Sentences with phrase «actually more tension»

There's actually more tension in the dispute over Russell's fate because both combatants are justified.

Not exact matches

Hence, even more important than summarizing accurately what they propose will be the effort to trace the movement of their thought as they seek to persuade us of the wisdom of their proposals; so too, more important even than identifying where their proposals explicitly or implicitly exclude one another will be the effort to see how tensions among their contrasting but equally valid insights actually bind them together and force us to find new conceptualities, new frames - of - reference for our analyses of what is theological about theological education.
A very tense mouth and jaw can actually lead to tightening in the birth canal, so keeping tension out of your face during contractions can help your baby descend more efficiently.
The job of the doula is never to cause more tension but actually to try to make it easier for everyone involved, including your practitioner!
In addition to that, if you do more than 2 or 3 Power Snatch repetitions, the technique breaks down quickly and it becomes very difficult to do more repetitions, which you actually need for the required time under tension to stimulate muscular gains.
By setting your one arm out to the side like an outrigger, you shift a LOT more tension onto the working side, allowing you get enough resistance to actually achieve substantial muscle growth, and not just increase your muscular endurance (as tends to be the case once you're able to do 20 or more normal push - ups in a row).
Although we are often taught is a good posture - this actually creates excessive tension on the linea alba - pulling it apart - AND generates more IAP!
Muscles produce more tension IF you think the object is heavy or if it actually is.
You may actually get even more tired of holding your arms that way and feel tightness and tension in shoulders and neck area.
In fact, anatomically, if you track through the deepest core body, recruiting feet down, bent knees, inner thighs up and back to deepen and widen the sitting bones, then articulating the psoas action of moving front sacrum and spine in and up as we gently roll to stack the pelvis and then add in more QL or deep lumbar support from the back is easeful, effective — and actually can mitigate SI issues and back body line tension that can come from overuse of the erectors and hamstrings in yoga — or from coming to a standing position from the back body, which is made more for movement than support anyway.
Often we think that resting wrists on a pad will help, but studies have shown that this actually puts more tension and pressure on the wrist.
While the first film focused on creating an atmosphere of pure tension, this sequel is much more action - oriented, even if its first hour is actually very slow - and instead of one alien, Cameron has now a horde of goo - spewing, acid - blood creatures to scare the audience to death.
It's actually great, pleasant fun to watch, never rancorous despite underlining, in a revealing and fascinating way, a certain inbuilt tension between Haneke's rather severe authorial understanding of cinema and Mitchell's broader - ranging, more easygoing cinephile's / critic's sensibility.
I think Linda did not actually experience this tension as she did not come to her crisis (of the death) with any pre-conceived stability or sense of self - she was more of an observer.
Actually, «horror» is perhaps too poignant a word; while there's more than enough creepy imagery and tension in Pathologic 2, its real horror is in the underlying themes — more of an existential kind.
We actually agree that there is a real tension between a quick and dirty pointing out of obvious problems in a published paper (such as the Douglass et al paper last December) and doing the much more substantial work and extra analysis that would merit a peer - reviewed response.
There might be value in a more generic piece focusing on this kind of tension, which is going to be with us for some time — the slow steady responses predicted by current models, the concern that some observations of faster and bigger changes might actually be the greenhouse gas - forced signal and not just internal variability, the patience required before new observations and better theories / models sort things out.
But what you are experiencing now — the tension of knowing that you are not quite in the right spot and the low - level awareness that others know this, too — that is actually more taxing than the project of job searching and interviewing.
More often than not, a really cute baby can actually diffuse the tension in a relationship.
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