Sentences with phrase «actually see some sense»

To actually see some sense from the comments?

Not exact matches

«I think right now there's still a sense of optimism with regards to the direction of energy, there's optimism with regards to the aspect of tax and if we can get some of these reforms through, you'll actually see the economy continue to grow,» Simonelli added.
The visual image actually makes sense as a way of helping people see that what I do over here in finance does impact what my friend does over there in sales.
It's one of the few boycotts I've seen that I think actually makes sense, tactically and ethically.
This is approximate by definition, but it can give you some sense of lifetime value well before you actually see a full customer lifetime, which can help in accelerating decisions about marketing and customer acquisition.
The movie had a better sense of liturgical music than most Catholic parishes: Actually, the real reason I like to see any film in which the Catholic Church is featured prominently concerns the music.
He actually includes the very bit that disproves his supposed «point» (here the «in the sense that Christianity requires,») and yet still either can't see it or thinks everyone else is so dim - witted they can't.
You cant debate God... you cant use logic to explain God... You cant use your small finite mind to try and explain away an infinite God... Man is flesh and blood but man has a spirit and some things can only be received and revealed thru spirit... And what you do nt see is actually more real than what you can observe with your five senses... And BTW I did nt say religion i said God... Religion is man made tradition... God is real... develop a personal relationship with the one who created you and gave you life... God has a purpose for your life...
I think coming from a fundamentalist background, seeing the Greek philosophical uses of this terminology helps me recover a sense of a non-legalistic meaning and it avoids the problem of how you could be righteous without actually fully being so.
And Yahweh is jewish terminology is the same now that mean Allah and Yahweh are the same being but christian god is unknown I don't know what he is, And Muhammad in the Qur» an is the last of all Prophets and Messengers and is known as Rehmat ul alimeen the mercy of the world he forgive his most bitterest enemies who tortured him and his followers for believing in one true God.Now Muhammad never try to fake a miracle, the pig is forbidden to eat even in the jewish testament and so even here bible agrees but I don't know why christians eat pork.Secondly wine was forbidden because Muhammad's companions saw the evil in it.So please don't speak without having proper knowledge or Blurting out made up stories that actually have no sense, the jews call Jesus the false prophet, Sorcerer, Necromancer etc would you beieve those stories or be angry.Surely we both know the answer
And he wasn't a christian in the religious sense either, he was actually an athiest that saw a need to believe and pray to god as a weekness.
You're actually seeing the holes in your religion and saying to yourself «That doesn't make any sense,» but then you explain it away by attibuting the obvious contradictions to God's mysterious will.
You seem to «privilege» your sense of rationality and logic — and cast the irrational and illogical (probably not analogical because you may incorporate analogy into your sense of «logic» but it's illogical, descriptively) I actually see my rationality and logic (such as it is — hardly syllogistic) as always in the service of my attitude, outlook, frame of mind — which is to say, my illogical and irrational belief & bias system — and my unconscious, of which my consciousness is merely tip - of - the - I's berg, or as some linguists said: a snowball on the tip of the iceberg.
Although attempts to prove that Paul had been actually acquainted with Jesus during the ministry in Galilee and Judea have not been successful, nevertheless there is a sense in which Paul did undoubtedly know Jesus, the human, earthly Jesus — knew him better than many a person who had seen and heard him.
He was the Christ, not because he inaugurated the kingdom in the apocalyptic sense or ever will (although it would be rash and presumptuous to affirm absolutely that he never will), but because in him the eternal kingdom of God was in a unique and unprecedented way present and active within history, was not only seen and declared supremely and unmistakably as righteousness and love, but was actually present as judgment and salvation.
It actually has to do with how we view humanity — do we see it as a bunch of individuals, or do we see a connection between all humans and understand things in a more - collective sense, a collective «personality» if you will (c.f. Jung's Collective Unconscious)?
In other words, some particular action or set of actions in the historical realm — which is the realm in which man actually lives and from which his concrete existential knowledge is drawn — must be seen to be «important» in the most profound sense of that word.
On the contrary, I should claim, what I have been saying is metaphysical in the second sense of the word which I proposed in an earlier chapter; it is the making of wide generalizations on the basis of experience, with a reference back to verify or «check» the generalizations, a reference which includes not only the specific experience from which it started but also other experiences, both human and more general, by which its validity may be tested — and the result is not some grand scheme which claims to encompass everything in its sweep, but a vision of reality which to the one who sees in this way appears a satisfactory, but by no means complete, picture of how things actually and concretely go in the world.
------------ Yeah, and the way he worded his post, it seemed as though a corporation can actually be seen as a person at least in a legal sense.
Sure, it seems to give her a false happiness and a sense that she will see her baby again, but counseling would actually help her to come to terms with it instead of just saying «oh well» and bottling it up.
I actually googled it and saw it makes sense to pre-bake or blind bake any custard type pie to avoid soggy crust.
