Sentences with phrase «actually brain food»

I'm not even sure if those things were actually brain food, but they sure helped make paper writing and studying more bearable.

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Researchers at Accera, in Broomfield, Colorado, believe that in some forms of impairment, brain cells are actually starving for glucose, the basic food of cells.
Eating potatoes can actually calm you when you're feeling stressed because potatoes and other carbohydrate - rich foods contain serotonin, a chemical in the brain that regulates mood.
We found 10 foods that mirror the body parts they provide nutrients for — for example, brain - boosting walnuts actually look like a brain.
The researchers think that, you know, the sweetness is producing a reward effect in the brain that's actually stronger than cocaine's reward effect; same kind of dopamine mechanism and the researchers just think this is something biological that the rats are saying, «Hey this is sweet, must be food, must be good for me.»
This brain region plays a crucial role in linking the need or desire for a given reward — food, sex, etc. — with the motor response to actually obtain that reward.
So, now, when your body sends out the signal, «I need sweet food,» your brain can easily interpret it as «Get me a tub of rocky road ice cream,» instead of what your body is actually looking for, which is the energy, vitamins, and minerals that come from root vegetables.
According to a recent study published in Brain and Cognition, scrolling through food porn can actually trigger a need to feast, even if you're not at all hungry.
Although numerous different elements may impact the amount of this chemical, such as genetics, hormones, drugs and alcohol, a few studies have shown that dopamine in the brain is produced under the influence of some foodsactually it is produced by components of these foods.
Next time you crave brain food, try yoga instead of more online reading — it can actually change your brain.
It actually takes a few minutes for your brain to tell your body when it has had enough food, eating slower can help you get a more accurate reading of what your body really needs.
The damage done to your brain from the wrong foods and from unbalanced insulin and leptin levels actually begins decades before you show any of the telltale signs of Alzheimer's.
Only about three percent of the tryptophan in food is actually converted into serotonin in the brain.
This actually doesn't surprise me... this is classic placebo effect at work here, and reinforces how powerful our brains are in relation to the results we get from exercise, food, supplements, etc..
It sickens me to think how people actually are ignorant enough to believe that GRAINS, of all the natural foods millions of people have eaten for millions of years, are harmful to the brain and increase the risk of cognitive decline.
But, that's actually because gluten activates zonulin, the gate keeper of your gut's lining that separates your food from your blood - brain barrier.
But studying it in mice (easier to examine the brains of) that fasting or otherwise restricted food actually accelerates the process of autophagy in the brain, removing or impeding the build up of Amyloid - B.
The reason is as the foods enter your mouth your brain can sense if there is actually any nutrition (vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc.) present in these foods.
Some foods you might be eating daily can actually DAMAGE your brain over time.
Researchers have noted pleasure deficiencies shown on brain scans of a variety of people, finding that frequent abuse of food or drugs actually alters the brain, causing it to not light up with dopamine as it once did.Chronic overeating can also lead to diabetes and predisposes the body toward inflammation, insulin resistance, elevated blood pressure, psychiatric illness, poor digestion, hormone imbalance, and malnutrition.
It would certainly be feasible to argue that digestion actually begins in the brain when we first look at appetizing food and begin to salivate.
This study and this study specifically found that hard drug addiction and food addiction share very similar mechanisms, meaning that junk food addiction is actually a physical process within the brain rather than just a mental thing.
This video by Dr. Greger on how fatty foods are addictive shows how overindulging in these foods actually deadens the dopamine pathways in the brain, which may be one reason plant foods might not taste as good to you as animal products.
If you are injured and want to use Vitamin C, do not use synthetic Vitamin C capsules (which can actually increase risk of brain stroke), but instead supplement with a whole foods Vitamin C source.
Our bodies and our brains just want us to stay alive, and the feeling of food addiction is actually how our bodies continue to try and stay alive.
Beneficial bacteria will utilize and absorb a maximum amount of the provided nutrients, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes required to regulate insulin and hormone levels, actually «freeing» the brain from the cravings and «will power» struggles toward foods that definitively lead to long term weight gain.
it is high in lecithin, which is a brain boosting super food; 28 % of the brain is actually made up of lecithin
In addition to increasing bioavailability and production of minerals, neurochemicals, and fatty acids, fermented foods actually produce methylfolate, an activated form of folate required for methylation: brain chemical synthesis, detox, and gene expression.
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