence of past actual occasions in becoming ones differ greatly.
The term «objectification» refers to the particular mode in which the potentiality of one actual entity is realized in another actual entity.
Likewise, experience of actual fact («unchanging given,» CT 375) and pure potentiality (CT 375) are assigned to the same self mode, the id (CT 378).
The fact remains the actual occasion — the ingression of the associated (infinite) hierarchy together with various finite hierarchies in the modes of memory, imagination, and anticipation (SMW 170f.
In Gestalt Therapy, the self is called «the system of contacts at any moment» (GT 235) and is a gestalt (as the dominant occasion is an actual occasion), though the theory does not emphasize this.The «self is spontaneous, middle in mode...» (GT 376).
Insofar as it is practical, reason demands completeness; but it believes in the mode of expectation, of hope, in the existence of an order where the completeness can be actual.
The first is to show how the mode of presence of a contiguously related past actual occasion within a newly concrescing actual occasion applies to the relationship between God and man.
Since «the mode of presence of one occasion in another is as prehended datum» and since God too is best understood as a prehended datum, God is therefore present in actual occasions in the way in which prehended data generally are present» (PPCT 385).
Christian liturgy is an example of cultural performance grounded in a ritual mode but puts together «types of performance that are sacred and secular, that are religious, aesthetic, and recreational», is «quasi-theatrical» but «is no pretense, but an actual, here and now doing» Following Schechner, Driver braids «efficacious» aspects of ritual performance with «entertaining» elements of «aesthetic» theatre.
His task, therefore, is twofold: (1) to show how this mode of presence of a contiguously related past actual occasion within a presently concrescing occasion is applicable to the relation between God and man and (2) to show how on this basis one can proceed to explain the possibility of God's differing presence from person to person so as to account satisfactorily for his unique presence in Jesus (PPCT 385).
The classic example is the insertion of the «Epochal Theory of Time» in Science and the Modern World, forcing the eventual transformation of what, in that book, had initially been a Spinozistic approach to creativity as the one, undifferentiated underlying activity (with «events» of varied temporal duration as the «modes» of this underlying process) toward the Leibnizian monadology of actual entities (each a kind of time - quantum) that finally appeared subsequently in Process and Reality.
The infinite mystery takes on the definiteness of finitude as its mode of actual existence.
The attempt is to explain the way in which God is related to actual occasions, eternal objects, and creativity, in such a way that at no point do we attribute to him a mode of being or relation inexplicable in terms of the principles operative elsewhere in the system.
In this more fundamental mode, other actual entities are perceived, and the data are received not neutrally, but with emotional and purposive subjective forms of reception.
On the basis of this formulation I suggest that the relation between God and the eternal objects can be restored to the situation we found in Religion in the Making, namely, that it belongs to no totally different mode from that of other actual entities to the eternal objects.
An act of human perception (in the primary mode) provides an example of causation which can be generalized to the relations between other actual entities.
«The actual image was of the Son as God in one mode of his activity and the Spirit as God in another mode, whereas the Father was quite simply God.»
In the 8th category of explanation he defines «objectification» as «the particular mode in which the potentiality of one actual entity is realized in another actual entity.»
Every actual entity has its peculiar mode of percipience.
These modes of ingression of the eternal objects constitute the relations among the actual occasions.
Perception in the mode of presentational immediacy defines for a particular actual occasion one of the multiple durations associated with it, and this is its «presented» duration (PR 191f, 488 - 90).5 The actual occasions that might be said to actualize the presented duration are not perceived; however, the extensive relations within the presented duration are perceived (PR 95 - 97, 188).
Thus his knowledge of the relationships of particular modes of value Is not added to, or disturbed, by the realization in the actual world of what is already conceptually realized in his ideal world.
In addition, the working of this one ultimate actual entity through its many modes would entail, it seems to me, the loss of the freedom of these subordinate modes as well.
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