Sentences with phrase «actually went to school»

Yes, we actually went to school for what we do.
I actually went to school at the University of Tampa so I recognized that building right away!
But the lunkheads don't seem to realize that the man actually went to school to do what he does.
I would love to know where the car owner actually went to school and who they are truly a fan of.
I can only shake my head and wonder if any of them actually went to school and learned anything about the terminology of the scientific method?
Cougs call Huskies sidewalk fans, testing their allegiances by asking, «Where did you actually go to school
You wake up in the morning, get your kids ready for school, get them to actually go to school, clean the house of all their mess and, before you know it, you're too knackered to bother with pruning and preening your personal appearance.
You may be turning off future teachers who, by the time they actually go to school for it, won't see all the turmoil that a few political extremes on both sides have stirred up.
Children who like where they go to school are more likely to actually go to school.
I'd also like to add in that if your kids know that they have an RESP available, and are planning for most of their lives that college / university is what they do after High School (or a couple years of working, then University) then their probably more likely to actually go to school.
I was actually going to school to be a designer..

Not exact matches

We went to high school together, and I still talk to him all the time, and we hang out all the... Wait, how often do we actually hang out?
So the Facebook for your school isn't somewhere where people actually go to meet but where you go to see who knows each other and maybe sort of an icebreaker.»
I was actually commuting to Seattle because on September 10, 2001, my wife moved from San Francisco, which is where Hotwire was, to Seattle to go to med school at the University of Washington.
I ate up studies (from Facebook and others) that argued the site actually encouraged a certain kind of information diversity, because your Facebook friends are likely drawn from a wider group of people (the guy you went to middle school with, your mom's neighbor, that rando you met that weekend at the beach) than the people you discuss news with in real life.
Read the piece on her in New York Mag and tell me you're not rooting for her new eponymous firm, which also aims to go old school, with clients who will actually pay for her research and execute trades with her shop.
As I recall, Plymouth actually stayed rather small and insular for some time while the Boston Bay Company took off with their colonies in what's now called Boston, New Bedford, and I believe the Cape Ann area but I'd have to re-read a book I read while going to school down on Cape Cod a few years back.
maybe you should go back to school... you can believe ant stupidity you want... but it is indeed a source of wonderment as to why you nutcases believe in fairy tales and even children realize when they are 8 that santa clause and the tooth fairy are just stories... we really are incredulous that you continue to spout your nonsense... we are actually trying to help you not sound completely ignorant of reality!
Please go back to school and study Love and what it actually means in the context of God and others.
The same people who protest international support for third - world countries saying «we need to take care of our own first» are ironically the same people who actually want to abolish food stamps, the WIC program, free school lunches, welfare and social security in the US, never mind the fact that the people who benefit from these programs are the ones who cut their lawns, clean their homes, serve their meals in restaurants, and build their houses, all while going home to a tiny apartment they share with 6 other people and finding nothing to eat in the house but a can of green beans because payday is still 2 days off and there's only enough gas in the car to get them to work the next two days, so driving around town for 2 hours trying to find an open food bank isn't an option.
actually you do nt have to prove the many deities or Gods that they really exist, because they really had existed in their times, They are part of the evolutionary process for us humans to transcend to higher consciousness.To simplify the analogy, when we were young and we are in the lower grade school, we were taught simple subjects not advance literatures but simple stories even mythicals, The same with religion, thousands of years ago when there was no science yet, primitive people had a religion, of course man made faiths to conform with their state of mind or intellect.But later atfter thousands of years we evolve into a more educated people and so new concept of God again was presented to them, another man made concept, and this go on and on, until a few thiousand years ago.monotheism, Judaism, christianity, islam, buddhism, etc also evolved, But with the accelerated evolution, these faith again is threatend with obsolesencs because of of scientific developments and education.In panthroteistic faith, the future religion needs to conform to evolutionary process, This proves that God is always there guiding the change.And it his will that made this a reality in history since the begining of the universe 13 billion years ago, and this will continue to exist until He will completely fulfill His will to infinity, Thats PANTHROTHEISM, the futue, man made religion under His guidance through scientifiic evoluition after the Bi Bang
I went to a catholic school and have many friends but found very few who actually knew the bible who actually read it for themselves.
The romans had nothing to do with writing the old testament so you might want to go back to school and actually learn something before you come out and try to bash Christianity.
Plus there is also new evidence that pops up from time to time that may challenge what ever school of thought you are tyring to convey, so you do need to provide the specific proof because just saying go read some history doesn't actually cut it.
