Sentences with phrase «add more belly fat»

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And all thanks to the goodness of chia seeds, which are amazing because they: Balance blood sugar Add healthy omega - 3 oil to your diet Make you feel more energized Cut your cravings Combat diseases Provide you with stronger teeth & bones Are a great source of protein Help fight belly fat and so much more!
In the words of the lead researcher, professor Manolopoulos, a certain distribution of fat in the body is already a well - known factor that promotes health, but these new findings add even more meat to the bones of this fact by proving that thigh fat and large hips actually protect and maintain the health of women, quite opposite to the health damages caused by belly fat and overall upper body fat, which include high blood pressure and diabetes.
So when our belly, butt, or thighs get big, we're not adding more fat cells; we're just cramming more fat into each cell.
To add insult to injury, high belly fat creates more insulin and hormonal issues, which creates more belly fat, which creates more insulin / hormone issues... and you can see where I'm going with this.
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