Sentences with phrase «actually writing your thoughts»

In my own experience, there is something different about actually writing your thoughts down carefully in response to the lecture.

Not exact matches

«We think it may actually be worse for the market,» she wrote.
Further evidence comes from the interesting fact that the parchment version of the Declaration of Independence that is on display and kept in the United States National Archives wasn't actually written until July 19th; this being a copy of the approved text that was announced to the world on July 4th, with about 150 - 200 copies being made on paper and distributed on that date (26 of which are still around today, thus pre-dating what is now generally thought of as the «original»).
The song was actually written about Thanksgiving — and was thought to be a total failure when first published.
'' [I] f you think about it, Uber isn't actually connecting passengers to cars,» writes Bilton.
I have actually written an entire piece about how to construct and manage an editorial calendar, and accompanied it with a template I created for the kind of Google Docs based calendar I think is ideal for many types of businesses.
What's so great about the book, and what makes it different from the countless other books and articles written about the «Oracle of Omaha,» is that it offers readers valuable insight into how Buffett actually thinks about investments.
It became a good match, and I think they saw the writing on the wall that, hey, this is getting to be a very competitive area, and they actually were bootstrapped.
And I wrote with using a very simple plain language because a personal pet peeve of mine is that finances intentionally kept kind of opaque and confusing because I think it's meant to keep most people ignorant of how the system actually works.
If representatives of Syriza, the government's ruling party, come to the table and actually negotiate, I think their creditors would be happy to have a reasonable discussion, but in my view, they are not likely to allow the Greeks to write off any debt.
Did you actually think that was a complete sentence when you wrote it?
But there is no industry I can think of — no sport, no science, no game, no writing, no legal system, no athletic ability, no engineering, no drug discovery, no awards for scientific achievement, no Fortune 50 companies (companies that actually make something in addition to money), no adventurism, no culinary art, no nothing in which a woman sits above all men in her field.
the fact that you actually believe jibberish just because it is written and some lemming told you it was true and real, tells me you just do nt think for yourself at all... period!
You also haven't explained any of my other points and copy and pasting the chi.t fred wrote shows that you have no original material at all and that you think fred actually had a point, which is basically as.serting his own cultural chauvinism and dismissing zeus for god because the bible tells him to.
I don't know how many planets were known when the Bible was written, for example, but you would think that an all - knowing and omni - present deity would know that some of the «stars» were actually planets, and informed the scribe of such.
He died before I was born, but I thought as long as I was plagiarizing the book of Matthew (also written after His death), I'd just add this whole 3:16 part in because those silly jews don't think Jesus was actually the messiah (who cares if he didn't really fulfill all the required prophecies.
So when I think and write about God being redeemed, I am not actually freeing God (for He is already free), but about freeing ourselves in how we think about God and act toward Him.
I know some Christians that think the decision about who goes where is actually up to God and that God is not limited or constrained by what some people 2000 years ago happened to write down on paper or what more recent people read into those words.
If for you your faith is only about «worshiping» the words in a book (which are written by man)... think about it... you might be wasting your time and not realize how distant you actually have become (from the true msg) worrying about trivialities or needing to reconcile scripture with science / common sense... simply because your book (and your self - imposed obligation to believe in the words) doesn't leave you another option.
I also tend to believe that with lots of study, thinking, and research, most «errors» in the Bible are actually due to our failure to understand what was written.
Actually, I think the most accurate would be to state that the anonymous author who wrote the gospel of John attributed those words to Jesus that he or she received second hand (or more) and didn't bother to put into writing until at least many decades after the words were said.
Jesus probably foresaw his own death; but I think it is almost certain that the passages in the Gospels which speak of this, and which in some instances go on to say that he prophesied his resurrection, have been written up and embroidered in the light of what actually happened at Easter.
Mage McGeeze: Do you really think that God (the Creator of the world and you), would actually write, just because YOU think he should.
So you think that a god actually told the ancient Hebrews what to write?
I think that the Lord of Rings trilogy and The Hobbit is actually a super edited down version of all that Tolkein actually wrote.
The great flood — if you think about when the bible was actually written — it only dealt with that location — it wasn't a world wide flood.