I went to Catholic school 40 years ago and we were taught at that time in evolution and that the story of Adam and Eve was made up (like a parable) to teach, but wasn't actually true.
This just shows that there are some engeneers out there who need to go back to school and actually learn something.
No more religion - in politics, schools, or work, It needs to go - Its time to use all of the wasted resources that is being using on Christianity and Islam for something that actually benefits the human race and doesn't cause continuous strife.
The experience of many interested observers is that most young people who go to a secondary Catholic school are not sure what a sacrament actually is or does and would find it hard to name them.
The 8 year old little girl who wants to «just be normal» and go to school but instead spends her time in the cancer ward wracked with pain while her parents just pray over her and refuse to let the doctor actually do his job?
And so I find myself jogging next to a girl I went to high school with, spinning alongside the grocery store clerk, doing pilates with my neighbors, and sharing the weight room with the intimidating fit people who I can only assume actually live at the Y.
A scholar - theologian who once taught on a theological faculty and later went to a department of religion in a secular university has written poignantly about his pilgrimage through the kind of identity crises I have just described: one who in college had a kind of neo-fundamentalist faith, went through graduate school, established peer relationships with scholars, and then found himself in a crisis of belief, now speaks about the morality of belief — the importance of being true and honest in what one can actually avow and affirm with integrity.
I grew up eating Laughing Cow Cheese on crackers, but never actually cooked with it until I went to France as a foreign exchange student in high school.
I have to go next week actually - coming home from school is wonderful but it always means loads of appointments, including the dentist unfortunately!
(but i actually went out and bought almond butter, oat flour and flaxseed for the other cookies which I will make also but not send to school!)
I actually went BACK to school because of it!
I've actually considered going back to school and getting a degree in nutrition, or maybe even becoming a holistic health coach.
when i lived with my grandparents school let out before they got off work i went to an after school center where i received tutoring for my homework or i played with other kids in similar situations on occasion this place would take us on field trips one such field trip was to the local roller skating rink i was not a klutzy child, not more than the usual actually, i was quite coordinated at sports but put round wheels on my shoes and it was a mess i fell on my ass more times than i was standing and no lie the next day i could not poop
We never ordered take out (I actually didn't even try Chinese food until high school — and it was at friend's house), we never went to ethnic restaurants, and we never experimented with different cuisines in the kitchen.
Mark Reinfeld: Well it's interesting I actually went to NYU Law School for a semester and that was the direction my life was heading and after the first semester I realized that wasn't the direction I wanted my life to head in.
I would have never done that if it wasn't for my first daughter being born to kind of kick me in the butt and get me to go to school to actually learn a craft.
(The checkout operator in the supermarket the other day, said she bet I couldn't wait for them to go back to school — I told her that actually I like my children and enjoy spending time with them!
The logistical jumps Badger fans / alums constantly make continue to astound me... Or are you one of those Walmart Badger fans who claim they went to Madison but actually went to a UW «dash» school?
Schools build absurd, Olympic - level facilities and repaint locker rooms every couple of years because they can't actually just pocket the money — it has to be spent, and when you aren't paying players more than you are, that money has to go somewhere.
Some (Cutcliffe) have recently signed contract extensions at their current schools, others (Golden) are getting ready to face sanctions for the wrongdoings of others, and some (Petersen) have been mentioned for every job running for the last five years without ever actually going anywhere.
But generally, it's actually easier to go to a different school, where the relationships are new and the lines of authority can be clearly drawn from day one.
When I was in graduate school my counselor told me something (actually many things) that has helped me these past 20 or so years... «The only way to get out from under the crap that's holding you back and making you miserable... is to go right through the heart of it.»
In other words, the fact that double the number of private school students go on to complete college degrees has more to do with who attends private school than what the private school is actually doing for the child's college prospects.
I went to every meeting that they have had at the school, including a PTO meeting where I was one of only 2 parents who didn't actually have a child who attended school there yet.
The school population in question was primarily Hispanic and apparently oatmeal isn't commonly eaten in that community; the school's principal actually called the official later that day to complain about the breakfast and the fact that children went hungry that morning.
I can only imagine how much more challenging it can be as they get older and are eating school lunches, with no teacher reporting back about how much was consumed or making sure to send home the containers from home lunches so Mom and Dad can see what actually went into the kids» stomachs.
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