Sentences with phrase «actual motions captured»

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After all, it certainly looks big, dumb, spacy and noisy, and its human cast has a certain off - putting quality, common for motion capture that stays close to recorded behaviors and actual appearances (occupying a hypothetical space widely dubbed «uncanny valley»).
The protagonists are backed by Max, a metalhead - looking fellow who is not immune to the contagion but has dreams of leading a zombie task force with his cat companion at his side (one slide in our presentation indicated that an actual cat was motion captured for the game).
For instance, the game utilizes motion capture from all of the actual band members and features their own special touches while on stage, like Trujillo's helicopter move during bass breaks.
If any of you saw the featurettes, you'd know that they took a lot of the actual voice work from the elaborate motion capture scenes.
Sure, we had a ton of Full Motion Video games in the early 90's (thanks, Sega), but even though they had actual live action actors, they didn't quite capture the cinematic feel that the first Metal Gear Solid did at the time.
Keep an eye out for Clumsyorchid's upcoming blog on the Bayonetta party that followed in the evening, and pictures of the winners of awesome prizes like that custom Bayonetta XBOX 360, and the actual Scarborough Fair gun prop used during the motion capture for the game!
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