Sentences with phrase «adaptation to the environment»

One might interpret this statistic as a profound cultural phenomenon related to certain biological adaptations to environments having limited carrying capacities.
But the neat concept of adaptation to the environment driven by natural selection, as envisaged by Darwin in On the Origin of Species and now a central feature of the theory of evolution, is too simplistic.
Instead, he argued from a mass of evidence collected in different parts of the world, that «species» had originated by natural selection, by adaptation to the environment and by gradual evolution.
At the macroscopic level societies of occasions are preserved in their dominant patterns through adaptation to their environment.7 This adjustment is pursued ultimately not for its own sake, but for the sake of providing a stable actual world in which the constituent occasions may be nurtured toward the achievement of greater intensities of self - realization.
In primitive existence, intelligent adaptation to the environment and unconscious symbolization, as a means of intensifying and ordering the psychic life, existed side by side.
Man is what he has become; and his present being is what it is by virtue of the long struggle for more successful adaptation to the environment.
But it is this subjective aim to incorporate novelty which lies behind all purposive adaptation to the environment.
It's not until a million years later (0.5 - 0.4 m years ago) that consistently heavier hominins appear in the fossil record, with an estimated 10 - 15 kg greater body mass signalling adaptation to environments north of the Mediterranean.
In line with this, the researchers have found that genes involved in the new adaptations to the environment in honeybees also undergo more recombination.
The hunter - gatherers also had a high frequency of genetic variants linked to reduced skin pigmentation — a known adaptation to environments with low UV radiation, such as those at high latitude.
Conversely, pursuing someone with a close (or semi-close) genetic makeup means preserving adaptations to an environment — think regional people having immunity to local strains of pathogens.
When populations are separated (allopatry) over long periods of time, they accumulate adaptations to their environments and random mutations.
He laments the tendency of some anthropologists to «atomise the body», and explain each of its part as an exquisite adaptation to an environment.
The East African cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi are ideal for investigating behavioral adaptation to environment, as within genera, fine - scale niche partitioning has resulted in sympatric sister species that live in definable microhabitats with distinct selection pressures.
Integration of morphology, physiology and behavioral performance studies of vertebrates to understand organismal adaptations to the environment.
What the CBA report recommends is acceptance of the emerging reality and adaptation to this environment at the earliest opportunity.
As Tatkin points out, «When we think of insecure attachment or insecure cultures... we're talking about adaptation to environment
The study also reveals how the ground tit genome can be characterised by a range of adaptations to the environment it calls home.
These materials were combined with each other in all manner of ways, but it is important to see that the guiding principle of such organization was not practical usefulness in the adaptation to the environment, but intrinsic satisfaction.
Darwin's finches and their adaptation to their environment, is exactly what evolution asserts.
«What has emerged from our study as well as from other work on introgression is that interbreeding with archaic humans does indeed have functional implications for modern humans, and that the most obvious consequences have been in shaping our adaptation to our environment — improving how we resist pathogens and metabolize novel foods,» Kelso says.
My interest in carbon dioxide concentration as a variable evolved from the recognition that the rapidly changing concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was likely to disrupt the relationships between plant physiological processes and adaptations to the environment that I had been studying.
But in Southeast Asia and New Guinea, you're back in tropical forests, so it's possible that we don't see microliths there because of an adaptation to the environment or due to lack of suitable raw materials for making them.»
The timing of the switch to flowering is critical for a plant's adaptation to the environment and its resulting yield.
These phenotypes are clearly the result of adaptation to this environment, but their genetic basis remains unknown.
This means that by studying the effect of genetic changes during the domestication of dogs we can also learn about our own species» adaptations to the environment and related diseases.
Reading the Second Code: Mapping Epigenomes to Understand Plant Growth, Development, and Adaptation to the Environment
The Darwinian concept of adaptation to the environment has become outdated with the scientific demonstration of the Gaia theory, which recognizes the Earth as an autopoietic whole, where living and nonliving systems intertwine in the same net of interdependence.
Previous games in the critically acclaimed Uncharted series relied heavily on quick - time events, the latest entry however, features a combat system that allows for better movement and adaptation to the environment.
Emotional Competence (EC), which refers to individual differences in the identification, understanding, expression, regulation and use of one's own emotions and those of others, has been found to be an important predictor of individuals» adaptation to their environment.
Self - concept is your adjustments and adaptations to an environment.
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