Sentences with phrase «adaptive learning activities»

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Between Mangahigh's games and their adaptive quiz engine called Prodigi, the site offers teachers an array of opportunities to differentiate learning activities for their students.
The engaging course features new graphics, learning tools, and games; adaptive activities that help struggling students master concepts and skills before moving on; and more support for Learning Coaches to guide their students to learning tools, and games; adaptive activities that help struggling students master concepts and skills before moving on; and more support for Learning Coaches to guide their students to Learning Coaches to guide their students to success.
To support the new blended classrooms, pilot teachers have been equipped with access to online tools including Google Classroom, Canvas, Ed Puzzle and adaptive grammar and vocabulary content to enable students to access appropriately leveled content and learning activities.
The paper first examines the conditions, processes, and activities characteristic of each setting and then outlines how teachers can use their knowledge of these two conflicting paradigms to design a Mutually Adaptive Learning Paradigm (MALP) that can help Hmong learners succeed academically.
The Mutually Adaptive Learning Paradigm (MALP) examined the conditions, processes, and activities characteristic of each setting and outlined how teachers could use their knowledge of these two conflicting paradigms to design a mutually adaptive paradigm that could help Hmong learners succeed in the Adaptive Learning Paradigm (MALP) examined the conditions, processes, and activities characteristic of each setting and outlined how teachers could use their knowledge of these two conflicting paradigms to design a mutually adaptive paradigm that could help Hmong learners succeed in the adaptive paradigm that could help Hmong learners succeed in the program.
The resultant matrix of activities enables precise progression and enables the automated Adaptive Learning system to progress children inexorably upwards.
«We made significant investments in real - time reporting for quicker insights into emerging classroom dynamics and process automation that frees professors for higher value teaching activities and adaptive learning technologies that personalize education.
Our child specialists incorporate behavioral management tools, cognitive behavioral therapy, play therapy and creative arts activities to empower and teach children how to work through their feelings and learn healthy and adaptive ways of expressing their feelings.
Play therapists strategically utilize play activity to help children express difficult thoughts and feelings, learn more adaptive behaviors when emotional or social skills deficits are present, promote cognitive development and provide insight and resolution to inner conflicts or dysfunctional thinking.
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