Sentences with phrase «actually separates people»

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«Because Prezi has a spatial element to it, instead of separating out things on slides, you actually place things in a spatial relativity, and because of that people understand and retain the information better.» ( actually gives people the opportunity to help eliminate hunger and malnutrition in America two separate ways:
Spouses in love would naturally like to be fused into one; but this can not actually be attained, for they always remain two separate persons.
Most people misunderstand Acts 20:31, assuming that repentance and faith are two entirely separate steps to salvation; but they're actually the same step.
Though creeds and confessions were intended to bring people together over core elements of the faith, what actually happens is that the statements separates one group within the body of Christ from another.
Similarly, they did not merely say there should be separation of church and state; rather, they actually separated them by (1) establishing a secular government on the power of «We the people» (not a deity), (2) saying nothing to connect that government to god (s) or religion, (3) saying nothing to give that government power over matters of god (s) or religion, and (4), indeed, saying nothing substantive about god (s) or religion at all except in a provision precluding any religious test for public office.
Most people today who argue for separating church and state actually have as their intent to expunge acknowledgement of God from public life.
The fact that most homebirth midwives are uneducated laypeople risking other people's lives so they can make a living without actually earning the credentials or learning the necessary skills is a completely separate issue.
For example, in the spring of 2004, when accusations of European anti ‐ Semitism filled the air in America, separate surveys of European public opinion conducted by the Anti ‐ Defamation League and the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press showed that it was actually declining.
In reality, the government doesn't actually know how much tax is being lost owing to cash - in - hand payments and told Channel 4 they don't have «a separate estimate of the tax gaps that results from people paying in cash».
Though you might think those involuntary movements, also called tics, might be a hindrance to athletic pursuits, two separate studies show people with Tourette's actually have great timing and self - control — qualities essential for stopping goals.
This is what separates the people who jump on and off the «fitness bandwagon» a couple times every year without ever making any real progress from the people that actually adopt a true fitness lifestyle and finally achieve the body they have always wanted.
Some people tend to fear crop tops like others fear the dentists, but the key to wearing one is actually less about baring all of your midriff and more about which separates you wear with it.
This one's actually four separate stories that are very loosely interwoven as people struggle with...
A separate list, «Most Read,» claims to reveal which titles people actually read by tracking the «average number of daily Kindle readers and daily Audible listeners each week.»
@nsandersen actually I am looking to invest in pension myself using SIPP and cavendishonline (not sure if you have heard of them, but a lot of people recommend them) and using index funds to invest my pension money in, but this is probably a topic for a separate question
* LLCs are incredible versatile structures, and you can actually choose to have it taxed like a corporation where it is a separate «person» which files its own tax return.
While an index fund is actually a type of mutual fund, many people see them as two separate investing options.
What many people do not realize, however, is that the Schnauzer name actually applies to three separate breeds which come in different sizes — the Miniature Schnauzer, the Standard Schnauzer, and the Giant Schnauzer.
Having two separate houses was actually very convenient to keep a bit of privacy with 14 people living together for 4 days.
(Not bolded or separated from the rest of text, only people that actually read it would notice)
Yet I still have fond memories of those wild days when Square and Enix were separate; late nights were spent on offtopic goofiness with people like «misterbum», «nootchx», and «tttoooooolll»; and I could actually find people that liked Chrono Cross and FF8.
After getting the people out, the next step was to actually move the industries and offices out of the dense urban cores, where so many corporations could be taken out with a single bomb, and establish them in suburban corporate campuses where just about every one of them would be a separate target.
And sometimes, under pressure, we mistake our work colleagues for our friends, and you may be lucky and have a few work colleagues that actually morph into being friends, but I think it is very important to have an exterior network of people that you can turn to, you can cathart to, you can have fun with, you can laugh with, but they are separate from those you are working with on a very intense basis, on a day - to - day plane.
Aaron Street: Yeah I mean one of the things I think is really cool about what Brad's doing is that it's not just a marketing tool, it's not just him trying to figure out who that goes to his website can be a client and how he can get them to hire him, he's also trying to actually solve people's problems who otherwise aren't going to hire him and aren't going to have their problems solved, so he's got, as you'll hear in the interview, he's got this cool expungement project that actually helps people get expungement's separate from him trying to get them as paying clients.
Actually, two of the most striking things about the current situation seem to me (by comparison with recent history) the convergence of interest by people and institutions traditionally separate within jurisdictions (e.g. inhabiting the worlds of PLE, legal aid, self represented litigants) and the degree of international linking helped by HiiL's entrepreneurialism (you can go to few countries in the world and not find that they have been there the week before) but also exampled by links the licensing of material from the Justice Education Society of British Columbia by California courts.
There are several categories of IT skills that are often discussed in similar terms, but they are actually separate activities, require different areas of expertise, and are of use to different groups of people.
Most people tend to assume that Property Deeds and titles are the same thing, but they actually refer to two separate legal concepts.
How do you objectively figure out whether your best friend, or your acquaintance, or your cousin would actually be a good fit for this job and separate that out from just I wan na do something nice for this person I love?
Well, now you're having a hard time separating the person from the job and what they're specifically good at versus what you actually need.
Oh, and then you notice the «Communications Protocol Guide» and before you're even finished wondering what exactly that means your eyes have already wandered to «Controllers Guide,» and then you realize that both of those guides are separate from the «How to Connect Your Tech» guide, and that's when you start to think that sure, you're kind of a lazy person, but you can at least flip a light switch yourself, and actually using a key isn't that big of a hassle, and who needs all of this technology anyway and get off my lawn!
Smoking can lead to innumerable health conditions, so insurers actually have separate classifications for people who light up.
• You met a friend / fiancé online • You've never met face to face • Your correspondent professed love at warp speed • Your friend / fiancé is plagued with medical problems requiring loans from you • You are promised repayment upon the inheritance of alluvial gold or gems • You've sent large sums for visas or plane tickets but the person can not seem to make it out of Ghana • When your friend does try to leave the country, h / she is detained by immigration officials demanding payment or bribes • Your correspondent consistently uses lower case «i's» and / or grammar not in - keeping with their supposed life station or education level Cases bearing these and other hallmarks have all proven to be scams intended to separate sympathetic people from their money.We advise Americans not to send money to people they have never actually met.
Although most people would rather not share custody with their ex, shared parenting actually has several benefits that would work for separated couples as well as their child.
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