Sentences with phrase «actually seen my book»

Albert, guess you actually see their books then don't you?
(Remember the 1 -2-year span between signing with a publisher and actually seeing your book in print?
Many promotion companies and channels talk about how many readers they SEND your book promotion to, without specifying how many people will actually GET your book promotion and actually SEE your book
Let us actually see books when we walk in instead of non-book related items.
With Kobo's integration into the physical store, it is much easier for consumers to actually see the books and have incentive to further shop online.
Only two people have actually seen my book to date (with great feedback) and I never talk about the content of it to anyone.
But we have to actually see your book to figure out how much it's going to cost first.
To actually see your book for sale on Amazon, or even in your local book store, is a feeling money can't buy.

Not exact matches

Overall impact: No, that didn't actually happen (see the Snopes link), and sure, the election is in the history books.
The «Free Money» infomercial that Churchman saw was actually shot years ago and produced by a California company called Free is My Favorite LLC, which also owns the rights to Trudeau's book, records show.
«What we try to do in the book is really break it down, and look at the market from all different angles, and see how investors are best served in playing the market, «says Comes, who adds that headlines about defaults and municipal bankrupcties actually can be a positive for investors.
If any of them actually read their holy book completely, we'd see less christians in this world.
Let's see some of these big time atheists actually right a book worth reading imo.
There are a few churches doing this around the country, but I only read about them in books, and on blogs, and have never actually visited one or seen how it works.
Actually, I don't know how Paul did tent making and everything else But he also wrote (1 Cor 9:7 - 12 see Below) I have recently graduated from seminary, which is $ 50,000 in tuition alone, not including books and expenses during those years and time away from a good job.
So what you're trying to tell me is that jesus can perform miracles, he did so for a crapload of people, but since it was also thrown into the bible that he can't perform for evil people (or wicked generation or whatever) and since we're all sinners he can't perform miracles so we just have to trust him, actually not him necessarily, a book written by a bunch of people 100's of years after jesus who also weren't seeing miracles done, so they decided that since no more miracles were happening, it's our fault.
More importantly, I'd like to see Americans get over their fear of the concept of athiesm and actually acknowledge that a man (or woman) is perfectly capable of being morally sound without having to rely on a 2,000 + year old book for guidance.
For the love of fvck would you please take your handle's suggestion and LOOK in a book and SEE what it actually says.
But while Lindsell obviously intends to meet these concerns, his book is actually a repristination (and often less subtle than earlier expressions) of a particular timebound formulation of biblical authority that is being seen by increasing numbers of evangelicals not only to have outlived its usefulness but to have become a positive hindrance to the understanding of the fuller and deeper significance of the Scriptures.
because someone writes in a book «and thousands of people saw it happen» doesn't actually make it so.
We could go book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse through the Bible in such a way, seeing that it is an accurate, truthful, and inerrant record of what people thought, even though they might actually have been wrong.
What really impressed me about the Bible, when I compared it with the other holy books, is that it's the only one that commanded objective testing: «test everything; hold fast what is good» Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:21 (ESV), and actually you see how the Bible not only tells you to test, it shows you how to do it.
That's actually a very easy question to answer since Obama is actually real (I've seen him), and Satan is a fictional character in a book.
However all this may be, even if we were obliged to qualify the belief that in the opening oracles of the Book of Amos we actually see Israel's monotheism taking its nascent form right under our eyes, yet at least the passage reveals the sort of thinking that certainly at some time led to Israel's great discovery.
In fact, this book helped me see that giving up the traditional understandings of these doctrines can actually help strengthen one's faith in God and aid one in following Jesus more closely.
Its nice to see people using their science books, and Pedro its nice to see you've read some science as well as religious books, I would just like to say that no one has actually figured out how the first cell came into existence billions of years ago.
No, the bible is not a primary source seeing that nobody writing in that book actually met Joshua.
I guess in the end we'll see if a dictionary and the book of mormon can actually give you eternally life.
When you show up, you hear people talking about food, you see pictures of food, books about food, and hear a lecture about food, but when you leave you realize that you never actually got any food.
I can definitely see why soo many people are confused as to what sin actually means in the bible... because they are not willing to read the book to make an argument valid enough
I can see that the substitution wouldn't work with the sweet potato brownies though — having said that we gobbled the batch of those soooooo fast we barely tasted them We just love love love your book and my daughter was utterly incredulous that «the actual * real * Ella» had «actually» emailed us
This book is seriously so much fun, I actually broke down and bought a copy recently so I could stop borrowing it from my library I hadn't seen these yet, but with that cheesy center they've totally climbed to the top of my to - do list!
since I was just in Florence two months ago and saw Judy's book — but didn't actually buy it!
We've all known about the book for so long, but to actually see it is amazing!
Clem and I actually know each other in real life (we met through following each other's blogs) so it's especially nice to see and share her latest work, «The Vegan Cookie Fairy's Little Book of Chocolate».
But the one thing that caught my eye, that was actually the first recipe I opened up to (I do this weird thing with cookbooks where I just randomly open the book first and see where it opens up to like it's a prophet or some weird shit) was Lindsay Lohan Cookies.
I'm actually reading a book right now about the art of kaiseki so it was so great to see this post!
I hung at the beach, worked on my blog, watched daytime television, actually picked up a book I started months ago (Gone Girl — so good, I really am curious to see how it ends!)
It wasn't until I actually pulled the cook book down to write down the ingredients for my shopping list that I saw that they're actually cookies!
I actually just bought this book too - after seeing it showcased on the 101cookbooks library site (which is awesome btw!).
I have actually never seen Dana's book.
(The photos you see in this post are «rejects,» not the ones actually used in the book.)
I actually haven't seen Stephanie's book, but have heard it is great!
Someone above wondered why it took so long to file the action and why now... as to the second I would surmise that the Statute of Limitations was going to expire on the 20th of April (I disposed of my law books years ago and I'm not going to spoil speculation by actually doing any research to see exactly what the SOL is in Title XI cases) and they wanted to beat that.
Auburn closed with 49 % of tickets and we actually saw sharp money on Alabama Saturday morning, so books were likely happy with the result.
The book has actually inspired me to try to come up with some tradition blending of our own, and we've been having a blast sprinkling Hanukkah gelt in the Christmas stockings and going on a hunt for the latke food truck on our way to see Santa.
I actually received the book as well and I could see the wonder in their eyes as my kids relive the movie in every word.
The book's main idea is that we think we see ourselves and the world as they really are, but we're actually missing a whole lot.
Although I had never actually seen a newborn baby nursing I had read a lot of books about it.
Actually seeing what's being done with the book out there is such a huge reward and joy... and hugely inspiring seeing all the twists and turns and tweaks that you've put on the projects and ideas, in your own creative families.
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