Sentences with phrase «actual toilet»

Pros: easy to use, resembles actual toilet, comfortable, minimal effort, no smell, compost for the garden, no footprint, no power Cons: expensive, kind of big and clunky
So far this window has been an actual toilet.
Even if they start peeing on the floor and you grab them and sit them on the toilet and they finish the rest in the actual toilet bowl... that's a victory!
I bought it for a weekend trip out of town It worked great the only complaint I have is It was a little too small on the actual toilet seat.
Do not be surprised if your child loves running to dump the excess water rom the potty chair into the actual toilet, similar to what happens when kids use their own potty chairs.
It took us trying lots of different ways, to unlock the key to our daughter finally going to the bathroom on an actual toilet.
The actual toilet seat had been turned into a fantastic O.
This is a toilet seat that goes on your actual toilet and before you order it's super important to make sure you are ordering the right one depending on the shape of your toilet (round or oval).
The ladder has a sturdy grip on the floor and the kit can be converted into an actual toilet seat cover for kids to use.
For our son, once he started going potty in the alligator seat more regularly and got the hang of it, we purchased a seat that goes on top of our actual toilet.
While squatting on the actual toilet seat is one solution, I personally don't recommend it if you are pregnant, have balance issues, or simply aren't already a very strong squatter.
After you've cleaned the toilet bowl itself, wipe down the actual toilet: the base, top, lid, seat, under the seat, even the lever (think about how many people have touched it before washing their hands!
The CatGenie Self Flushing Cat Litter Box is an actual toilet for cats; waste flushes out of your home through a hose over the rim of a toilet or over a sink.
Many pet parents have resorted to teaching their feline friends how to use the actual toilet.
I can't remember what the actual toilets looked like, but it was a memorable experience, for all the right reasons.
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