Sentences with phrase «actually made over»

I actually made over this dresser last year and edited some of the photos to share.
I actually made them over spring break (I graduated college two weeks before my wedding), iced them and everything, and then froze them.
Not only has she found it tolerable to live with him, she actually made over half the house to him in a sickening display of self - abasement, apparently to show him she was committed to the marriage.
It is that the actual real rise in inducted Land surface KE, as is the total KE «systemic additions» actually made over the past 400 years, are much higher than is noted by simple measure of temperature (in the cumulative manner these additions are really produced).
I actually made these over a month ago, but I still daydream about them on the regs.
With good reason, because it's one of the recipes that I actually make over and over again.
My favorite recipes that I actually make over and over again in my home are: Pomegranate Molasses - Glazed Salmon Greek - Inspired Slow - Roasted Leg of Lamb Egg - Free, Tomato - Free (Hidden Liver) Paleo Meatloaf Paleo Shrimp Chow Mein Paleo Chicken Pad Thai Honey - Garlic Chicken Wings Offal (But Not Awful) Stew Chicken Bone Broth (Revisited) Honey - Candied Ginger Pumpkin Spice Dehydrator Cookies (AIP - friendly)
No word on pricing for the US, but we're hoping that - wings notwithstanding - it never actually makes it over here.

Not exact matches

«I feel more rewarded about Flatiron, beyond the money potentially everyone could make over time, because of the fact that we're actually making a difference in cancer,» he said.
One of the best - performing tech companies on a U.S. stock exchange over the past two years actually makes its home in Ottawa.
It's actually against the law to make money — that is the job of the government, which over the last decade has been more and more willing to manufacture money in unjustified amounts.
The visual image actually makes sense as a way of helping people see that what I do over here in finance does impact what my friend does over there in sales.
A study of data from more than 800 U.S. firms over 30 years, reported in the Harvard Business Review, found mandatory diversity training actually makes managerial ranks more white and male.
In the end, this is actually probably one of the most popular options for those who are really series about funding a startup because it allows you to keep control over your company, earn mentorship when it's needed, and hopefully make money as your company continues to grow.
But once the pregame ceremonies end and the game actually starts, a system made by Daktronics takes over.
Still there are questions about whether these changes, and others made over the past year, can actually help the service gain users.
«It's getting to a level, actually slightly above a level, that it reached last fall just as the dollar was starting to finish off its little bit of a rally here and then rolled back over and made new lows,» said Maley.
With a seemingly infinite number of events all over the country (and even the world), it can be overwhelming to determine which conferences will actually provide opportunities to make valuable connections and gain useful insights for my business.
The research, conducted by a pair of University of Illinois psychologists, asked undergraduates to report what changes they'd like to make to their personalities and then tracked them over time to see if, with a little guidance and an active commitment to alter their personalities, they could actually do it.
Another way to do — to get out when there is that lull in the conversation, say, «Hey, I want to introduce you to someone, I think you'll have lot in common» and then take that person over there but make sure the person that you are dumping that person off actually would get something out of that conversation because that would just be rude — if there was anything there.
And, over time, those benefits could really add up: One animal study found that regular exercise actually reorganizes parts of the brain, making it less reactive to stress.
We've hired over 100 people at Triplemint and I've found three ways to make reference checks actually helpful.
While the new money made from Facebook and Snapchat helped GQ's overall social revenue grow by 799 percent year over year in 2016, the majority of GQ's social revenue growth actually came from Instagram; 78 percent of it, in fact.
It makes me somewhat more confident that overall inflation will return to our 2 percent inflation objective over the medium term as long as the economic growth that I expect actually materializes.
Interestingly enough, it's actually so simple, and so straightforward, that it would have helped almost any investor make quite a bit of money over the past couple of centuries regardless of market conditions provided he or she had a long enough time horizon.
thanks, and yes, a pittance of a pension and regular checkups keep us on budget and head off any problems — best decision i ever made (financial or otherwise) was serving our country doing search - and - rescue, oil and chemical spill remediation, etc. (you can guess the branch of service)-- along the way, frugal living, along with dollar - cost averaging, asset allocation, and diversification allowed us to retire early — Vanguard has been very good over the years, despite the Dot Bomb, 2002, and the recession (where we actually came out better with a modest but bargain retirement home purchase)... it's not easy building additional «legs» on a retirement platform, but now that we're here, cash, real estate, investments and insurance products, along with a small pension all help to avoid any real dependence on social security (we won't even need it at full retirement age)-- however, like nearly everybody, we're headed for Medicare in several years, albeit with a nice supplemental and pharmacy benefits — but our main concern is staying fit, active, and healthy!
Despite this, for most of the U.S. population, food actually makes up a decreasing portion of their household spending mix because of rising incomes over time.
Spend some time with a student loan refinancing calculator and look over the fine print to make sure you're considering a situation that will actually help you.
But since we make no forecast that the Climate will actually remain negative for an entire year, that -15 % can't actually be taken as a forecast of what we expect over the next year.
Through real estate I feel I'll be able to have the freedom to make my own path; choose what type of business model i see could work; education myself in the subjects that are actually important in life; and finally the ability to choose family over work as opposed to hoping to find time for family.
It should be noted that a big part of the increase in Synovus is due to its shrinking provision for loan losses (what it expects to lose on the loans it makes); however, the bank did see its expenses fall by $ 50 million over the first nine months of the year and, in 2012, it actually realized a benefit of $ 2 million from taxes versus an expense of $ 72 million in 2013.
