Sentences with phrase «actual shape of»

Because any point in line of sight must receive the full power of the sun, regardless of the actual shape of the object on which that point exists.
Additional correlated harmonics to mimic the actual shape of the Sun spot waveform could improve the model, but this two mode model is adequate for illustrating the concept and for getting first order estimates of future activity.
These gravitational forces thus affect the actual shape of the trajectory spiral, and we all know: If the Earth moves for 2 months on an orbit spiral section, somewhat further away from the Sun, this will result in less RF (radiative forcing) for 2 months received on Earth.
The only substantive difference is that, so far as I can tell, the Journal of Cosmology paper assumes a spherical Earth for simplicity, whereas the blog post includes effects due to the actual shape of the Earth.
In an effort to both accept and reject the formal, Elizabeth began to modify the actual shape of her canvases moving away from traditional pictorial space of a rectangle or square.
Freeman's recent painted forms have begun to affect the actual shape of her panels.
Thus the paintings, collages, photographs, objects, Marquette's, books, films, wall paintings and works on paper create a kind of «play» between form and void — for example the form of the gap in one art piece can constitute the actual shape of the next one.
The sound is created by recording the actual shape of the ringing drum and creating a sound to match the wavelengths.
Taylor's series references the actual shape of his thumbnail as well, often evoking its small scale.
Color field painters efface the individual mark in favor of large, flat, stained and soaked areas of color, considered to be the essential nature of visual abstraction along with the actual shape of the canvas, which Frank Stella in particular achieved in unusual ways with combinations of curved and straight edges.
Other than the actual shape of the thing, the Cruze Hatchback is nearly exactly the same as the Cruze sedan.
The actual shape of the pencil makes it easier to fill in your brows.
It performs important functions, such as nutrient absorption, protection from the environment, as well as defining the actual shape of the fungi.
These include the local shape of the air and water interface, which, in turn, is influenced by the actual shape of the capillaries.
The ear clips can be adjusted to the point where they connect to the earbuds, but they're otherwise made of plastic, so you can't adjust the actual shape of the clip.
Lies with them for the actual shape of the team and their perfromances (AW), the lack of transfers or money available (SK&IG) but the odd 3m or 8m a year payment to themselves for doing nothing but cripplin Arsenal fans pocket and breaking their hearts time and time again each season.
Alternatively, and in contrast to the first two positions, there is the view that value is rooted in a «moral universe» which can be at least fairly well known and approximated by man through his rational capacities; this moral universe participates in, yet in its fullness transcends, the actual shape of culture, history and human will; and the task of moral agents is to discover and act on the principles, laws and rules that this universe contains and reveals to the discerning moral conscience.
While the basic experience of conversion is the same, the awareness of an encounter with God revealed in Christ, the concrete occasion of this experience and the actual shape of the same differs in terms of our personal situation.
Let me give you the recipe for that first and then go into the actual shaping of the ducks and egg.

