Sentences with phrase «actually have these items»

Initially I thought this was a bit too racy for me, but I then realised that if I actually have these items in my wardrobe then I'm surely a bit racy anyway!
I actually had the items to make this wreath stashed away since Christmas, so I'm glad to finally get them out and use them!
I actually have these items in my shopping bag right now.
B has the option to return the object before the end of the rental period, in which case, he will only pay a prorated amount based on the time he actually had the item.
It is going to be your responsibility to show that you actually have those items that you say to file a claim for in the case of damages.

Not exact matches

Whether you actually sell items online or not, it's still vital to have an online presence for your business.
We've personally tested nearly every item in this guide (and heavily vetted the ones we haven't) to showcase only the very best iPhone accessories that you actually need.
Most of the items in today's round - up from CES actually have a good degree of utility, with the potential for mass consumer adoption.
Further, with AI customer support where bots employ machine learning and understand word variance, the support actually gets better over time as it begins to predict next possible questions and provides suggestions to management on everyday items to address that would negate the need to use support at all.
The items we were blind to: our initially incorrect positioning in the market, the time it would take to actually establish operational efficiency and how our metrics would fair in the changing venture capital landscape, were anticipated from our mentors after they took an unbiased look at the business from the outside.
This could actually be a list of one, as most of the other items noted below relate to treating people like numbers on a spreadsheet instead of humans who have unique goals and needs.
«It allows someone who normally couldn't get into a Target or a Walmart or someplace — they can come with a one - off item they've made on their limited budget and actually put it in the space and start to sell it,» he said.
Some groups actually teach that God's anointing can rub off on us if we just get close enough or have some item sprinkled with the «right» stuff.»
If you don't have time to spend with the homeless themselves, and wish to donate money, if you have local organizations that provide food, toiletries, clothing and even shelter to the homeless, give them the money to buy those need items for the homeless and you can be reasonably certain your money is actually helping the homeless.
We could have an interesting conversation about race, memory, and HONOR in America (as opposed to mere or simple dignity), roping ole Tocqueville back into it, or not; either way, it does seem right to conclude that the racial valences to this news item might actually yield in important ways to the manifold pressures of MANLINESS, especially Manliness Today — local cop vs. jetsetting prof, and all that...
The talk of the culture war issues might have been secondary to the lines about the economy, but when you look at what they have actually done, little of the work has been related to the economy and most has been items important to social conservatives.
On another occasion when after a revival in Wales the clergy resolved to put away their concubines, the bishop actually forbade them because he would lose the revenue derived from the tax on such infractions of the canon law.64 The abolition of clerical concubinage was a major item on the docket alike of the Protestant and the Catholic reformers of the sixteenth century.
I'm sure it's a familiar story: impulse purchases thrown in the freezer only to be forgotten for months, half batches of muffins stashed away to stop me from eating them all in one go, mysterious foil - wrapped items, and of course those neat containers of homecooked beans and grains, which would have been sensible to have on hand — only if there was actually space for them...
See, having a craving (which I have had for licorice, maple - glazed donuts, and all the white potatoes in addition to muffins), and actually wanting to eat all of those items are two very different things for me.
Although stadiums > > at the time worried that nachos would cut into sales of other items like popcorn or peanuts, Liberto says nachos actually helped boost their sales.
«Retailers are looking for big - ticket items, but mostly they are looking for traffic and consistency... Our exchange business has seen a 6 percent same - store sales growth for 21 quarters, which is actually remarkable.»
In order to actually make a volunteer useful, I'd have to give them access to a whole lot of sensitive information regarding the KOL item and monster indexes, which I am neither willing nor allowed to do.
GOD life has been great now that we're done working on the house and now that I actually have time to cook my favorite breakfast item of choice — protein pancakes.
If you live in the US and have a store like TJ Maxx, Marhshalls or HomeGoods, you might be surprised to actually find speciality items like that there.
One of two items on this entire bracket that I've never actually purchased before.
Actually, I have a few more items I need moved.
Make your sale a genuine opportunity for fans of your work (new and old)-- who perhaps have yet to take the plunge and actually buy an item — to save a little money or pay no postage.
Due to the overwhelming response to my Ultimate Baby Travel Gear Prize Pack giveaway with people who actually want to buy the gear instead of win it, I've come up with the Canadian buyers guide for all the items listed — ie, actual stores and online stores that originate in Canada (therefore no need to pay duty)...
Being inside of an apartment complex is one thing, but when it comes to actually being at your own home, these are the items you have to consider ahead of time.
When it comes to giving her gift items, it would be best the item actually would help her to develop emotionally and socially mature.
On the other hand, none of the items that have been listed on this thread are actually necessary to breastfeed.
It's actually really upsetting, as we can see the item is probably great quality and has been well designed, it just doesn't give the buyer enough confidence.
(And these donuts actually have less sugar than a lot of other sweetened grain items served for breakfast by schools around the country, at least before the frosting and sprinkles are added by the district.)
If you have registries in multiple locations, you will also be able to give everyone time to actually visit each of the locations and give them a wider range of items to pick from.
While these may sound like extravagant items that you would only wear if you were out on the town — they can actually be great additions to your everyday style as well.
I actually remember spotting the craziest of items in a baby catalogue after having my first child - things like magnifiers on the end of baby scissors to see baby fingernails better and two mirrors for your car so you can drive and see your kids in the back (I nearly flipping bought that shizz too)- my calmer husband talked sense into me!
I actually have a My Brest Friend — it took the basic Boppy styling and improved on it by adding a waist strap to hold it in place around mom, contours to raise the baby's head a bit, and even a pocket to slip must have items like a burp cloth or snack for mom.
Keep in mind what items you will actually need versus gear that is nice to have.
Actually, when it comes to knowing how a toy or piece of baby gear measures up, the comments of someone who bought the baby toy or stroller and used it is more likely to have an accurate assessment of the item than someone who is selling it without practical experience.
There are many items that I have never tried, but I was surprised at how many are actually inside my house right now.
I was waiting to review this item once my little one arrived and I actually had used it!
I took a cue from these trays and had Red start to understand the components of his plate and to use the School Lunch Menu to create a balanced meal if items he'd actually eat.
Whatever laundry soap you decide to use in your household and baby items must have two key features: it must be baby safe and it must actually remove stains from clothing.
This is definitely one item that's worth waiting until you actually have your baby to determine whether or not you absolutely have to have it.
I've worn / tried out lots of clothing items that promised to burn calories and make you lose inches, but this is the FIRST TIME I have ever seen anything like this actually work.
If I had to pick one item specifically I think it would be the nursing pillow from the catalog, my neck and back hurt so much from hunching over every 1 - 2 hours, I'm actually nursing as I wrote this!
The AAP «changing it's tune» on introducing so called «allergenic» foods, is because waiting to introduce these items has actually been linked with an increased risk of developing allergies.
The e-cloth company actually makes much more than just facial cleansing mitts, they have a full line of body care items and also make items for cleaning naturally around the home.
I purchased this item as a gift so I haven't actually used it.
Many items on that list have a far bigger practical effect than the ceremonial pretence that the person with a very uncomfortable - looking metal hat actually gives permission for anything to happen.
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