Sentences with phrase «actually reaches the students»

To make the system more efficient, and to ensure that more revenue generated by those students actually reaches those students, IDRA recommends that the allowable indirect costs be decreased.
Some have expressed concern that like pre-k, the bill will not actually reach the students who may need it most.
While the state formula includes several equitable spending provisions, because the funds are allocated to districts and not directly to schools or students, it is unclear how much funding actually reaches the students for whom the dollars are intended.
Although many developing countries have national policies and curricula in place that support teaching CSE in schools, there is limited evidence on how or whether such curricula are used and what information actually reaches students.

Not exact matches

When you have reached a stage when you actually have some pearl of wisdom to divulge to the upcoming students, then you can have a full - time position.
Their mechanical properties actually reach close to those of fiber composites, which are far more laborious to prepare,» says PhD student Paramita Das.
The good news is that we can actually use this scenario to our advantage with our difficult - to - reach students and special learners.
While these quizzes may not actually have any bearing on their final mark, if you notice your students are consistently having problems passing them, then you can take action before they reach the final assessment and don't get the desired result.
But in a subsequent meeting, the staff actually took portions of the MCAS and came to these conclusions: Although the test is hard, it really does measure the kinds of skills and knowledge students need to be successful in the 21st century; because the MCAS is a curriculum - referenced test whose items are released every year, it is possible to align the curriculum and study for the test; and finally, our students have a long way to go, but most can reach proficiency if the whole school teaches effectively over time.
Students will be able to browse an independent site in order to see all the training offered and read the feedback before they make a decision, rather than have to actually find your specific website to reach your training.
It should be able to tell state policymakers how much money for high - need students is actually reaching their schools.
The intention to give these schools a waiver from having to hire off the must - place list was announced by Interim Superintendent Vivian Ekchian at a school board committee meeting last month that presented a new «Student Equity Need Index,» which the board then adopted as a primary funding model for the district to ensure dollars designated for the highest - needs students actually reach them.
Students move ahead based not on the numbers of hours they spend in the classroom but on their ability to demonstrate that they have actually learned the given material, reaching key milestones along the path to mastery of core competencies and bodies of knowledge (often represented by the phrase «learning is the constant, time is the variable»).
As successes like theirs reach higher levels in education ministries and government committees, hopefully more publishers will get on board and produce digital titles that actually help students learn.
As they offer a service that allows students to pass off their papers to quality writers for a fee, I was extremely interested in what they had to say about the type of people who use them, why they don't write a dissertation or any paper themselves and how many people were actually reaching out for their services.
Ironically, the lack of refinance options, combined with rising residential real estate prices, may actually put homeownership even further out of reach for younger households with student debt.
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