Not exact matches

Business Insider changes the tune of their ongoing Silicon Valley vs. NYC debate to look at the actual companies that are shaping New York's burgeoning digital renaissance.
While Guided Investing is a robo - advisor, meaning client portfolios are shaped by market theory computer algorithms instead of actual humans, the knowledge behind the recommendations comes from Merrill Lynch.
A field, therefore, composed simply of inanimate actual occasions is not a subject of experience; but, in and through the interrelated agencies of its constituent occasions, it does exercise the collective agency necessary to preserve its own identity as this particular field, e.g., an atom or molecule of a peculiar shape or consistency.
I'd suggest Kieth Mathison's The Shape of Sola Scriptura for an in - depth look at the actual Reformation take on things.
The actual standpoints to be realized may be large or small and may have a variety of shapes.
We do think of colors, shapes, and even qualities of feeling, not only as qualifications of particular actual entities but also apart from such qualification.
Rather, the proposal is that study of every subject matter that is selected for study (using whatever academic disciplines are appropriate) be shaped and guided by an interest in the question: What is that subject matter's bearing on, or role in, the practices that constitute actual enactments, in specific concrete circumstances, of various construals of the Christian thing in and as Christian congregations?
While respecting the universal principles of the Church, the Christian by his own conscience and his own inquiry, which is a duty incumbent on him as an individual, has to seek for the concrete prescription by which he will shape his own life and endeavour to contribute to determining the actual form taken by public life.
In the case of the society, the relationship is genetic because actual occasions contribute to the shaping of future occasions, thus providing a continuity and order (AI 203 - 206).
The «godless chatter,» whatever its actual content, would by shaped by the culture and not by the cross of Jesus.
Perhaps the pressure of the guiding interest of theological inquiry will so shape theological engagement in history, philosophy, social sciences, etc., as to make the theological disciplines actual — that is, institutionalized in their own right.
the coloured shape is used as the symbol of the actual person, and the perception of it blends itself with that of the actual being given in causal efficacy....
Thus the individual essence of turquoise blue is quite aloof from the relational essence of turquoise blue and can characterize the specific definiteness of a particular actual entity without involving necessarily the specific individual essence of any particular geometrical shape, though through its relational essence it does specify the range, and the «how» relationship, of all possible geometrical figures, x1, x2,... x11, which have the requisite status to possibly merge with that individual essence turquoise blue in constituting the complex synthesis of forms which is the peculiar, concrete definiteness of an individual actual entity.
In a study of religion and nationalism, Ninian Smart writes that the flow of human events in society and individual life is such that entities that have phenomenological reality and a special shape (independent of whether they have actual existence) impinge upon consciousness and feeling.
The experience of any actual occasion is «physical» insofar as it is derivative from other actual occasions; it is «mental» insofar as it supplements, shapes and alters that derivative experience.
Unlike Kaplan who identifies God with the creative forces within the universe itself, Whitehead represents God as the «principle of concretion» by means of which actual process takes shape.
The actual shaping and distribution of the one sphere of freedom must, indeed, respect general principles of theol - ogy and the natural law, but can not be deduced from them alone.
This allows, in turn, the composition of the subjective aim of the concrescing occasion at its own self - actualization being determined finally by its own modification or shaping of the various possibilities granted it through the aims at fulfillment for it of all the actual occasions in its past (CNT 96).
This implies that an actual occasion can not have the shape of an encasement such as an egg shell, or better, an egg white because the region surrounded by the encasement is external to the region occupied by the encasement itself (as the yolk region is external to the white region), but it has a complete boundedness.
So we have two time periods, actual creation, and then you have 6000 of God shaping and molding his creation.
Thus, God shares the role of shaping the world not only with the past entities but also, and supremely, with the concrescing actual entity itself.
In addition, of course, during the course of its concrescence, the new actual entity has the freedom to modify its subjective aim, thus once again limiting God's role in shaping the world; (c) God's primordial nature houses all possibilities, good and evil, old and new.
It is unclear to me, however, why an entity that has the influence that God has at the level of creativity - characterization could never be said to have the capacity to coerce another entity Sureh; through granting and withholding novel forms, through organizing the network of inclusion and exclusion of past characteristics in the provision of the new entity» with its actual world, and through shaping the very purposes of the new entity; God can sometimes act in ways that in ordinary language we would consider to be coercive.36 But these considerations do not stem from any of my revisions.
There's a moral grandeur to these finite creatures [concrescing actual occasions] recognizing the contributions others make to what they achieve, thus recognizing the ways their achievements might contribute to what others make, and shaping their own efforts in the light of these interoccasional dependencies.
Because future actual entities must include (at least) some portion of the concrescing entity» as a part of their internal constitutions, it follows that by shaping itself the concrescing entity is also shaping its world.
This is not only an intellectual task; the actual life of the churches must be changed dramatically so that Christianity is perceived as a unifying promise, rather than a divisive force, in the shaping of world history.
«actual occasions» are shaped not only by logical reasoning, but includes all aspects of one's subjective experiences, including the use of ones imagination, aesthetic feelings, and other forms of non-cognitive and unconscious influences.
Another view of the same truth is that every actual occasion is a limitation imposed on possibility, and that by virtue of this limitation the particular value 0f that shaped togetherness of things emerges....
In «every case that I have read or heard,» he continued «none of these people have referred to the actual teaching of Jesus on marriage,» which was «surely the foundation of any theological or faith - shaped response to this referendum.»
None of our present anticipations of the mystery of the future can adequately forecast the actual shape it will take as it comes into conformity with God's vision for the world.
We need to work through, with great breadth and depth, what our actual experience has been, both in the dominant culture shaped by males and in the suppressed experiences of women.
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