Sentences with phrase «actually penalized»

And the second benefit simply is, if your situation improves in the bankruptcy you're actually penalized.
God actually penalized the giving of money for a tithe.
What's more, home owners are actually penalized by having to declare what we call «Eigenmietwert» as income.
The result: the new formula appears to actually penalize schools in which the majority of students were already achieving at or above grade level, unless that school continued to show marked academic improvement.
Moreover, the US Chamber of Commerce calculates that the regulations will actually penalize the United States $ 51 billion.
The app actually penalizes you a monetary amount if you fail to meet the fitness goals you've set for yourself, in terms of metrics like steps per week, miles walked, or calories burned, for example.
Welfare not only serves as a substitute for a husband, but it actually penalizes marriage because a low - income couple will experience a significant drop in combined income if they marry.
Google will actually penalize advertisers who have a low score by inflating the cost for each click.

Not exact matches

Shortcuts, like keyword stuffing to outsmart Google's algorithm and increase a page's ranking, have not only become ineffective, but Kissmetrics warns that they may actually lead to your site being penalized by Google.
But I totally disagree with putting all eggs in one single basket and penalize all guest posting blogs while some of them are really high quality even though nobody actually prohibits link building back to those blogs.
«By refusing to sign marriage certificates, Jones «penalizes heterosexual couples who are coming to the church without actually winning anything for same - sex couples,» [Stephanie] Coontz says.»
Wish Silver would actually look into this garbage and penalize some of these teams.
The Institute was one of just six winners (of a possible ten) in Phase One of the Educational Programs Challenge, for which it was awarded a $ 25,000 cash prize for its proposal to create a multi-media concussion education intervention designed to create an environment in which student - athletes are not penalized, ostracized, or criticized for honestly reporting their own concussion symptoms as well as those of teammates but are actually encouraged to do so.
In other words, state governments, at the behest of the feds, are using tests to measure something they actually don't measure very well, and then penalizing schools — and in some cases, denying students diplomas — based on the results.
Reprimanding or penalizing these teachers is unwarranted; they actually may be extremely thoughtful about their adoption and use of technology for their students and themselves.
Instead of toying with the idea of restricting or penalizing competition, maybe it would actually be a better idea to improve the overall iBooks experience for both authors and readers, and try to turn it into their own money - making success instead of leeching money off others.
It appears the FTC can not actually punish or penalize advertisers who do not disclose the pay - for - play relationship.
If you tried to deposit $ 4000 you would actually go over your contribution limit by $ 3000 ($ 1000 remaining contribution room — $ 4000 deposit) at which point CRA would penalize you for every month you have that excessive amount ($ 3000).
You would think that this wouldn't be an issue if google could actually tell the source, but apparently either my site has been penalized in some other fashion, or they're just really bad at telling the source.
It's also not obvious how people reach their individual reference points, but regardless, all individuals penalize themselves for not reaching their particular reference points much more than they reward themselves when they do actually reach them, De Giorgi says, because «while you may like reaching your reference point, you don't like reaching it as much as you dislike not reaching it.»
WHEREAS, mandatory spay / neuter laws like the one proposed in Chicago penalize only the law abiding minority who actually license their pets; and
As for the case against Jefferson, the next court date is August 4 when a judge will at last decide whether or not the Vet Board actually has jurisdiction and can move ahead with penalizing her.
There's a very minor score penalty for actually getting discovered, and of course being seen means having a lot of angry people with guns coming after you, but apart from those two things the game doesn't penalize you for being spotted or never even bothering with the whole sneaky thing.
Brown said the new reality is that an accused person who isn't nearing the ceiling can actually be penalized for taking every step to get to trial as quickly as possible.
An interpretation of the Act that finds employers are obligated to create and maintain a policy by which workers may bring forward complaints of harassment but are nevertheless free to terminate, or otherwise penalize or retaliate against, any worker for having actually made a complaint under that policy is, in my view, untenable.
I'd say the purpose of the law is not actually to prevent drivers from talking on their hand - held phones while driving, but rather to provide a framework to penalize them when they are caught or when cellphone use is involved in a collision.
If there's a transaction I actually can't do online, or that I legitimately need assistance with, should companies essentially be penalizing me as their customer?
oh yeah, we had to pay Alaska Airlines 75 dollars a piece for the tickets to be changed, so by buying the insurance we actually got penalized 100.00 each ticket instead of 75.00.
Sounds great (and vaguely socialist, BTW) on first read until you realize that «equalizing» is code for effectively penalizing the (the mostly blue) states that actually improved their health care coverage as the money they would otherwise use to fund their expanded programs would go to (the mostly red) states that, well, didn't.
Mutual companies are actually owned by the policyholders who are considered shareholders and can receive dividend payment distributions and may not be penalized by an increase in premium due to losses.
You can actually return your policy, without getting penalized for the same.
Like so many New Year's resolution fails, it's that it's too difficult to follow through on, that enrolling in a new policy is too involved, that part of the tediousness of buying health insurance is having so many steps to go through in the application process before you're actually enrolled, et cetera, et cetera (even though having health insurance is mandatory and could get you penalized if you go without).
As we've pointed out numerous times in our blog, a «national criminal database search» (in quotes because it's actually a misnomer)-- one of the practices targeted by the FTC in its case against the penalized background screening company — should never be reported without proper quality assurance and without local - level court records verification.
When it comes to actually hiring someone though, the most collaborative candidates get penalized by -50.8 % by hiring managers.
The short version is: SEO is very specific, and if it's not done right can actually get your post and your website penalized by Google.
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