Sentences with phrase «added blood volume»

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The extra pounds you've put on are made up of the baby's weight, plus the placenta, amniotic fluid, increased blood and fluid volume, and added breast tissue.
From increased blood volume to a larger uterus and amniotic fluid, each system your baby needs to develop and thrive adds to the extra pounds you'll need to gain.
DiNicolantonio adds that excess sugar causes fluid retention, which also drives up blood volume and pressure, far more than excess salt.
So now we have mega-dosed L - citrulline in conjunction with NitroSigine ™ potentiating blood vessel relaxation and expansion — now let's add something to induce hyperhydration, interstitial fluid volume, and cellular swelling.
Women also have fewer «fast - twitch» fibers, less muscle mass, and lower blood volume — factors that can add «drag» to one's athletic performance and endurance.
Kadokawa's BookWalker manga website and app added 35 manga volumes from Japanese publisher Shonengahosha on Wednesday, including volumes from Brocken Blood, Edo Nekoe Jubei Otogisoshi, Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer, Present for Me, Sun - Ken Rock, Shiawase Restaurant, And Yet the Town Moves, and Tsumanuda Fight Town.
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