Sentences with phrase «actually save companies money»

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Having a chaplain type figure around to turn to when people feel like they're gonna lose it any second could actually save the company lots of money, not to mention generate increased well - being and thus productivity.
Getting a company to handle your IT services may sound expensive to you, but the fact is having services such as this will actually save you a great deal of money in the long run.
A recent study by market strategists at ConvergEx Group, a New York - based global brokerage company, found that searching for love online can actually save you money in the dating phase of the relationship.
It's nice to get the occasional «rewards» check, but every merchant you buy from has to increase their prices to cover the money going to credit card companies so the cash back really just reduces the amount going to banks rather than actually saving money.
I'm actually trying to save our company tons of money
Talk to licensed mortgage companies now to see if today's 30 - year rates actually do save you money by reducing your housing expenses thus justifying the refinance process.
Bill Clinton, in a speech in Chicago, implied that the only route was to develop carbon - saving technologies that Chinese companies would actually make money off of.
When we look back at the Montreal Protocol and CFCs, people thought that process looked impossible until a few companies and countries realized that cleaning circuit boards without CFCs might actually save them money and be more effective.
As I learned the ropes, I found out some companies are actually better for particular health concerns than others, and a good agent needs to be familiar with them to save you money.
Just because Progressive has a bigger advertising presence doesn't mean it's automatically the right company for you — you might actually save money by insuring with smaller companies.
These same consumers tend to believe that an auto insurance company «fixes» their rates, and they do not allow themselves to realize exactly how much money they can actually save.
Although you are unable to actually withdrawal the money, you can take out a loan from the insurance company up to the cash value amount you have saved.
It actually will save you money because they will weed out the wrong companies.
By reporting suspected fraud, you can actually save money by helping insurance companies maintain low - cost premiums.
Admitting that you were wrong about something can actually save a company a lot of time and money.
Bridgewater actually encourages employees to get excited about their mistakes because each error that employees learn from will save them time, energy, and stress (and the company money) in the future.
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