Sentences with word «acyclovir»

Acyclovir is a medication that is used to treat diseases caused by certain viruses, mostly herpes infections. Full definition
Your healthcare provider may prescribe antiviral medications such as acyclovir or vidarabine (which is sold in eyedrop form) to fight the herpes infection and help prevent future outbreaks.
The findings may also explain some properties of antiherpes drugs like acyclovir, says Schiffer.
I kept getting outbreaks (probably from the stress) so started suppressive therapy and took 800 mg of Acyclovir daily.
Hi - I'm taking Acyclovir for shingles * and * Bactrum for infection and breastfeeding an 11 week - old.
80 percent of the people using the Propolis — based ointment said their sores healed, compared with 50 percent of the people using acyclovir and 40 percent using Placebo.
Residents in the area acyclovir have said he is an ex-convict.
In one study, 16 adult subjects with a history of recurrent labial and genital herpes attacks used honey to treat one attack, and a commonly prescribed antiviral drug, Acyclovir cream, during another.
Some veterinarians give acyclovir but I have not found it much help.
The investigations would have led to treatment with intravenous acyclovir and, with treatment, her condition would have been cured completely, or she would have had a significantly better outcome.
I saw your advert within the paper acyclovir tablets on - line make the URL seem (and print) in black with out underlining.
And no data exist on whether antiviral drugs, such as acyclovir, will work in flight.
Use of antiviral drugs like acyclovir and famciclovir can play an important role in dealing with the symptoms of herpes.
Today I am starting high doses of acyclovir.
Yes, but possible interactions may occur with acyclovir, antacids, anticholinergics (ex.
Research on antimetabolites of nucleic acid purines led to drugs for the treatment of acute leukemia (6 - mercaptopurine and thioguanine), gout and hyperuricemia (allopurinol), and herpesvirus infections (acyclovir), and for the prevention of organ transplant rejection (azathioprine).
If virus shedding never stops, these drugs have a much harder job, says Schiffer, especially compounds like acyclovir that quickly disappear from a patient's body.
For instance, in a trial where herpes patients took acyclovir to prevent their partners from becoming infected, the drug was only 50 % effective.
At the level of science, Zovirax's compound, acyclovir, was even more of a landmark than trimethoprim.
He also wants me to take Zantac because the high doses of acyclovir may cause stomach problems.
'' Dermatologist says: «Overtopical astringents and topical Zovirax (acyclovir), cold sores are best treated by oral treatments of anti-virals like acyclovir, valalcyclovir and Famciclovir.»
Two cases of labial herpes and one case of genital herpes remitted completely with the honey treatment, whereas none remitted while using acyclovir.12
For labial herpes, the mean healing time was 43 percent better, and for genital herpes, 59 percent better than acyclovir.
Vitamin C is one of the best of all vitamins and the one I suggest you take when you are diagnosed, I have no doubt that a good daily dose is much more effective than Acyclovir.
Are you paying $ 189 a week for Valtrex or $ 67 for Acyclovir to suppress your outbreaks?
Acyclovir was the original and prototypical associate of this class and generic brands are currently available at a pocket friendly cost.
Acyclovir is the antiviral drug used to prevent herpes recurrences and is highly effective.
Valacyclovir: It can cause similar symptoms as Acyclovir and Famciclovir.
Acyclovir is the oldest drug used in the treatment of genital herpes and is known to be absolutely harmless.
Acyclovir: It can cause nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness, dizziness and diarrhea.
The three most common drugs used in the treatment of genital herpes are valacyclovir, Famvir and acyclovir.
It was found out that the substance showed better results compared to ointments containing antiviral drugs such as Acyclovir and Placebo.
Primary infection can be treated locally by taking some antiviral drugs like acyclovir, acyclovir which will reduce the multiplication of the virus.
Each pup was given an injection of Covenia, a long acting antibiotic, as well as the Acyclovir 10mg / kg every 6 hours.
The Acyclovir short circuits the herpes virus, keeping it from spreading.
Antiviral medications such as Acyclovir may help.
Yes, but possible interactions may occur with acyclovir, amlodipine, antacids, cimetidine, cyclosporine, digoxin, isoniazid, omeprazole, ranitidine, quinidine, phenytoin, rifampin and warfarin.
Although the Defendant Trust admitted that Mrs ST should have undergone a lumbar puncture and CT scan and, if she was suffering from herpes simplex encephalitis, she should have been treated with acyclovir, it was denied that Mrs ST was suffering from encephalitis and, additionally, that treatment with acyclovir would have made any real difference to the outcome.
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