Sentences with phrase «actual temperature increase»

It is one of the two months per year when the average actual temperature increases by 1 °C.
Do you think that in the same way that the Solanki et al paper on solar sunspot reconstructions had a specific statement that their results did not contradict ideas of strong greenhouse warming in recent decades, this (the fact that climate sensitivity projections are not best estimates of possible future actual temperature increases) should be clearly noted in media releases put out by scientists when reporting climate sensitivity studies?
Well, to predict actual temperature increases from this sensitivity, we would have to first create a CO2 production forecast and, you guessed it, global warming hawks have exaggerated that as well.
[Response: Actual temperature increase is a function of the total forcing, not just CO2 (which, coincidentally, is around 1.7 W / m2 but with error bars of + / -1 W / m2 or so), the climate sensitivity and the thermal inertia in the system.
This shows what the actual temperature increase in degrees Celsius is.
These factors include political orientation (e.g., Krosnick, Holbrook, and Visser 2000), perceived and actual temperature increases (e.g., Joireman, Truelove, and Duell 2010; Krosnick et al. 2006; Weber 1997, 2006), years of education, and exposure to and trust in science and the media (Corbett and Durfee 2004).
Most have barely a clue as to the actual rate of increase in MSL or the % loss of the Antarctic Ice Sheet or the actual temperature increase since the 1860 or 1978.
This is well above the most alarmist projections for the coming century, and even farther above any actual temperature increase, seeing as how there has been no such increase for the past 17 years or so.
It is not implausible that the actual temperature increase with latitude in the Northern Hemisphere is reflecting the effect of the band of urban - industrial civilization between 25 ° N and 70 ° N.
Alternatively, they will want to plot the actual temperature increase against either the IPCC FAR projections adjusted to match the actual change in forcing, or against that scenario which most closely matches the actual change in forcings (scenario B for overall forcings).
No, not six degrees of actual temperature increase, but six degrees of separation between every activist's issue and global warming.
They then compare the actual temperature increases of the model predictions for all sources (case 1) with the predictions for natural sources alone (case 2).
By 2005, calculations using natural sources alone underpredict the actual temperature increases by about 0.7 degrees Centigrade, while the calculations including human sources track the actual temperature trend very closely.
Rather than spiking by 3.9 C (7 degrees F), the actual temperature increase between 1969 and the year 2000 was a practically imperceptible 0.3 C. Which means the experts were off by 1200 percent.
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