Sentences with phrase «actually works this time»

«The reliability question is the dirty secret of 3D printing: 3D printers don't actually work every time, and that's a big challenge to their adoption — at least the desktop ones,» Lobovsky says.
Keep the faith think he actually working this time.
Will it actually work this time?
Trying to evacuate last time was way more of a pain than it was worth (though playing four player Castle Crashers on a generator is always fun), so we're just going to be lazy and sit back and hope that the levees actually work this time.
It's a piece of experimental technology that actually works this time around both in terms of voice commands and motion control.
Given that LG's the last Android vendor pushing certain practical features, it might actually work this time.
So has the attempt actually worked this time?

Not exact matches

Most small business owners are stuck in the «technician» role, and they spend most of their time actually doing the work that their business provides.
What a gift it would be to herself and to working moms everywhere if she actually led by example and took that time — and then fought for something on par with Netflix's newly announced up - to - a-year leave.
While many people believe that spring break is nothing more than an excuse for wild college debauchery, it is actually the ideal time to get away from work, school, and cold weather — no matter your age.
Every business owner I work with thinks their project will take less time than it actually does.
Michal Kauffman writes: By Stage 4, in addition to the panic the company may be feeling as a whole, all sorts of competing interests come out of the woodwork when it comes time to actually move forward with significant investments and real money: from the European tech team that is jazzed about the acquisition, to the U.S. tech team that's threatened by it, to the corporate VC team that hates it because it will undermine a competing investment in their portfolio, to the Services Division as a whole worried about their jobs if the acquisition goes through and much of their work gets automated, etc....
I did that for a couple of years and during that time I worked on Everyday Shooter, which was my first commercial game and the first that actually came out and made money.
Whether for you that means long, lazy days on a beach lounger or exploring an exotic new locale, many professionals run into the same snag — you salivate at the thought of escaping work, but when the time actually comes you find it nearly impossible to actually disconnect.
Reviewing emails recently confirmed my memory that the meeting was a waste of our time and that, in looking for a polite way to leave and get back to my work, I actually emailed an assistant from the meeting after I had been there for ten or so minutes and wrote «Can u pls call me on my cell?
The more serious danger for both Feldstein and Chaulk is the lag between the time the work is completed and when insurance companies actually pay.
«It gives pharmacists the opportunity to work directly in real time with patients as opposed to doing it through the mail, working on their doses and making sure it actually has the therapeutic effect that it is intended to have.»
By taking this down time to really reflect on the course of your work and life, you can ensure that when you're back up to full speed you're actually running in the right direction.
Maybe you don't have a view of a sandy beach and turquoise waters from your window, but working from home successfully means taking your dedicated space and making it into a place where you feel good and actually want to spend time: furniture, decor, and comfort.
They're calling for the elimination of «on - call» shifts, a practice where management schedules shifts for part - time employees each week, but then requires them to call in ahead of their start time to find out if they're actually working.
There were multiple coffee runs, a long lunch, and during the time I actually spent at my desk, not much work really got done.
Yet, thousands of CEOs continue to work all along the hose, hoping that some of their effort is actually useful rather than finding the kink and applying all of their time and effort at that point.
Asked if he thought Bird made mistakes with its launch, VanderZanden answered carefully: «Our approach is to work with cities very early on in the process, so we reached out, started a dialogue with Santa Monica the week we actually launched... Any time there's new innovation it's never clear exactly where you fit into the permitting and regulatory scheme.»
They mean people they actually know and work with in real time because they're the ones that actually get things done.
By the time they left, I was actually in awe of the qualify of their work.
It was time that we explored how boundaries between work and higher purpose could merge into one — how doing good could actually be good for business.
On a similar note, when you take the time to do more than just go through the motions, you might actually feel your work day pass by faster.
Science shows a touch of narcissism can actually aid business success, but spend any time at all in the world of work and you quickly discover some professionals let their self - love run wild.
For example, say you wanted to imply that your coworker takes too many coffee breaks without actually accusing him wasting time at work.
For example, try breaking up your work hours into multiple shifts to help keep your brain refreshed during the time you're actually working.
«This is not the time to humble brag by citing a mistake that can actually be seen as a virtue, like a time you worked «too hard» on a project or didn't delegate because you wanted to keep a close eye on quality,» she says.
The second method is to have the equipment purchased and installed at the beginning of the business year or quarter closest to the time when you'll actually need the equipment, allowing time for training and working out bugs before the equipment is placed into full production.
Then if you become a Zen master of optimism, you could wait a day, and spend that time thinking about why something actually might work.
Besides what experts call good «sleep hygiene» -; not drinking caffeine at night, turning off the TV before bed, sticking to a sleep schedule -; the key may be rethinking your schedule to work shorter, smarter hours and actually leave the office closer to on time (after all, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg manages it).
At the same time, Kuzmic says that most of the time, reactions to your work are not actually about you.
You don't want to come across as spending more time complaining than actually getting your work done.
Frind's approach — and the reason he spends so little time actually working — is to do no harm.
And that way your pitch actually becomes a conversation because you come in with a plan, you already know how you can work together... do a lot of work ahead of time so you can share what you're excited about and why it works for your potential partner.
If you're consistently given an unrealistic workload, or lack adequate support from your manager to actually get work done, it's time to have an open discussion with your manager.
Large engineering teams have the same problem: If they spend all their time telling each other what they are doing, they'll have no time to actually work.
So while employees may look like they're busily typing away at their desks this time of year, odds are they're actually being far more productive with their Christmas shopping than with actual work.
I'm battling with that answer just like you are, but in my experience there are three time management tips that actually work in real life and will help you improve your health and productivity.
Over time, I found that when I broke down big projects into less formidable pieces and put them on my to - do list, the work actually got done — no exclamation marks required.
«At the same time as they have these massive tax cuts for the richest people in the country they actually increase taxes for a lot of working and middle class people, and so I think they see the child tax credit as a way to try to address that,» Marr said.
But anyone who has actually gone on a long trip can tell you, if you're not flying first class, you're going to have a tough time getting any work done.
Think about what you can actually commit to and make bold decisions about what you'll spend your time working on during the day.
«For example, if there is a snowstorm and you can't get to the office, use that time to show your boss how working from home can actually boost your productivity.»
The scariest part for me is actually thinking about the volume of work before I've started, because it seems as though I won't have enough time to get it all done.
Further confirming the truth that Gen Zers and Millennials actually work very hard, many of them balance school or a full - time job along with a side hustle.
She points out the discrepancies between the amount of time people claim to spend on work during a week, for example, and the number of hours that studies using time diaries actually show we spend making productive contributions to our jobs.
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