Sentences with phrase «actually gave birth to their children»

Pope Francis himself recently declared the need to celebrate the facts of his predecessor's war - time achievements; such as the lesser known detail that many pregnant Jewish mothers actually gave birth to their children in safety on the bed of the pope at the summer residence of Castel Gandolfo.

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a bit of a stretch because we can actually watch a woman giving birth to a baby in real time which we cant for the stork & unfortunately evolution cant be demonstrated that way child birth can be & the onion article on gravity gets it better.
When asked if dads should get the same time off as mothers after the birth of their child he replied: «I don't see why not, a child has two parents often and actually to give them both equal rights is a good thing.
(Before the birth of their first child they actually considered giving up the baby for adoption and referred to the unborn as «the amoeba.»
She actually considers the possibility of giving birth to a fourth child, but her husband sees the needs of the family more objectively, reminding her that he doesn't want another child and has his high blood pressure and high cholesterol «to deal with.»
Because I didn't hear about it when I was pregnant and had my babies, and if it's been around for a while obviously the hospitals that I gave birth in never made any mention of it, so I'm assuming they weren't baby - friendly back then, but after I gave birth I knew that a lactation consultant was going to go on to the, come into the room, well actually at the first child you already know the rounds, you know, what's going to happen, you know, how long you're going to be there, all that stuff.
I had moments after Jack died where I foolishly thought another pregnancy was just my second chance at having him — somehow magically I would give birth to an identical baby and it'd actually be the child I lost.
I personally heard for the first time about the possibility for mothers to children born via surrogate or otherwise to induce lactation and therefore have the chance to breastfeed their babies — even if they did not actually give birth themselves.
When it came time to give birth to my first child, these thoughts in the back of my mind actually stalled my labor, but when our son was born, I felt empowered and free.
I have been eating Paleo / Primal low carb for 1 and 1.5 years after giving birth to second child, and in recent months found that I actually feel much more satiated (albeit a little guilty) and feel full longer if I eat a little more carb like rice or potatoes, so I am extremely glad to have found your blog that says these are OK.
What is happening with this issue in Denver, I know that I've been able to read of at least one case where a woman who used marijuana while she was pregnant actually faced some charges after she gave birth to the child.
I have actually been seeking out other blogs because you don't do as much décor content the last little while (but again understandably — when you give birth to a child you get a mat leave, when you adopt or have stepkids that privilege isn't currently given — not to mention that you're self employed)... so I get it, lots going on.
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