I'm with you @ Jonestown it actually makes little to no sense cause the final run in of games is where you can see what some players are made of.
Lmao, The article actually said Giroud is rusty, saying he is rusty is giving is giving him too much credit, and please don't say he is crap, because I have seen crappy players and they are way better than Giroud, I just have 1 question What the F*ck is wrong with Wenger??? is he blind or he just has a bad sense of humour?
Actually to be fair to Wenger here, he has seen some sense.
A pitch a Jack made way more sense; I was so % ^ % (* & ^ at the time of the draft; I hate it when someone I hate to see the team draft actually confirms my suspicions.
Actually I think winning 5 - 0 has helped us keep Sanchez in a sense because he sees that we are a very talented team and there is less pressure on him.
Though there are others who would benefit from a proper manager who actually coaches them, Xhaka is clearly a dud, slow, one paced, immobile, rash and poor in positional sense and does not see danger.
I understand hating the use of the «excuse» line in a general sense, but (as with everything else in the world) it's important to apply context and see if your «excuse» is actually just more of an «explanation.»
When you see a kajillion yards and tons of TDs (JGray) it can give a false sense of projection, of not really seeing the RB for what he actually is.
That's why it makes sense why adidas rolled out Pogba's first - ever adidas commercial centered solely around Juventus» No. 10, one that I'm pretty sure you will be seeing a lot of during the next couple weeks of games no matter who is actually playing in them.
However, anyone who's actually been watching United can see beyond the stats and sense the shift towards a more aesthetically enjoyable and incisive style of play.
As you can see, anxiety is a call to action, and the action you take may actually result in an increased sense of wellbeing.
AMY: The period... I've only seen one pediatrician so far and he never even talked about how she was sleeping or anything and actually to me it made sense to not have the child sleep on their back because you know like if people are drunk, they tell you not to have them sleep on their back because they could choke on the vomit.
I actually remember spotting the craziest of items in a baby catalogue after having my first child - things like magnifiers on the end of baby scissors to see baby fingernails better and two mirrors for your car so you can drive and see your kids in the back (I nearly flipping bought that shizz too)- my calmer husband talked sense into me!
If these «weirdos» are actually grabbing or physically harming people, then sure, it makes sense to avoid them, but if they're only the type that mutter, mumble, or smell bad, then just seeing them isn't going to harm kids.
For example, while play therapy might seem like it makes sense because your daughter is a four - year - old and playing is what kids do, I'd actually recommend seeing someone who specializes in anxiety and uses behavioral approaches instead.
When the baby starts to move and the dog can feel it when snuggled close or can actually see it underneath your shirt, the reaction often ranges from stunned disbelief to a calm sense of happiness.
Once you see it from this perspective, it is actually quite liberating and the debate about colic starts to make more sense.
There is nothing cuter than watching your little one chase food around the highchair tray with her fingers, and seeing the sense of accomplishment in her face when a tiny little piece of food actually makes it her mouth.
«And when they see something like this that's facilitated by all the folks in the state and local government, when they see something like this actually transpire, come to fruition, it really helps restore a sense of pride in themselves and in their community.»
«And I think it's a balance to get that right, but I can see why, if you believe in a looser federation, if you believe that the European Union should be about cooperation rather than about one nation called Europe, then actually, it does make sense in many circumstances to say «look, these are internal matters for other countries, rather than things we should vote on ourselves.»»
To see if a bruised ego can actually cause aggression, the researchers manipulated people's sense of power and self - worth by asking them to write about occasions when they felt either empowered or impotent and then either competent or incompetent.
«It is interesting to see that what people state in the interviews they value about nature, is also what they actually post about when visiting the park,» says post-doctoral researcher Anna Hausmann, who has been studying the preferences and sense of place of people in African national parks.
The first time I saw Earth through satellite remote sensing instruments, I was just amazed at how small and defenseless our planet actually is.
«Those who have an awareness of their core and ability to engage it properly also have enhanced proprioception — or a sense of the positions of their extremities, without actually seeing them.»
Tune in to your senses Intuition is actually an extension of your senses — so paying attention to the things you smell, hear, taste, touch, and see throughout the day can sharpen your intuitive skills.
So the pro side of root chakra energy, when or root chakra is balanced and we feel it, we feel communal, and we feel grounded, and that's why we see in different parts of the world they have this strong sense of tribe and community that we are actually lacking in.
This tutorial on the liquid eyeliner cat eye is seriously the best one I have seen, it actually makes sense now and I think I could actually do it!
I actually own one Fair Isle sweater in the loose sense that it refers to the pattern and technique, not the place of manufacture (see photo).
Madewell is a brand that is not new to me in the sense that I've heard about it forever, I've even been in their retail stores, and I've seen people wear their clothing, but it is new to me actually trying their clothing and looking at their line like I personally could wear this.
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