Sentences with phrase «add small quantities»

If mixture is too thick, add small quantities of water until desired texture is achieved.
I like my smoothies thick, soI add a small quantity of milk or water to help it blend.
Audrey, It doesn't have a whole lot of flavor because you are adding a small quantity.
Unperturbed, the researchers tried adding a small quantity of iron ions to the purple solution.
(See tips on adding small quantities)
Place in blender, add a small quantity of water and blend until smooth.
The product was acid phosphate containing some 16 percent P 2 0 5, to which, in the earlier days were added small quantities of nitrogen carriers, such as guano, slaughterhouse tankage, garbage tankage, fish scrap, and lowanalysis potash salts of foreign origin, to be replaced gradually in subsequent years by the higher grades of nitrogen carriers, ammonium sulfate and sodium nitrate, for years likewise largely of foreign origin, and the more concentrated potash salts.
• Do not add any supplements like vitamins or minerals to a quality kibble, however adding small quantities of yogurt, cooked vegetables or eggs to the food can be beneficial.

Not exact matches

To circumvent that dilemma, she adds, «It is important to have an established core business that allows you to top up large orders with smaller quantities until the export market is able to bring in larger quantities
Just add in the dates in small quantities as it might not be able to handle them all at once.
In its simplest form, Mexican chocolate has cinnamon and chiles, but other spices like allspice, annatto, cardamom, and anise can also be added in smaller quantities.
I avoid adding weights to small quantities, which I include with larger ones, based on how small ingredients (under 3 tablespoons) in France are listed in recipes.
I didn't have fresh herbs, so I used a small quantity of dry thyme and oregano, which helped to add some flavor.
It tastes a little bit like dirt by itself, but I like the nice earthy flavor it adds in small quantities.
While the quantity of any particular chemical linked to health and environmental hazards is in most cases very small, those small doses add up daily and exposure to derived health risk increases.
Stir a small quantity of the hot mixture into the beaten egg yolks, and immediately add egg yolk mixture to the rest of the hot mixture.
Serve in small quantities to add protein to the plate, almost like a relish.
``... Consumers are buying smaller quantities of products and more value - added drinks, such as juices, isotonics and vitamin drinks.
Of course, if you make it regularly you are likely to do some tweaks; the pepper mix is infinitely variable, and other ingredients (all in small quantities) might be added; some common ones are citrus - orange or lime, most likely - sweet spices such as cinnamon, clove or allspice (in very small amounts), chocolate or coffee, different herbs (Mexican oregano, thyme, cilantro are possibilities), celery.
Leftover cooked amaranth can be added in small quantities to muffin and quick bread recipes (1/4 to 1/2 cup per average recipe) for added texture and moistness.
It's perfect to add into smoothies and even swirled through porridge in small quantities.
Ringer adds that even though the experiments produced only laboratory quantities of the superstrength alloy, the process could quickly be adapted to produce small components that require high strength but low weight, such as biomedical implants.
«Platinum and gold are not harmful to the body in these small quantities,» he says, adding that his team's work paves the way for creating nanomotor - based sensing systems for monitoring chemicals — including glucose — in the body, although a practical application is still years away.
To mechanically fix the titanium in place, small quantities of aluminium are added.
Hinz adds «Questions arise such as: Is it more efficient to have a small quantity of very strong active agents or a larger quantity of weaker active agents?»
Their experiments, which used a thin layer of lipid solution in oil — to which small quantities of solution had been added — showed that a Belousov - Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction, a kind of oscillating chemical reaction, can be used as a chemical foundation of memory.
If you'd prefer not to have to make a small amount that must be used within two weeks, you can make a larger batch by mixing double or triple quantities of the dry ingredients and adding to the wet ingredients as needed for use.
Oregano oil is highly respected for its antimicrobial properties and has been used traditionally for aromatherapy, and in very small quantities, as a dietary supplement, when added to a beverage, Organic coconut oil or honey.
The plant has also culinary uses (mainly in its native Mediterranean region); lavender leaves, petals, and flower tips are all edible straight from the plant, and they can be added in this way to soups and salads in small quantities.
Diluted Apple Cider Vinegar is an acid that can really help with sunburn when added to a bath or by dipping a wet washcloth into a small quantity of vinegar.
Do you think something like glycerine may be added in a very small quantity to prevent it from crystallizing in dry foods?
Other — 100 % fruit juice (in small quantities), apples, melons including cantaloupe, kiwi, low - sugar jams or preserves (in small quantities), no - sugar - added applesauce, pears, peaches
Serve in small quantities to add protein to the plate, almost like a relish.
So I really would suggest you take it slowly, item by item, and log your reactions to the same thing raw and cooked, and check quantities, and check combos... it IS hard and laborious and sisyphean, and by way of encouragement let me add it took me months of logging everything in a little notebook kept on the kitchen counter alongside a small digital scale, but the effort's worth it because in the end you'll know exactly what's nay and what's aye and that makes living in a world loaded with food so much easier.
As always, exercise caution when adding these potent therapeutic foods; start with small quantities and let your body tell you how it accepts the new food.
Add it in small quantities because it can bulk up quick since coconut flour absorbs a lot of liquid.
I don't want to limit myself to a certain number... but I've never been a big shopper so I don't imagine it'll get too out of hand — I probably have less than 20 pieces right now and I'm adding slowly and steadily... focusing on quality over quantity, shopping more ethically, and from smaller brands (local and afar).
Even when we do eat meat it is never the main attraction but instead added in a small quantity to add or compliment the flavors going on as in this Italian Beans and Greens.
What you can do is remove a small quantity of your coolant (use a turkey baster), place it in a clean empty clear plastic bottle (disposable drinking water bottle) and add the same amount of your purple stuff.
It was a minor matter to get a friend of a friend, who was a stewardess, to use her free hours before her flight took off again from Beef Island to take a cab to the dive shop and pick up a small quantity of the ground herb concoction, which chemical analysis later revealed to be powdered rhino horn (one could well wonder how they got that in Tortola), mixed with something called dried Annie flower, to which was added a generous pinch — as Lowell suspected — of simple ginger.
A good way to force people to charge more for their books, but for spammers even a small amount in large quantities can add up.
Active dogs are the ones who are most likely to benefit from eating brown rice regularly — quality brown rice is a great way to add complex carbohydrates and small quantities of protein into your dog's diet without giving them too much fat.
Olive oil may also be added to a dog's food in very small quantities in order to keep his coat and skin healthy.
A healthy rabbit diet of hay, fresh vegetables and herbaceous material is adequate, but because wild rabbits also turn to trees and other parts of plants for added nutrition, supplementing your pet rabbit's diet on occasion with seeds and fruits in small quantities, broccoli and cauliflower flowers or florets, and tender shoots and twigs — especially those from apple trees — is a special treat.
And even a small quantity of toxic ingredients — preservatives, flavor enhancers, colorings — can add up as well.
Excess minerals are eliminated, natural sourced, urinary - important methionine are added, and small quantities of fruits and vegetables mimic what may be consumed in the viscera of prey, and contribute important vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients.
It is always safest to start with a small quantity of any safe food you add to your pups diet.
Avoid adding large amounts of fat to treats, or feed these in very small quantities, particularly in dogs.
Sometimes adding anise to the food in small quantities can also help.
Although the quantities are relatively small, the amount of plastic adds up.
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