Readers are thus made to feel like witnesses to what actually happened, with access to the thoughts and motives both of the characters in the drama and of those who wrote about them, the authors of the sources used to build an uncluttered reality.
A good bit of Lewis's success can, I think, be attributed to the fact that he actually writes relatively little «theology» in this technical sense.
In college I joined the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and discovered that some people actually think about their faith and write rather sophisticated arguments defending their beliefs.
I think I am pretty much done with the series on Bibliology, and so rather than move right on to Theology Proper where I summarize and question what I have been taught about God (I'm actually scared to begin this), I am going to go back to my other two writing projects for a while.
Well, this argument states that while the Bible accurately records the thoughts, actions, and ideas of the various Biblical authors and the people to whom the various books were written, these thoughts, actions, and ideas may not actually be the thoughts, actions, and ideas that God endorses, nor the thoughts, ideas, and actions that we are to copy.
While some try to explain away what James is writing about by saying that it does not actually refer to someone who is physically sick, but instead someone who is spiritually or emotionally weak, I think it is best to go with the traditional and most common way of reading this text and see it as a a reference to physical sickness.
When my first novel appeared, I got a note from a senior colleague to the effect that it was sly of me not only to think of writing a novel but actually to do it.
One thought it was a Dixie - someone, another an ex named Camilla, and another mentioned that Blunt didn't actually write the song.
@fred — the book of numbers is indeed referred as one of the books of moses, it wasn't written by him — there is actually (at least in the bible) 5 books of moses — in reality there is i think 25 books of moses — he didn't write them... oral traditions... they were write down in parts, then added together later.
Derp... fair question... you answer the question yourself (mostly): «Or did people many many years after the death of Jesus start writing down the things that John thought he remembered Jesus had said many years earlier but never actually bothered to write down?»
We wouldn't want the monster who lives under there to get you... But seriously, if you actually believe that there's a God, and he had some «scriptures» written down for us to follow, don't you think it would be important enough to this invisible man in the sky so that he / she / it would make certain we didn't foul it up?
Or did people many many years after the death of Jesus start writing down the things that John thought he remembered Jesus had said many years earlier but never actually bothered to write down?
Pragmatism, however, at least the pragmatism of William James, actually arose as a sharp protest against the kind of thinking that Palmer calls objectivism but which was called «positivism» at the time that James was writing in the 1870s and 1880s.
Part of this, I'm sure, is fear of rejection, but as I've thought about writing for publication over the past few years, I'm actually quite relieved those three books are not published.
In a day with no papers, no writing for almost everyone, no recording devices of any kind, it's simply not reasonable to think that 30 — 100 years later anyone coud actually remember anything he said.
Actually, I'm going to argue on my blog that Paul (or at the very least Luke) thought that a Pagan poet got God right, even though he was writing about Zeus.
I actually started off writing a different book and wrote most of that book and toward the end of it I called a friend who is a great writing coach and he set me down and said, «OK, I think you're writing the wrong book, I think you've found that there's a symptom here and you're not dealing with the problem.»
People are talking about it, writing books about it, and most certainly thinking about it during the most boring moments at work (let's admit it, you're actually reading this during one of those moments, aren't you?)
I think that a bible with only stories of what Jesus actually said and did, with a big foreword saying «here is the stuff that people wrote down, years after he died, about what Jesus said and did... would be a lot more meaningful and accurate than what we have now.
If you have a hard time thinking about what He is actually doing, take a moment to write down five things you're grateful for, or a way that God has answered prayers.
Having got himself so well launched, Whitehead now goes on to try and distinguish (actually not very well, since he is bound by his own work with Russell in writing Principia Mathematica) between what thought asserts that the world is like, and what sense - awareness shows it to be like, and I think he has far too narrow a notion of thought.
More generally, though, when one considers the volumes that have been written by political theorists and political scientists on the nature of political institutions, one ought to be struck by how little Bishop Wright actually seems to have thought about these institutions before venturing forth on the sea of political analysis.
Narrow - minded bigots don't care, of course, because their own thoughts are more important than what God actually inspired to be written.
I often write to figure out what I think, and I think I live a pretty seamless life between online and real - life, but some part of me still wants to die of embarrassment when someone in my real life actually brings up my blog or my book.
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