Sentences with phrase «actually cost you money»

Add to the top of that the fees you pay on your mutual funds and don't know it, or sales charges on funds that have loads and you have succeeded in actually costing yourself money each year.
The time involved in such transactions is an inconvenience in the best of circumstances — and can actually cost you money in the worst scenarios.
Perhaps your deferred taxes have grown so large as a result of a very small cost basis that selling and switching into an investment you expect to earn even three percentage points or more over the next decade will actually cost you money as a result of the principle value lost to the IRS.
Many rich people buy expensive yachts but they actually cost money, they don't make money.
In the 10 months before he began his NBA comeback, he franchised the business into half a dozen Houston hospitals, doing it so successfully that, he jokes, his return to basketball may actually cost him money.
The point is that there is a certain segment of the reading market that will troll either ONLY the free stuff, or spends a lot of time looking at the free stuff who would never actually stumble across your book that actually costs money.
All the things you've talked about so far actually cost money.
Now, some of you may say I am going against the spirit of this «free» eBook blog by listing something that actually costs money.
The returns on those so called «safe» investments are actually costing you money.
Unfortunately, what many consumers don't realize is that topping off their tank actually costs them money and harms the environment.
Therefore, rushing in and out of the market can actually cost you money.
Waiting for a 2 percent difference from your rate to show up in the marketplace can actually cost you money.
For instance, if you depreciate the rental properties, which is a great tax benefit, that depreciation will be deducted from your income in calculating the ratios even through it is a passive loss (i.e. it didn't actually cost you money).
Be rigorous about it because I think you learn when you make mistakes that actually cost you money.
In the long run, that convenience could actually cost you money if you're missing out on a better interest rate elsewhere.
Unfortunately many people have checking accounts that actually COST them money.
If you spend your entire day shopping for the absolutely cheapest renters insurance in Fort Worth, you've actually cost yourself money.
It's worth it though, especially if your current account is paying you little or no interest at all - or worse, charging a monthly maintenance fee that actually costs you money each month.
Uprooting your accounts can be an arduous task and without the proper planning it can actually cost you money, with expenses ranging from break fees associated with mortgages to losing interest by cashing out certain investments early.
Two years ago I came to the conclusion that it was actually costing me money to go to work.
This is probably a really good time to mention that there are no guarantees in the market and that even though options» «buy» prices are usually under the current trading price, there is a very real possibility that the value of the underlying instrument will decrease to the point that exercising your options may actually cost you money.
How RRSPs can actually cost you money.
Only to find out the courtesy actually cost you money.
Because, for some reason, breeders only breed to make money, but then they dump the litter that will make them money at a shelter, which probably actually cost them money to do.
Who would have thought a living thing would actually cost money to feed and care for?!
While you could easily visit a travel site and book the cheapest room, that strategy could actually cost you money.
While these are welcome improvements to the PS4's online ecosystem, gaming online actually costs money now ($ 49.99 a year), just like Xbox Live has done for years ($ 59.99).
But I'm really shocked to hear that I am actually costing you money just by signing up to your mailing list.
I might be wrong, but I think the news that people are actually costing you money just by signing up is the really shocking part.
It's usually pretty hard to get more than 4 people to agree on anything, let alone get the major polluters of the world with their differing short and long term objectives to make commitments that will actually cost money and require real changes.
It's been swimming in the money and media interest to such an extent that Eduardo doesn't even seem to realize that the vacations in Indonesia and elsewhere actually cost money — and non-climate scientists have to work hard (and not just raise their hand or copy links to existing articles) to earn such things.
But if you're not taking advantage of a card's full potential, that fee could actually cost you money.
Unlike property and casualty coverage, many life insurance policies include cash value build up, as well as surrender changes that could actually cost you money if you cancel.
Newcomers who jumped on the crypto bandwagon in December saw 50 percent losses in one month and were shocked that what they thought would be a comfortable 100 percent actually cost them money.

Not exact matches

Those looking for a deep dive into what Laszewski thinks will actually work can check out the complete post, but for non-wonks, his bottom line seems to be this: To fix health care we need to control costs overall, and to do that, the industry as a whole must be forced to stay within a set budget rather than gobbling up more and more of the nation's money.
While some monthly expenses appeal to a frugal sensibility — you might score discounts by signing up for regular deliveries of household staples through an Amazon subscription, for example — there are also plenty of regularly incurring costs that might seem like they'll save you money but actually do just the opposite.
The idea is that retirees with well - diversified portfolios can start by withdrawing 4 percent (actually, it is closer to 4.5 percent) of their holdings — or $ 4,500 per year for every $ 100,000 of investments — to allow themselves a cost - of - living increase every year and still be reasonably assured of not outliving their money.
«Staying smaller means you can control your risk because you don't have to actually lay out money for the costs of growing.»
When you continually lose team members to other businesses in town, you may start to realize that saving money on benefits is actually costing your business in lost productivity.
Economists tell us that quitting is actually often the smart move and that while humans have a natural tendency to avoid losing sunk costs (otherwise known «throwing good money after bad»), cutting your losses is frequently the better course of action.
Commercial real estate in Calgary was at the top of its market cycle between 2005 and 2008, but even then Concrete routinely raised more money than the buildings actually cost and failed to return the difference to investors.
Turns out, getting rid of one set of subsidies meant to lower poorer Americans» out - of - pocket health costs can actually raise premiums significantly — and consequently cost the government way more money to help subsidize the premium increases, to the tune of 23 % more spending relative to the cost savings.
So why are all political parties afraid of borrowing money at historically low interest rates to pay for needed infrastructure spending that might actually pay for itself through higher productivity and higher income, without any cost to the taxpayer?
Think Kickstarter but where the supporters actually make money at the same time that borrowers get access to low cost financing all while keeping the money within the local economy!
A big risk you get into with a lot of businesses that have a sales force, is that can you actually sell the product for enough money to actually pay for the cost of sales?
What is interesting to see with this bitcoin hype is how uneducated writers still are when it comes to the question of what money actually is — especially the assumption that money, e.g. US Dollars, are tied to any real world values like gold is one of these modern fairytales that is repeated often — I can not understand that even after the big corporate crimes (aka as «financial crisis») that US Citizens cost millions of dollars there is still such a lack of understanding of what money actually is.
From October 2007 through the July 2010 controversy, Target actually led Amazon consistently in consumer recommendation scores, but it seems the crisis cost Target much more than donation money in the two - plus years since then.
Buying digital currency helps him manage all of his cash at no cost while actually making a little extra money in the process.
The problem most people have when attempting to use cryptocurrency, however, is that it currently requires a large amount of technical expertise and money to contribute to mining costs to actually obtain and use, making it prohibitive for the average person.
Many money books (like From Middle Class to Millionaire written by David) actually help you plan your life, decide what you want, put a cost towards it and budget.
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