Sentences with phrase «actually hurt»

Suppression and marginalization along gender lines actually hurt everyone, while equity is good for all.
Keep in mind that using too many keywords could actually hurt your page rank.
Do you think being on etsy can actually hurt me?
A funny highlight at 47:14 shows how magic can actually hurt you and your... Read More»
If we don't let M$ know, they won't know we're upset, and they won't have time to fix or change it — being silent and waiting will actually hurt the brand in the long run.
This 90 - 120 minutes of gameplay is largely uninspired, and I'm getting the sense that the episodic nature of this game might actually hurt it in the long run.
Now, I was on the verge of giving this game a slightly higher score, but the grievance I found with the double jump, became so incredibly frustrating, especially in the frantic moments when you needed it, it actually hurt my overall enjoyment of the game.
The main character is a voodoo doll so, as you can imagine, his best offense is to actually hurt himself in order to hurt others.
Not only is this brutally short but titles like this actually hurt VR.
They act like normal Goombas in that they chase Mario upon approaching them, though in this game they can actually hurt the player upon contact.
Wario himself is no longer invincible, but he starts out with a pretty long health meter, and only about half the enemies can actually hurt him.
They have actually hurt gaming as a whole.
Also, unlike in Super Mario 64, Koopa Troopas can actually hurt Mario in this game.
Umm guns can actually hurt people, violent video games can't?
They hated it — and even worse, it actually hurt to listen to.
The game has the same feel as Resident Evil 4, with the over-the-shoulder camera and such, but there are a few things about the game that might actually hurt it if not changed before the release.
Unfortunately, I ended up feeling that Mordecai and Rigby in 8 - bit Land was as bare as a chicken leg that has been reduced to the bone: players just run around as either Mordecai or Rigby (you can switch between them freely with the press of a button), collecting cash and stomping on uninspired enemies that you can sometimes jump on and sometimes not (the game wasn't clear on the whole «jumping on this guy will actually hurt you, but this guy is totally cool to leap frog onto»).
When questionable credit card management is left unchecked, a balance transfer can actually hurt the consumer because:
You can actually hurt your score by applying too often.
Bedding was nice but pillows so hard and lumpy my ears actually hurt.
Your dog has no need for these things outside their dog food, and too much fat or salt can actually hurt them.
It can come in the form of a liquid or a powdered mix, but note that no matter which hummingbird food is offered, it should never be dyed a red color, as that can actually hurt the animals it is intended to nourish.
«If you're not able to provide them a higher level of customer service or experience, the services can actually hurt you.»
Now, did you know that some dogs, especially larger ones, can wag their tails so hard that they actually hurt them?
I am even second guessing my own dog if he would actually hurt the pup or not.
While most of the time, losing human baby teeth doesn't actually hurt, it does cause a child to become careful in the way that they chew or the choices they make when deciding what to eat.
Citronella doesn't hurt the other dog, and is used just to startle and stop another dog, while pepper spray can actually hurt the other dog, which may make it aggressive, and may actually come into contact with your own dog, depending on wind direction.
The BG grumbles and tries to pull away... actually hurt her neck pulling away... lots of noise..
There was concern on whether Lily might actually hurt Poppy, plus their owners did not want Poppy to learn some of Lily's bad behaviors and have them get worse as she got older and bigger.
Diseases like gum disease can actually hurt your pets internal organs and lead to more serious issues down the line.
If you are not careful, you could actually hurt your pet's health, rather than improve it, when you prepare homemade meals.
If you do not realize this until you are in the midst of underwriting for financing, fixing it at that point could actually hurt your credit and not help!
Yet others are scams that actually hurt, rather than help your finances.
As a point of caution, people need to be aware that checking their credit score on a too frequent basis could actually hurt their score.
But here's the catch: If you're paying too little in student loans, it can actually hurt your chances at getting approved for an FHA loan.
This is why avoiding credit cards altogether can actually hurt your credit score.
It can be tempting to open up a bunch of accounts all at the same time to increase your credit available (to help out your credit utilization from above), but doing this can actually hurt your score because it looks risky.
You might want to close cards as fast as you pay them off, but doing so can actually hurt your credit rating.
Closing a credit card could actually hurt your credit score, Hobson said.
Closing accounts with an established history can actually hurt your credit score.
Cancelling your cards can actually hurt your credit score, and that's not something you want to do, when you're about to improve how you handle debt.
In fact, if you have too high of a balance, it will actually hurt your score!
These companies might promise to negotiate with your creditors or reduce what you owe, but they could actually hurt you with unnecessary fees and bad advice.
While they may help in never missing a payment, they can actually hurt you in other areas.
You see, a credit repair software program CAN NOT Think for you and if you rely on it to do the job of developing the strategy for disputing credit issues, it can actually hurt some consumers.
This could actually hurt your chances of qualifying for student loan options in the future such as student loan consolidation or private student loans.
Generally, borrowers in this situation should refrain from opening a bunch of new accounts in a short time because it might actually hurt their credit profile.
This strategy may make her feel better in the short term, but deleting the evidence may actually hurt her case against the cyberbully if the problem escalates.
Applying for multiple credit card offers within a relatively short time frame can actually hurt your credit score.
Afterward I read that having two cards with a low balance can actually hurt your credit.
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