Sentences with phrase «actually use the money»

You can actually use the money to maximize your happiness when you know how to use it.
Some central banks, like the Bank of Japan, actually used the money they conjured into existence to buy stocks.
Even for millionaire Sanchez, who actually uses his money to uplift his family.
To encourage us to actually use this money for retirement, Uncle Sam will make you pay a 10 % penalty if you tap the account before age 59 1/2.
In any event, I opened the line intending to only use it for emergencies — it was basically free access to extra cash, with no real risk unless I actually use the money.
Apps we looked at provide a varying degree of charts, videos, and news updates, in addition to ways to track your profits and losses and test out strategies without actually using your money.
When it comes to time to actually use the money you've saved, be sure that you know the laws and are utilizing your 529 savings in the most efficient way possible.
This little tiny bit of wisdom is lost on radical environmentalists, who believe that the government will actually use this money to mitigate global warming.
They also offer features for different ways to actually use the money while organizing transactions and contacts.
It turns out that creating a Swiss foundation to raise hundreds of millions of dollars in an ICO doesn't mean you can actually use the money.
They actually use that money oftentimes for a cruise.

Not exact matches

Atwater — who actually wanted to use his work in the 1890s to help poor people get the most calories for their money — determined the average number of calories in four main energy sources: carbs, fats, protein, and alcohol.
Meanwhile, there's little evidence that low rates are actually boosting the sort of corporate investment that would help stimulate faster growth, though there is plenty of evidence that firms are using cheap money to buy back their own stock.
At least some households would use the funds to pay down debt, meaning the money would flow to the banking sector anyway, but with one critical difference: household debt would actually decline, leaving household balance sheets in better shape and owing less interest every month.
You can use the time and money you don't waste figuring out how to dress for success to actually succeed.
The 40 - year - old entertainer said in a court filing late Tuesday that the stacks of cash in the photos are actually prop money, which is specially made for the studio lighting used in filming music videos and photo shoots.
The second big inadequacy was addressed in Stephen Gordon's piece, when he stated «[w] e used to think that the effective lower bound [on interest rates] was zero, but recent experience in Europe suggests that central banks can actually push interest rates below zero before people stop using banks to hold their money
What you're actually doing is selling a property (bitcoin) for a cash value and then using money from that sale to buy a product.
It is important that employees shut down everything using electricity in their office space the day prior to them working at home to ensure that the space is actually saving the business money.
What we lack are incentives so I would suggest using say, a service like or site like to create incentives or even DietBet, which is for weight loss specifically, where you are actually putting money on the line and reputation on the line to force you to have some type of motivation to do what you say you are going to do.
Most economists do not understand banking very well so they use incorrect models of how money is actually created thereby resulting in this crowding out concept.
We can only wonder how many board members and how many donors actually know that the money they gave to charity was used in this way.
To save you unnecessary use of time, money, and headaches, you must refine your product or find a new niche that actually sells.
I have been doing much research on their money mgt service and have not actually found anyone that has used them.
You could almost get yourself a new BlackBerry Bold with that much money (whether you should actually use the cash for a BlackBerry is an entirely different question...).
Money as we know it is already somewhat virtual, since the pieces of paper and bits of metal that we use to pay for things don't have any actual value themselves — their only value is that they can be exchanged at stores for things that actually have value, like food.
Historically, though, the annualized return — the amount of money you actually receive per year, instead of the inaccurate «averaged return» many investors use — for the market has been 6 - 7 % over its duration, when adjusted for inflation.
Actually, the money can be used for almost anything, including home improvements, investments, medical bills or a swimming pool.
Even though many people only use the demo trading account and never actually make a real money deposit, IQ Option has the right idea by letting a greater number of people try out their site before making a commitment.
By using margin, and borrowing on my account, I could buy more shares than I could actually afford on my own money.
In this video I show you how to easily make money right now fast and as a matter of fact the second method I describe is actually a method I personally used to make me six figures and ultimately lead me to success.
That's why you're actually better off knocking out high - interest debt before you start using whatever extra money you have to build your nest egg.
They should be there to function to allow the economy to operate — the extension of credit, the availability of credit when money gets turned off, the economy shuts — and so I actually think that banks might be getting a pass to be able to develop using these technologies to bolster their economic utility to the rest of the economy as opposed to being disrupted away.
The problem most people have when attempting to use cryptocurrency, however, is that it currently requires a large amount of technical expertise and money to contribute to mining costs to actually obtain and use, making it prohibitive for the average person.
The problem with cell phone plans, much like cable plans, gym memberships, magazine subscriptions, household lighting, or countless other money sinks that we need to optimize, is that most people grossly overpay for what they actually use.
In retirement, you want to find a way to structure your nest egg to generate a steady income stream that can fill this gap without actually having to use the money in your investments.
This makes it crucial to wait and verify that a cashier's check is legitimate before you actually start using the money in your account.
I was getting worried they'd use that money to, well, actually help people or something.
In fact, Deuteronomy 14:26 actually commands Israelites to use some of their tithe money to buy some beers and celebrate before the Lord.
So many lives in places like Africa have actually been made WORSE by giving money and food that ends up in the hands of war lords and tin - pot dictators, who just use it increase their personal wealth and consolidate their power.
They want to actually see how their money is used.
So, all the people in this thread that have bashed the bible, catholics, evangelicals (not the the 1 % of priests that molested kids, they should be PUNISHED for that, or the evengelicamaniacs that have fleeced peoples money for non-religious use) should actually READ the bible you are bashing, or look into the REAL decent people that belong to above mentioned religions..
In an effort to defend your scripturally flawed and biased view of Jesus you are actually maintaining that Jesus» twice cleansing of the temple (with no one having the courage to try and stop him even though there were Temple guards present), as well as His use of a «leather whip», and «knocking over» the money changer's tables, is not a use of «violent» force — ludicrous.
Maybe if the church stopped trying to get involved in politics, stopped ignoring the abuse scandals, and, oh, I don't know, maybe use all that money to actually clothe, feed and shelter the poor, and get back to doing the job they are *** supposed *** to be doing, maybe people wouldn't be leaving the church.
Jehovahs witnesses will be the ones to actually have a bible handy and nobody and I mean nobody can refute them using the bible and they know this thats why they have videos warning people to stay away from them because if people would actually hear them out for 5 minutes with an open mind they would realize that their church leaders are lieing to them for money and by they way Mr Grahm how much does your orinization charge for bibles and literature?
Despite how this passage is sometimes used in sermons and books as an attempt to get the rich to give more money to the church, the point of this passage actually lies elsewhere.
They support the Christian Right political groups in this country who are actually the Republican super wealthy you use the money to buy elections, create wars in the name of God.
«Hey look, we can steal a few more bucks from students by denying them health insurance, and we get to make a political statement at the same time while using the pathetic excuse it is for religious reasons, even while we are actually trying to make even more money... in the name of God...»
Who wants to end the War on Drugs and use that money to actually HELP people?
But we'd do well to define what «cult» actually means, both inside the Christian church - i.e., Christians use the term largely to differentiate other religions which deviate from orthodox, historical and Biblical Christianity - and outside, where it's thrown around to describe everything from followers of Kevin Smith films to any organization that's secretive and raises boat loads of money.
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