Sentences with phrase «ad group level»

The fastest way to do this is to pull the SQR right in the Google interface and then you can add the query as an exact match campaign or ad group level negatives by checking the box next to the term.
When you add negative keywords at the ad group level, you tell Google not to show ads at this particular ad - group level.
Campaign level v. ad group level.
Ad Extensions have options to be applied at either the Campaign or Ad Group level, so you can get fairly granular with what you want to pair together.
At the ad group level, listing negative keywords can sharpen the targeting of each ad.
Negative keywords can be selected for either the campaign or the ad group level.
For example, you can use a forwarding number in your ad copy call extensions and record calls down to the ad group level.
It's a setting at the ad group level that allows Pinterest's Taste Graph to choose relevant keywords for your ad.
Lists for negative keywords can be established at the ad group level or campaign level.
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