Sentences with phrase «actually leaving the apartment»

The weather hasn't really been conducive to actually leaving the apartment, so there goes outfit pictures.
However, I was able to test the accuracy of Nest's Auto - Away mode; although the calendar view in the Nest app isn't too precise, it looks like Auto - Away began about half an hour or so after I actually left my apartment.

Not exact matches

You take Dem votes, fool them with a light skim of progressivism, then let»em be screwed in their apartments and in their public schools, which matter more to them than a paid family leave program they're actually paying for.
«His position is you have to protect the tenant at all costs — without understanding they're actually going to get hurt,» said RSA president Joseph Strasburg, who argues not allowing rent increases for one million rent - stabilized apartments will leave landlords so broke that buildings fall into disrepair.
With temperatures hitting so low Chicago as of late, it's actually taking all my mental willpower to get up and leave my apartment these days.
There were actually several days that I didn't even leave our apartment building.
And even when she opts for leaving her Paris apartment for a countryside retreat, the space and the ease of life actually are counter-weighed by the fact that she is now cut - off and vulnerable.
Suppose while visiting your apartment a friend accidentally slips and gets hurt in your apartment and subsequently decides to sue you or you accidentally left a candle burning and it set the building on fire causing injury to other tenants in the building, your renters» insurance can actually cover the medical expenses for the injured.
But then the writers make a few more terrible jokes, including one scene where Bryce checks out Arcadia's lingerie in her apartment, that start to drag poor Bryce back into the realms of being unlikable, and that leaves me at a bit of an impasse: I could argue that Bryce is perhaps an interesting study on human nature, questioning what someone would actually become after 500 - years of watching friends and family die around them without being able to die themselves, always having to live on the outer fringes of society.
My offer was just accepted for my first house... maybe I'll start caring about all this HomeKit stuff a bit more now that I actually live in my own house and am free to tinker with everything, as opposed to my apartment where I had to leave it all as I found it.
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