Sentences with phrase «adapt to climate change while»

Sustainable groundwater management offers a new pathway, allowing the state both to mitigate and to adapt to climate change while increasing water reliability in the future.
Hence, those responsible in the North owe reparations for this climate debt to those in the South so that they can reduce their emissions, and adapt to climate change while developing sustainably.
These purchases helped improve capacities for farmers to mitigate and adapt to climate change while simultaneously increasing productivity.
Assuming that only socioeconomic factors — rather than rising emissions — influence losses may yield ill - founded policy recommendations that focus exclusively on adapting to climate change while dismissing energy policy as a legitimate part of the toolkit for responding.

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And while Angkor was overwhelmed by climate change at the scale of a few decades, Buckley says, «a more nimble society might be able to adapt in response.»
Taken together, these techniques promise to advance agricultural sustainability by reducing input use in multiple areas, from water and land to fertilizer, while also helping crops to adapt to climate change.
While it was beyond the scope of this report, analysis of population growth also takes into account how rapid urbanization would change the face of human settlements and affect their ability to adapt to climate change.
While there is certainty that future climate change will impact cotton production systems; there will be opportunities to adapt.
Once adapted for non-EU member states, the project will benefit hotels worldwide, thus contributing to climate change mitigation while helping hotels increase business profits.
The bottom line, of course, is the uncomfortable reality that adapting to climate change is and will be a prime priority while mitigating emissions remains, for most countries, a generations - spanning long - term goal — unless and until some epic environmental disruption forces it to the front of the line.
The second is the degree to which the world will succeed in limiting climate change, while helping developing countries adapt to climate change and mitigate its effects.
In addressing the challenge of food security and climate change, the world faces therefore three inter-related challenges: first, the need to double food production by 2050 to meet growing world demand; second, the need to adapt agricultural production to shifting weather patterns; and third, the need to minimize agriculture's contribution to greenhouse gas emissions while maximizing its potential to mitigate climate change.
This module aims to introduce participants to the significance of resource scarcity and climate change and how adapting low carbon green growth can provide win - win solutions for fostering inclusive sustainable development while mitigating and adapting to climate change.
While mitigation climate change is essential adapting to and through centuries of warming is paramount... the stories of animals, plants and people adapting to a warming world express trust in our ability to adjust to changing conditions, even radical ones, and to establish a voice for resilience in uncertain times.
A number of studies have explored the opportunities available to improve health and well - being as a result of adapting to climate change, 273 with many recent publications illustrating the benefit of reduced air pollution.2, 271,288,299,300,301,302 Additionally, some studies have looked at the co-benefits to climate change and health of applying innovative urban design practices which reduce energy consumption and pollution while increasing public health, 99,272,303,304 decrease vulnerability of communities to extreme events263, 264,303 and reduce the disparity between different societal groups.249, 305,306,307,308
Rich, industrialised countries like the EU and US have a legal obligation under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC — which the talks fall under) to take the lead in cutting their emissions while providing the finance and technology to poorer countries to adapt to climate impacts and avoid the same fossil - fuel intensive development pathways thClimate Change (UNFCCC — which the talks fall under) to take the lead in cutting their emissions while providing the finance and technology to poorer countries to adapt to climate impacts and avoid the same fossil - fuel intensive development pathways thclimate impacts and avoid the same fossil - fuel intensive development pathways they did.
While life can adapt to those conditions, the climate is changing faster than at any time since the terminal Cretaceous extinction.
While this is a glaring logical fallacy, Michaels and Cato follow with perhaps an even greater fallacy, arguing that climate change does not pose a threat because we may be able to adapt to it.
Here are some ideas for how to deal with climate change, how to adapt and how to try and cut down on the change while we still can.
All Headlines News: Bangladesh as the most at risk due to extreme levels of poverty and a high dependency on agriculture, while its government has the lowest capacity of all countries to adapt to predicted changes in the climate.
While the industrialized countries that have ratified the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change are required to provide assistance to vulnerable developing countries to help them to adapt to adverse climate impacts, very little has been done tClimate Change are required to provide assistance to vulnerable developing countries to help them to adapt to adverse climate impacts, very little has been done tclimate impacts, very little has been done to date.
While he says categorically that the prospect of geoengineering should never provide polluters or governments a «get out of jail free card» to avoid their absolute duty to drastically cut CO2 emissions, he maintains that «climate change could actually be reversed with the help of geoengineering, and it would be far simpler, safer and cheaper than trying to adapt to ever worsening climate change, and sea level rise to boot.»
And while the growing impacts of climate change are bad for people in the developed world, many in developing countries have it much worse, given their increased vulnerability and lack of resources and capacity to adapt.
Driven by the imperative to adapt within a generation to «whiplash» climate changes where only grass did well for a while, our ancestors learned to cooperate and innovate in hunting large grazing animals.
While vitally important, this approach has largely ignored the impact climate change has already taken on vulnerable regions around the world, particularly agricultural communities, that urgently need resources to adapt to an altered climate.
While the specifics of government climate policies will vary greatly, all will have one of two fundamental objectives: constraining GHG emissions or adapting to existing or projected climate change.
The IPCC reports predict that, if the temperature were to rise by 1 - 3C, there would be increased coral bleaching and widespread coral mortality unless corals could adapt or acclimatise, but while there is increasing evidence for climate change impacts on coral reefs the IPCC concluded that separating the impacts of climate change - related stresses from other stresses such as over-fishing and pollution was difficult.
Which is all to say, that while humanity will adapt to a climate changed world is true, there is no doubt that climate change will create, in comparison to today, let alone a pre-industrial, lower population world, a world that is less bountiful, prone to more extremes of temperature and weather in many places, less fecund — and since we're talking about human adaptation, more difficult to live in and less conducive to human civilization.
While most cost - estimating has focused on GDPs, trade and other such figures, Larsen's work is different in that it gauges the effect of climate change by adding up all the dollars of adapting to a warmer world, one bridge and one building at a time.
The report warns that continued burning of fossil fuels to increase living standards while expecting humanity to adapt to climate change and mitigate its effects through better technologies «fails to appreciate the nature of the threat posed by ice sheet instability and sea level rise.
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