Sentences with phrase «actually teaching their kids»

Books of classics like Peanuts or Calvin and Hobbes actually teach kids many vocabulary words (some of them pretty big!).
Corporal punishment actually teaches kids that big people can hurt and humiliate smaller people.

Not exact matches

Many of these tools, apps and games are teaching children how to code through dragging code onto a screen - great to teach fundamentals and basic of coding, but we wanted to create a language that was hands - on, where kids are actually typing code and seeing results in real time.
We inherit our basic blueprint of how to raise our kids from our parents, but according to child psychologists many classic expressions that get repeated down the generations actually teach harmful lessons to children.
Build business, employ workers, improve skillsets so that people can become self - sufficient and more productive, grow the business, hire more people, teach them to save (not impulse buy $ 1000 rims or whatever the Jones» have)... not only will they actually be able to afford healthcare w / o public subsidy, but they will also be able to save money in order to send their kids to college to become doctors.
Actually, this is another scientist who understands that there isn't a SHRED of proof to indicate that any god exists, and that American kids who are taught creationism will be at a great disadvantage in the future when they try to compete for jobs against children with real educations.
It's classroom management, paperwork, navigating the moods and personalities of 25 children, tying shoes, wiping boogers, sharing silly stories, trying to be mature instead of laughing at kids farting (I can never NOT laugh at this, because I'm still five years old apparently), repeating myself approximately a hundred times a day, wanting to bash my head into the wall if I have to repeat myself again, solving conflicts, taking sneezes straight to the face, oh and actually teaching the state standards!
So I rate this recipe as a 5 bc the method it taught me did create a delicious dish that I actually served to some company that happened to stop by (including vegetarian kids!)
He lives in a pineapple under the sea and still he's teaching kids lessons that can actually save lives, so let's have a round of applause for SpongeBob Squarepants and the hero seventh grader who saved a classmate's life with the Heimlich maneuver this week.
Reacting to kids» meltdowns with yelling and outbursts of your own will only teach them to do the same (and actually is associated with an increase in children's negative behaviors).
On this call, API founders Lysa Parker and Barbara Nicholson talk with Lu about how: — our «flaws» are actually pathways to raising resilient, secure, connected kids; — without an awareness of how our story drives our fears, our kids re-enact it; — without self - understanding and empathy, parents then tend to manage rather than engage, control rather than connect, in a chronic practice of «defensive parenting»; — we can turn our old wounds to new wisdom and free our kids from repeating our stories; — the gift of our anger, fear, doubt, chaos, anxiety, struggles, and conflicts is that they can shed compassionate light on our old wounds and we can use this light to «heal» our inner conflicts, and pave our path for ourselves and our kids; and — doing this paving work «keeps our light on»... and our children's light on, and teaches them the power of forgiveness, humility, and humanity.
And I think that actually that had has more to do with how well the parents stay behind teaching their kids now.
While some health educators or parents might worry that teaching kids about portion control and calorie counts could lead to eating that's too retrictive, I actually think it's a very good idea to arm kids with that knowledge to help them navigate the temptations of today's food environment.
According to Dr. Laura Markham from, rather than teaching kids to speak up for themselves, forced sharing actually teaches some of the wrong lessons, such as:
I facilitate ingredient exposure and culinary instruction — we teach these kids to actually cook — for K - 5 students for First Lady Michelle Obama's Chefs Move to Schools program as well as through Maine's largest hospital.
Tell him that the kids will teach him what they need, and everyone sucks at it at first!Second, it sounds like your babies are actually pretty good sleepers.
They actually look forward to «making room» for new toys as they understand that the old «loved» toys are going to other kids that will love them just as much as they did... also, if you don't teach them early on, you are creating little «hoarders» (that's just my personal opinion).
I am actually thinking of using some of them while teaching my own kids.
We need to try and help our kids live «close» to the earth by doing gardening with them, cooking with them, eating locally... these things, as you said can actually save money in the long run... and teach our children so many precious things...
Now that you mention it, I actually have no problem with programs that work nutrition education into the school curriculum, such as Recipe for Success's innovative seed - to - plate approach that uses math, science and language arts while showing impoverished kids how their food grows and teaching them about sound nutrition.
I am actually thinking of using some of them while teaching my own kids Kids educakids Kids educaKids education
When it comes to handling anger attacks, for kids this young it can actually be more difficult to teach them coping skills than it is to teach their parents how to prompt and reinforce those coping skills over time.
You're doing more than helping kids with their homework, you're actually teaching them about the subjects they struggle with the most in school.
Dogs are actually the # 1 killer of backyard chickens so in addition to thinking about how your kids will interact with the chickens and teaching them some basic rules (like no chasing the chickens, learning how to pick up and hold the chickens, washing their hands after touching them, no putting their fingers in their mouths or eyes to reduce the risk of salmonella, etc.), some basic training for the family dog is also important.
