Sentences with phrase «actually decrease their risks»

However, a large study in Israel, where peanuts are often introduced when babies are less than 4 months old, found that early introduction of peanut protein actually decreases the risk of developing a peanut allergy.
So while you are not only helping decrease your risk of breast cancer, which we will talk about in a little bit, you are actually decreasing the risk for your daughters.
Babies sleeping with their mothers actually decreases the risk of SIDS.
At first, the liberated water would have softened the material, actually decreasing the risk of a big earthquake by allowing it to absorb more force, Dugan says.
Decreases risk of osteoporosis: Taking adequate amounts of calcium and magnesium during pregnancy can actually decrease your risk of osteoporosis later in life.
Data that contributed to the final conclusion includes studies showing that the use of herbs and spices drastically cuts down on the amount of sodium consumed, because taste is not compromised, and research demonstrating that particular herbs and spices actually decrease risk of disease by increasing insulin sensitivity and improving heart health.
While high intakes from processed meats may increase risk of CHD, higher intakes from dairy sources of saturated fat may not only pose no risk but actually decrease risk.
Well, keep enjoying the time you do have to play videogames because it has a lot of benefits from reducing stress, keeping your brain sharp, and actually decreasing the risk of depression (So there, Mom).

Not exact matches

If stock prices fell while volatility declined — which would admittedly be a unusual turn of events — it might actually decrease the perceived risks of raising rates.
If you've been avoiding soy in your diet because you've heard that eating soy increases your risk of breast cancer, then I am here to tell you, you need soy back in your life and diet, because a) whole soy foods like edamame or tempeh will not increase (and may actually decrease) your risk of breast cancer.
A C - section maybe more maybe safer for mom but typically if you have twins and if you're planning a vaginal delivery for instance and the vaginal delivery doesn't go quite right then you can actually have an increased risk of blood lost and so if you have a plan C - section, there can be a decrease in the blood lost or really the decrease in the risk of what we call the postpartum hemorrhage and decrease the need for transfusion.
In addition to this, they contain a lot of vitamins and fiber, can decrease the risk of diabetes, and have actually been shown to curb many different types of cancer!
One of the claims that they made was that introducing solids earlier than six months decreased the risk of coeliac when research actually shows that it is the babies who are NOT breastfeeding at the time of introducing gluten that have an increased risk of coeliac.
Since the best psychiatrist can not predict who will kill others or e selves with any certainty, there is a high risk that suicides will actually increase rather than decrease as intended.
Vitamin E increased pneumonia risk by 68 % among men who had the highest exposure to smoking and who did not exercise (22 % of the ATBC participants), while vitamin E actually decreased pneumonia risk by 69 % among participants who had the least exposure to smoking and who exercised during their leisure time (7 · 6 % of the ATBC participants).
While the pattern for Central and Western Europe was one of a consistent increase in flood risk, the study also found that flood risk may actually decrease with warmer temperatures in some countries in Eastern Europe, but those results also show a high degree of uncertainty.
«Instead, we found that the presence of a communal bird roost actually decreased West Nile virus risk,» Allan said.
And while industrial trans fats have been shown to increase the risk of heart disease, cancer and obesity, CLA and similar trans fats found naturally in grass - fed meat actually have the ability to decrease the risk of the same diseases.
An October 2008 Journal of the National Cancer Institute study of postmenopausal women whod taken hormones actually offered reassuring news, at least for BRCA - 1 carriers: The researchers found that the BRCA - 1 women whod taken estrogen alone or combined estrogen and progesterone actually had a decreased risk of breast cancer compared with those who hadnt had HT.
Progestins do not act the same way in the body as does progesterone, so they actually increase cancer risk and blood clot risks, whereas natural progesterone decreases these risks.
When it comes to cholesterol levels, a long - term high - protein can actually help decrease the levels of «bad cholesterol» and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
In fact, we already know that some medicines that decrease inflammation can reduce the risk of cancer and this was actually what they were trying to accomplish with Vioxx before the infamous mega lawsuit happened30, 31.
Plus, when spaced out, studies show it can actually improve blood sugar levels, as well as decrease risk of heart disease and diabetes.
So if you reduce your consumption of refined carbohydrates, starches and other fast acting sugars along with hydrogenated oils you will automatically be decreasing your risk of developing cardiovascular disease because it's actually the inflammation caused by eating too many refined carbohydrates that creates higher risk for heart disease.
As this latest study shows, you eliminate saturated fats from your diet at your own peril, as doing so will actually increase, not decrease, your risk of heart disease, particularly if you replace them with carbohydrates, which are the true dietary villain you need to be avoiding.
But testosterone therapy actually has a wide range of physiological effects in men, including increased muscle mass, decreased fat mass (both overall and belly fat), improved insulin sensitivity, reduced risk of the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, improved mood / depressive symptoms, energy, and quality of life, reduced lower urinary tract symptoms, and importantly, reduced risk of all - cause and cardiovascular mortality.
One of the most well studied foods is actually a drink that decreases cancer risk; green tea.
Despite its acidity, lemon juice actually has a slight alkalizing effect in the body, which can help decrease chronic pain, digestive issues, cancer risks and unexplained frequent illnesses, especially in the elderly and those with kidney disease [10, 19, 29].
Results showed that alcohol, actually, decreases the risk of the development of overt hypothyroidism in subjects who were considered susceptible to develop AITD.
But research has revealed that instead of increasing the risk of heart disease, ghee actually decreases it — and that's not the only trick it has up its sleeve.
Allick et al concluded that it was remarkable that, in the context of diabetes risk, 2 aspects of glucose homeostasis actually improved after consumption of the high - fat, low - carbohydrate diet: basal endogenous glucose production decreased, and insulin - stimulated nonoxidative glucose disposal increased.
Substituting nuts and other foods for a daily serving of meat could actually decrease a person's risk of diabetes.
This study shows in terms of having this enormous effect on risk of disease and actually about a 38 percent decrease in the risk of obesity.
Ultimately though if it works for you, I do it and the cool thing is it's never been shown to have any harm like it's never ever been shown to make you slower so that's kind of the important thing that you realize too is that there's no risk, it's not actually gonna like you know make you slower or decrease your ability to recover.
In many circumstances, «diversification» of the currency of your savings may actually increase your risk, not decrease it.
Trees with dead branches and missing bark are considered a risk to your property and will actually decrease your home's value.
It is actually healthier for your dog or cat never to experience a heat as it lessens the animal's chance of getting mammary cancer and decreases the animal's stress and risks due to pregnancy and delivery.
Who wants to be the first to donate his / her research budget toward actually reducing CO2 emissions in this practical, no risk solution that can actually decrease anthropogenic CO2 emissions?
We worked with retired military generals who made the case that the pipeline would actually decrease our energy security by prolonging our dependence on oil, exacerbating the security risks in climate destabilization and putting our troops at risk.
However, a new study reveals that while deaths overall may be falling, it depends on your socioeconomic position as to whether you face a decreased risk of an auto fatality or whether you may actually face an increased risk of harm.
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