Sentences with phrase «actually become uncomfortable»

Not exact matches

He would become noticeably uncomfortable whenever the healthcare conversation drifted away from the perfidy of socialist Democrats and to some problem a listener was having with the actually existing healthcare system.
Things that make you uncomfortable become «sin», «wrong», «evil» and the church provides you with a means of justifying these feelings so you don't have to actually address them, and even says that with enough converts, we might be able to eliminate all those uncomfortable things from our society all together.
What if we actually took responsibility for our uncomfortable feelings and approached them as a call to become conscious — to learn where we struggle the most and try to grow beyond these setbacks?
I'm actually not surprised that you're experiencing such embarrassing and uncomfortable side effects, but that doesn't mean you can't become a vegetarian.
We're actually watching one mom who's clearly becoming more and more uncomfortable with her ex-boyfriend's omniscient presence in her life.
People are very good at rationalising their actions and so become exceptional at figuring out reasons why this or that uncomfortable fact doesn't really apply to them, just to others, or how that uncomfortable fact isn't actually a fact because the presenter of said fact isn't from within the industry and so doesn't know better.
Only when the user wants to pinch the screen more often, it becomes clear that the AT2000 actually has a slightly uncomfortable texture, and the feeling under the fingers is not nearly as smooth as the case is with smartphones or many other tablets.
Many pets never seem to have a problem with their anal glands, however, if your pet's anal glands fail to express properly while defecating, they may actually become impacted and make your pet very uncomfortable.
To be perfectly honest, though, I actually wouldn't recommend the 3DS at all unless you grab a screaming deal, due mainly to the fact that its angular chassis can become incredibly uncomfortable to hold for long periods.
The police is actually going to do more foot patrols with the crop of new rookies, that are coming out end of February, so that the really bad spots become very uncomfortable for the drug dealers, because there'll be much more police presence.
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