Sentences with phrase «actually pay attention to»

You're left with the ones who will actually pay attention to your needs as an individual, instead of just collecting your info and throwing it into a template format.
These people will actually pay attention to your needs as an individual, instead of just collecting your info and throwing it into a template format.
However, very few hiring managers actually pay attention to long descriptive talks / statements.
Apple is completely myopic when it comes to competition (see Steve's «no one wants a 7 - inch tablet» speech for his latest example) and they should wake up and actually pay attention to people other than fanboys worshipping at the altar of Jobs.
Do you actually pay attention to what those highway signs are saying?
Ask for silence during the test drive so you can actually pay attention to the way the car drives.
it would be peachy keen — not to mention professional and responsible - if the revkins, romms and hugginses of the world would, you know, actually pay attention to what other sections of the ny times writes on this subject...
Part of the strategy that was adopted by the first generation — which did have some benefits — is that you would see Japanese gallerists presenting the work of more historical Japanese artists together with younger Japanese artists in the only place where people would actually pay attention to that, which is the art fair.
Is it really that much easier to condemn a figurehead of entrenched sexism than to actually pay attention to women artists?
It's a brilliant way to tell stories to gamers, especially if you want them to actually pay attention to it.
The background environments can sometimes look a tad bland, but if you actually pay attention to them, you will be impressed at what you see!
During my playthrough as a mostly decent guy I never once had to actually pay attention to my reputation with any of the factions.
but come one, did people actually read their terms and conditions and did people actually pay attention to all the publicity about all these rules?
The key to getting the most out of your account is to actually pay attention to it and consider following the advice that's being offered.
I actually pay attention to imprints when choosing books to read for pleasure.
But let's face it, how many readers out there actually pay attention to who the publisher is?
I don't think it was a terribly intelligent way to make money, as this is Amazon, and they do actually pay attention to copyright, unlike the more notorious pirate sites.
Who would actually pay any attention to an average user's photos and videos on your social media channel?
Scientific studies have suggested time and again that vegans and vegetarians are largely more - conscious of their diets and, thus, the successful vegans and vegetarians are health - conscious individuals, analogous to meat - heavy dieters who actually pay attention to how much they're eating and get decent exercise.
Throw all the hair - washing rules out the window, and actually pay attention to the look and feel of your hair.
Errrm do you actually pay attention to what they say?
One possibility is that people actually pay attention to newspaper endorsements; the Times, the Daily News, and Post all officially backed Stringer a few days before the most recent polls were taken.
Why in fact, here on outer Mongolia, insist that the county executive actually pay any attention to the daily operations of this overwhelmingly dysfunctional county and their separate and coequally dysfunctional departments that fails to serve the elderly in great need and I have my own story on how this perennial smiley - face character's office easily accomplished such which resulted in the death of someone by clear and consistent neglect, and then you tell me then why should we not just continue to speculate as to why this man is either fit or not for running for Congress and I will tell you to take your «relative trivia» and shove it where neither smart phones or their apps «SHINE»!!
Now that I'm starting to get my feet under me a bit more and actually pay attention to what I put on myself, I can tell you even more and Smunchie still breastfeeds here and there so I've been able to try them as both maternity tops and breastfeeding tops.
This is some writers being forced to actually pay attention to what their ballot means and what their goal here is supposed to be, and then acting accordingly instead of sending in a blank ballot or voting for some dude who gave them quotes but shouldn't ever enter Cooperstown without buying a ticket first.
Do the people who make up these stories actually pay any attention to what is going on int the real world?
I won't pretend that Hal Bodley and his ilk would actually pay attention to a rule like that.
But Hawkeye fandom was my birthright, safely secured for me until I was old enough to actually pay attention to football and basketball games... which fortunately happened in 1981, The Sacred Year of Rebirth!
There was so little happening this week in college football that I can do something weird and overdue here: actually pay attention to a player.
Pop's act got people to actually pay attention to the coach's interviews instead of just wishing they would shut up and put the game back on the full screen.
It's either that or actually pay attention to what I'm cooking.
But now that I avoid gluten and dairy, and actually pay attention to the nutritional content of my food, soups like my beloved broccoli - cheddar are so out of the picture.
Why don't you Christians actually pay attention to what Jesus said?
«I think it's important that we continue to examine [Jesus»] words and not to project what our own political motivations are onto Him, but to actually pay attention to what He actually said,» he explains.
I see no evidence that most Canadians actually pay attention to Carney's sporadic announcements; the available evidence strongly suggests they're influenced more by his setting of the overnight rate, which goes a long way in determining the interest costs on their mortgages and lines of credit.
Unmeasurable impact — how can you know how many people watched your TV ad, radio campaign or actually paid attention to your newspaper ad?
Listening to them speak, I sometimes wonder if they've ever read the bible or actually paid attention to what was written instead of just using talking points, propaganda and rhetoric in their sermons.
How about if you actually paid attention to the article it stated that religious or not he's books mimicked stories from the bible..
What the religious never understand is that it makes as much sense to believe in the giant elephant in the sky as it does that some mystical all - knowing creature is actually paying attention to all of this.
If more Christians actually paid attention to that message and tried to live it, the world would indeed be truly transformed.
I never actually paid attention to...
That means actually paying attention to the thing I'm doing rather than the thousand directions my head can take me in a single minute.
And if a standalone committee actually pays attention to the job it is tasked to do, then it will probably work out more reliably than the Coaches or Harris polls.
How many ppl outside of Philly fans actually paid attention to that random ass blurb on someone else's Instagram live... not alot compared allllllllllllll the other attention he gets elsewhere....
Also you have to question whether those that measure a player's value based solely on point productions and salary are actually paying attention to the entire game being played.
The idea for Mindfully Frugal Mom was born in 2008 with the birth of my first child, when I started reading food labels and actually paying attention to what I put into my son's (and our family's) bodies.
«For years and years, they thought of us as New York as just this giant ATM machine, and now they're actually paying attention to us and consulting with Ed — not just on state issues, but on national issues.
I won't lie, I had more fun spinning and catching air in my new duster than actually paying attention to taking photos.
I consider myself a philosopher and a student of everything, a consummate pool player and a great listener who * GASP * actually pays attention to the little details.
Shows that she actually paid attention to the profile, going from there.
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