Sentences with phrase «adaptation support»

The illustrations and touch - screen adaptations support a major reading skill, cause and effect.
New financing for Least Developed Countries Fund sends strong signal of commitment as Paris talks get underway Eleven donors have pledged close to $ 250 USD million in new money for adaptation support to the most vulnerable countries on the planet giving a welcome boost to the start of the climate talks here in Paris.
Eleven donors have pledged close to $ 250 USD million in new money for adaptation support to the most vulnerable countries on the planet giving a welcome boost to the start of the climate talks here in Paris.
Adaptation support materials, training and / or TA are available to assist educators / staff in meeting the needs of individual communities by implementing EBPs effectively and consistently with core components.
Omagano Shooya, Research Analyst — Climate Change Adaptation Supports the Science Team on the IMPACT project >> > Javascript deactivated.
These adaptations support the case that illusions are not simply errors of perception but can provide significant advantages, too.
With world leaders poised to gather in Bonn for COP 23, Oxfam stressed that reductions in global climate emissions must be made far more rapidly and called on rich countries to step up their adaptation support for poorer ones.
- There is in fact no realistic danger for generations yet unborn, but since real harm is being done to today's generations, it's time someone spoke up for those poor people and those poor countries being denied electricity and adaptation support.
He goes further and argues that international human rights and climate treaties establish rights for Inuit that are being compromised with climate change, establishing a legal basis for adaptation support.
All adaptation support is based on ETR's groundbreaking, widely disseminated adaptation guidelines and kits for effective adaptations.
Adaptation support materials, training and / or TA are available to assist educators in meeting the needs of individual communities by implementing EBPs effectively and consistently with core components.
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