Sentences with phrase «adaptive ability»

Adults tend to manage this kind of «noisy channel» communication fairly easily, but new findings suggest 4 - and 5 - year - old children show the same adaptive ability.
I appreciate the sentiments expressed here, though think that it is worth also mentioning the amazing adaptive abilities that children have.
As for punctuated equilibrium, it certainly does not logically indicate preprogrammed adaptive ability.
In this context, Rohit Pappu, Edwin H. Murty Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Washington University, noted that: «Uncovering the molecular components that confer these adaptive abilities of Sup35 has also important implications for understanding cells on a molecular level and adopting these principles for building synthetic systems.»
Similarly, the adaptive ability indicates how Earth microbes might be able to colonize harsher extraterrestrial environments such as Mars, although even the most radiation - resistant bacteria would face other challenges if they tried to survive beyond Earth.
If the stress continues without giving your system adequate rest and recovery, your body's adaptive ability is exhausted.
If our bodybuilder eating 3000 calories a day cut his calories to 2500 per day and his body did not have these adaptive abilities, he would lose weight continually without stopping until he would eventually die.
We already know climate is changing, that many spp. are finding the rates of change are too fast for their adaptive abilities and thus what does this do to socioecological interactions.
But one side sees hope in the bears» adaptive abilities and the other (led by Amstrup) sees hope only from political action to reduce human - generated fossil fuel emissions.
Much customer feedback expressed how my register was preferred... may apply my well - practiced skills in guest service experience and contribute my adaptive abilities
In fact, the adaptive ability among freshmen depends a lot upon their coping effort as well as the coping strategies used to deal with the challenges and demands encountered when entering university.
Teacher and self - reports were also gathered for each student to assess their level of adaptive ability.
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