Crowe: You could certainly make that argument, but if you're looking from a growth pipeline perspective, you could even say that Spectra has more upside simply because their development portfolio has remained robust throughout the entire time, whereas Kinder Morgan over these past couple quarters has actually been trimming their backlog.
Obviously with 113 ways to make money, this post is extremely long (over 12,000 words actually), so I recommend that you uberbookmark this post or Pin it and try a few ways to make money every day or week.
Over the long term, it only makes sense to deploy capital into those businesses that actually generate adequate returns on invested capital (ROIC).
excerpt: «My Indo - American friend made a few other observations about the coverage that we're seeing, which is that he's not actually being treated poorly over there, and it's more that certain politicians and business leaders don't want to be associated with members of the Indian Cabinet, which is controversial in large swaths of Indian society.
The feature is actually being made available by way of a third - party application from delivery chain Domino's, which has been experimenting with new digital ordering systems over the past year, including the option to order pizzas by tweeting an emoji.
That said, B.C.'s strong economic growth over the past three years, combined with a) the announced small business tax relief, b) the new training and youth employment programs (also announced today), and c) a lower - than - average percentage of our working population who actually make minimum wage (about 5 %, compared to 7.1 % nationally), leaves us in a position to cautiously view the announced increases as «reasonable.»
But voters will astonish us sometimes, and so they did on May 5 — so there is a strong possibility that that today's Throne Speech will also make history in part because it charts a policy course genuinely different from that all those old Tory governments wanted to take over the past four decades, and possibly because it says forthrightly what the government actually intends to do.
Nunez called reporters in the Capitol and made the breathless announcement, even though at that moment he did not actually have any material; he had to go over to the White House to get it, merely to give it back to them.
These brokers usually work by adding you to some sort of group, for example over Skype, and then supplying the group with trading signals, which may actually cause you to win for some time, enough to build your confidence in the broker and to make you invest even more money in the hopes of making greater profits.
If you've seen the previous videos in the Google Adwords Keyword planner training series you know that we're now getting four times as many keywords back using the very same input terms just by understanding exactly how the Google Adwords Keyword planner works but once you click this download button here and you downloaded the csv files what do you do with all these files because they each contain about 700 keywords a piece there's some overlap between the different terms and so you got ta work through that so what I've gone ahead and down this I've asked my developers here at MarketBold go ahead and create a tool that will merge and remove the duplicates from the csv files that google adwords gives you so if you head over to i'll put the link below in the description and you'll see a tool that looks just like this all you need to do is click on this browse button here and you'll need to navigate to the folder where these files are that you downloaded from the Google Adwords Keyword planner you can just simply click and select them all the same time and click open you'll see here now says 12 files selected because I tell me i selected and then I just simply click here to process and download as soon as I click that this tool is taking all those files taking all the keywords to search volume cost - per - click that all the information that you got back from the Google Adwords Keyword planner and it's actually removing all the duplicates and putting into one single file so you can actually work with it and then you simply just need to save the file to your computer and once you do that we'll go ahead and do it here for a second and then once you save it you can open it up and you'll see here we now have a file here opened up in Excel and you'll see we have all these keywords that we got back there's a total in this list of 3,796 just because i only downloaded 12 files from Google Adwords Keyword planner you can download as many as you want to put it through this tool is just going to save you time and from there you might want to take it into a tool like keyword grouper pro and break it down into the individual groups i hope this has been helpful for you if you like this video and you appreciate the tool we've made for you go ahead and give us a thumbs up or subscribe to the channel for more videos just like this and if you haven't seen the other videos will walk you through all the steps on how to use the Google Adwords Keyword planner you want to check those out as well so go ahead and use this tool to increase the profits of your business and help it grow.
This means you are actually making more money over time without even lifting a finger (say wow)!
This may sound scary to non-accountants, but it will actually make your life easier by smoothing over how you send invoices and track and report your income.
Nevertheless, he decried, and actually seemed surprised by the fact that the jargon, presumptions, odor of sanctity, and especially the legal tools left over from the civil rights movement's glory years, now three generations past, are being used to sanction homosexual unions and in general make of non-heterosexuals yet another legally privileged group.
However much we may want them to exist, saying «I do believe in fairies» over and over won't actually make them appear.
My above little song and dance I wrote doesn't reflect the mounds of evidence that we have in which I would favor over god, who does not have any evidence of exisiting, so I posit that since you believe that it would make total sense that god would appear in the middle of the woods, drop a watch and then disappear and it actually being possible shows me the delusion in which you have caught yourself in.
Reflecting deliberately on how much we actually have, and how little we actually deserve, has made us thankful — for life, for children, for the gospel — all over again.
What makes the New Testament household codes powerful and countercultural is that they actually challenge those hierarchies by instructing all members of the household — even the masters, who in that culture held unilateral authority over their slaves, wives, and children — to imitate Jesus Christ in their relationships by modeling his self - sacrificing love.
To this day there is controversy over whether Dante actually wrote the «Letter to Cangrande,» whose author overtly claims that he wrote the Comedy making use of the four senses of Scripture, almost exactly as these are defined by St. Thomas near the beginning of the Summa (I, i, 10).
We found that we seemed to be one of the few who had actually read the encyclical, which we did over and over again — it made such sense.
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