Sentences with phrase «actually old veterans»

It actually makes me happy and sad that the generation of fighters I spent my childhood on are actually old veterans now.

Not exact matches

According to SheKnows, Wrinkles the Clown is a retired 65 - year - old military veteran who is actually a very nice guy who happens to own a really creepy clown costume.
Had I been a veteran mom, I would have known that The Dreaded Forty - Five Minute Naps is actually quite common, and that I could just go with it and her naps would consolidate into longer stretches when she was an older baby (six months was the magic milestone for Dace).
The loss of Mira means that [i] BKO [/ i] doesn't have the surprising variety in «dungeon» areas that [i] EWatLO [/ i] eventually brought forth, and the re-treading of old stomping grounds might actually cause veteran BK fans to feel like there isn't as much newness to be found in this title.
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