Yoga has actually been shown to help some people who struggle with ADHD, teaching kids to decompress and tune out the overstimulation of everyday life.
Most disturbingly, he seems even to have caved into ultra-conservative religious morons by toning down the magic (there are no details of the actual lessons taught at Hogwart's, and the spell - casting is reduced to a few minor flourishes and a strange comic - relief kid who's always blowing things up) and side - stepping the sticky revelation that Harry actually talks to snakes in the reptiles» hissing language and not the Queen's English.
And then we have glass spaces where teachers are actually explicitly teaching, even though we have a teacher walking around the blue and green rooms supporting kids with their independent maths.
What may look like an arts and crafts activity, or just a bunch of kids playing with Legos, is actually a way to teach about ancient Rome or how to write a persuasive essay.
cuts [in programs that engage kids in physical activity], there are actually more opportunities to teach and encourage kids to be more physically active in recess than there are in physical education or after - school programs,» Vialet reported.
«We teach to all the 4 Cs and the kids learn in all those ways and it has actually revealed a new space for them to express themselves, to think for themselves, and to connect with the world through communication,» Dr Jefferson said.
The problem was that those actually teaching the course to tens of thousands of kids had no useful guidance to prepare students for it.
As former NIH executive Reid Lyon — the moving force behind the National Reading Panel in 2000 — once wrote, many kids diagnosed as «learning disabled» are actually «teaching disabled.»
It's much more effective to teach this ina situation where kids are actually confrontingan issue and say, «Now, thinkabout what you're thinking about here.Why are you doing it this way?»
I expect this to be the quickest and most effective way to teach the kids without actually having me come to the school to demonstrate the approach.
The problem with high - stakes testing, Glynn says, is that teachers wind up spending a lot of time drilling kids on how to pass the tests, rather than actually teaching.
Rather than assessing kids on material they've actually been taught, the tests give them passages and questions on a seemingly random assortment of topics.
So we have schools that purchase books like Everyday Math, which eschews honest arithmetic in favor of fuzzy math and the overuse of calculators; Teachers College Writers Workshop, which downplays grammar but obsesses about the «process» of writing (a process that's not based in any research); and all manner of reading programs that fixate on «skills» while ignoring literature, history, science, and everything else that might make reading an enjoyable and enlightening experience (and that might actually prepare kids to understand what will be taught to them downstream).
The truth is we actually can teach kids to be kinder.
Six studies with children in grades three to seven showed that writing quality actually deteriorated when kids were taught grammar.
More importantly, in making that argument, Duncan essentially argues against the overwhelming evidence that AYP actually led to revealing how poorly districts — especially those in suburbia — were failing in providing high - quality teaching and curricula to poor and minority kids.
Just because kids are poor, doesn't mean they aren't smart and these brightest children are bored out of their minds by the non-stop test prep that serves «data - driven instruction» but fails to actually teach smart kids anything.
As many students struggle to learn fractions, which usually are taught in third or fourth grade, the government is actually funding research into how to help kids learn fractions.
«They actually probably like the subject that they teach and are really motivated by getting kids to like that subject,» Buckley says.
For traditionalists, Parent Trigger laws are even more an affront because it violates their belief that only supposed «experts» such as themselves can actually what kids can learn and who should teach them.
Make sure the funds targeted to teach our kids actually reach our kids.
It would be helpful if the «special» people coming in to «help» Windham actually teach at least 2 classes a day so that they leave the office and work with the great kids in Windham who deserve more than handouts.
Think of the debacle in New York: testing kids on content covered under the new Common Core standards before giving teachers the time, curriculum or latitude to actually teach that content, and then using those tests as the basis of teachers» evaluations.
But more important is the very, very hopeful possibility that this was all a ploy to teach kids to actually question authority.
I mean, do we really have to play this game, where because I'm who I am and you're who you are, we pretend that the word «fuck» doesn't exist, and while we're at it, that the action that underlies the word doesn't exist, and I just puke up a bunch of junk about how some teacher changed my life by teaching me how Shakespeare was actually the world's first rapper, or about the time I was doing community service with a bunch of homeless teenagers dying of cancer or something and felt the deep call of selfless action, or else I pull out all the stops and give you the play - by - play sob story of what happened to my dad, or some other terrible heartbreak of a thing that makes you feel so bummed out you figure, what the hell, we've got quotas after all, and this kid's gotten screwed over enough, so you give me the big old stamp of approval and a fat envelope in the mail come April?
Particularly suited to large families, they don't complain too much when manhandled by children, and can actually help teach kids how to properly relate to dogs.
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