Sentences with phrase «actual resources»

When perception is more than reality: the effects of perceived versus actual resource depletion on self - regulatory behavior.
But even if we accept it, we still have to know what actual resources we need, and what to do with those resources in order to seek and find God.
Brown University ecologist Marc Tatar says the current study, published in this week's Science, provides «really profound evidence» that longevity is controlled not by actual resources but rather by hormones that are cued to resources (such as the way plants sense winter by sunlight changes).
The wind energy community is hampered by a collection of projects having large, negative discrepancies between calculated and actual resources and design conditions.
The policy would help to trigger the entry of private developers and, if successful, would imply no actual resources from the guarantor.
Thus, a finding of unequal resources oddly might not be based on actual resources.
This allowed me to control for the influence of each individual student's background, assess the influence of the actual resource level and teacher characteristics each student faces, and look at the institutional features that are relevant to individual students.
Where possible, I have also included the actual resource used.
Similarly, RAND used statewide averages as its measure of school resources, an extremely imprecise indicator of the actual resources being spent on particular students who attend specific schools.
I usually suggest people that they dispatch the plan to the team of learners or whoever who might be aware of their actual resources volume to collect feedback on how well the plan keeps it real.
These cost no actual resources to build, but you are limited to three throughout the entire game, so you need to really consider how you want to use them.
Students» eligibility for aid is determined by comparing the «Estimated Student Budget» with the individual student's actual resources.
That point may be reached long before the actual resource is consumed, as pointed out by former Saudi Oil Minister Sheikh Yamani in 1973: «The stone age didn't end because we ran out of stones.»
The situation speaks to one basic failing of the US legal system: it treats the plaintiff and the defendant as though they are equally powerful entities, regardless of the actual resources each may have.
More processing power, more hardware, more chances of getting that payout... but at the same time, you're spending more and more of your actual resources on hardware and electricity.
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