Sentences with phrase «actual occasions»

In the theory of actual occasions efficient causality appears in the impact of the physical data supplied by the actual world in the initial phases of concrescence.
Actual occasions are related as nexus and societies.
Through a «consequent nature,» God feels actual occasions (31).
For feelings of very remote actual occasions tend to be «vague, trivial, and submerged» (Whitehead 239).
Even though God's feelings of actual occasions come into being outside the extensive continuum, they still can be temporally ordered.
More explicitly; the formal properties of the relation earlier that holds among actual occasions are these: it is irreflexive, asymmetric, and transitive; but it is not connected.
The main point is that there are actual occasions that came into being before (i.e., earlier than) our cosmic epoch.
Just as the temporal order of actual occasions is the order of their acts of becoming, so the temporal order of prehensions in the process of concrescence is the order of their becoming.13
As mediating between the actual and the ideal the principle of limitation also includes «that aspect of the world [= actual occasions in general] as qualified by the forms.»
It will then be seen that actual occasions must be repeatable if these three doctrines are each to be prevented from issuing in either a conceptual incoherence or an outright logical contradiction.
There is a debate about the status of actual occasions.
Naming the coming to be at once of actual occasions «concrescence», Whitehead describes the phenomenon as a springing into existence (PR 35-6/52 -54).
We believe that quantum events are the electronic and protonic actual occasions to which Whitehead refers.
Besides the «similar size» of actual occasions and quantum events, there is yet another point to consider, one which makes the quantum event perhaps the sole candidate for the actual occasion, Only quantum events have the characteristics that one expects of actual occasions with respect to space - time.
In «Time,» I generalize McTaggart's notions of A-series and B - series, and contrast four theories of temporal order, one of which is illustrated by Whitehead's conception of the temporal order of actual occasions.
Nevertheless, even «a state of chaotic disorder,» actual occasions come into being (92).
In this paper, I shall discuss a conception of temporal order that encompasses both actual occasions and their concrescing prehensions.
But my view is that the immediatist should instead claim that later actual occasions are felt earlier than earlier ones.
, Whitehead and Laszlo arrive at a common supposition, namely that the res verae are respectively actual occasions or actual systems.
7 Concrescing actual occasions, of course, do not adapt since they can not respond objectively to the world.
The mental occasion provides for the possibility of novelty, unobtainable in the simpler model of purely physical actual occasions, but it also means that actualization may require two successive unifications, one physical, one mental.
Neighboring actual occasions are felt first.
Note also that the temporal order of actual occasions is not relative to the observer (or the frame of reference).
Moreover, he held that the temporal order of actual occasions is not (mathematically) continuous (35).
Actual occasions can not be easily understood as systems.
Surely, whatever else Whitehead is saying here, he is saying that actual occasions are repeated (qua superjects only, never qua subjects), for among the «elements» in the universe relative to the origination of a novel creature are all those occasions which have already completed their becoming, i.e., those which are already superjects; hence, every superject accumulated in the wake of the universe's creative advance is repeated in each novel creature at the utmost verge of that advance.
Therefore, even though there are no space - time distances between an actual occasions feelings, it is metaphysically possible for some of those feelings to be earlier than others.
The creative advance of actual occasions is inherently temporal.
He was strongly influenced by the theory of relativity, and so he held that the temporal ordering of actual occasions is not uniquely serial.
It is through the medium of neighboring actual occasions that actual occasions in the more distant past are felt.
Actual occasions range hierarchically from those dominated by the physical pole to those dominated by the mental pole.
The reality underneath this appearance is a temporal sequence of what he dubbed «actual occasions
Finally, let us consider a question about the temporal order of actual occasions.
An immediatist might claim that no simple physical feeling comes into being earlier than any other, or that earlier actual occasions are felt earlier than later ones.
Nontemporalism is «dualistic,» in that it postulates a temporal order of actual occasions and a nontemporal order of concrescing prehensions.
On this point it is instructive to note that Merleau - Ponty refuses to accept Einstein's denial of contemporaneity which Whitehead applies to the conscrescence of actual occasions.
I shall further argue for the correctness of my interpretation by bringing it to bear on the mutual immanence of actual occasions, the ontological principle, and the Category of the Ultimate.
Present «actual occasions» always attend to their immediate past, and anticipate to varying degrees their future, but they never interact with contemporaries.
Once again we see how very close White - head is to the view that he would ultimately adopt concerning the transience of actual occasions.
With the aim of shedding some light on the temporal order of concrescing prehensions, I shall first discuss the temporal order of actual occasions.
Therefore, there is a temporal order that encompasses both actual occasions and their concrescing prehensions.
There is an order - isomorphism between the following two sets: the set (ordered by later) of the actual occasions in the causal past of a given subject actual occasion, and the set (ordered by earlier) of the simple physical feelings in the process of concrescence of that subject actual occasion.
The tension I have in mind is generated by (i) this process of temporally ordered actual occasions articulating his vision of the metaphysical ultimatum — atomism — and (ii) the complex product of this process which he so obviously cherished as an organic interconnectedness — the web of interrelations which comprise a world so badly misunderstood by the science Whitehead himself prehended from out of his immediate past.
The Category of the Ultimate, then, construes the universe as an evergrowing community of actual occasions.
That aspect could be provided by the principle of limitation, for it limits the scope of eternal objects to those which could possibly ingress into actual occasions (SMW 178).
For some actual occasions are contemporaries, i.e., some are in unison of becoming.
Each feels all of the actual occasions in its causal past (i.e., its actual world)(Whitehead 239).
It might be contended that temporalism also is «dualistic,» in that it postulates space - time distances between actual occasions and the absence of space - time distances between concrescing prehensions.
«3 Whereas John Cobb recalled Whitehead's identification of molecules as «historic routes of actual occasions,» Donald Sherburne prefers the designation as «structured societies» — which leaves open the question of whether both a molecule and its constituent can be «enduring objects» (like a personal society).4 Enthused by Leclerc's reliance upon the Aristotelian distinction between actual and potential, Ford offered an option which might preserve the choice, in Whiteheadian terms.
Vast as the actual world is, and insistent as actual occasions are upon realizing novelty, the potential variety contained in the actual situation is finite.
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