Sentences with phrase «added by precipitation»

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A 12 percent increase in the rate of aquifer recharge from added precipitation, combined with a projected 3 - foot rise in sea level by the end of the century, would raise groundwater levels in some parts of the city by an additional foot — up to 4 feet higher than current levels.
The methodology developed in Lovejoy's two recent papers could also be used by researchers to help analyze precipitation trends and regional climate variability and to develop new stochastic methods of climate forecasting, he adds.
In this estimate, only 4.2 mm per month of liquid water equivalent are due to the mass added by enhanced precipitation; the vast majority of the effect (72 mm per month of decreased ablation) is due to the effect of precipitation on reflectivity.
In addition to adding mass to a glacier, precipitation has an indirect effect on glacier mass balance by changing the amount of sunlight the glacier absorbs.
They didn't displace 90,000 people in Southern California by chance in the same year as we added new colors on our precipitation map for the heavy rain that fell with Hurricane Harvey.
But all he has done in moving from old H0 to new H0 is choose a Ho that makes it impossible to add weight to his desired H1: («Precipitation has increased by 5 %»).
the attribution of a specific heavy precipitation event to human - caused GHG's is not an extra development in science that is needed to add to the burden of proof regarding the human influence on climate already provided by the current scientific evidence.»
From the perspective of soil moisture, the ongoing drought is the worst in at least the last 1,200 years, the study found, adding that the high temperatures in the past few years may have aggravated the precipitation deficits by nearly 40 %.
We add to this knowledge by examining how variability in winter precipitation could influence management effectiveness.
* I was just recently pointed at a study by Cretat et al ( demonstrating the added skill of RCMs over GCMs to capture the characteristics of extreme precipitation events over Africa
Thus, there is a strong potential that the added dust in the atmosphere during this drought could have intensified the drought by reducing precipitation over the plains.
multiple the Annual temperature by 20C add 280 to this number if 70 % of the precipitation falls in the April through Sept time period in the NH.
in May, the head of the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) provided details on the new weather modification program, adding that the country would seek to increase precipitation by 3 to 5 percent in the next five years through cloud - seeding.
In fact, according to [Moelg and Hardy, 2004] precipitation aids net accumulation much more through the albedo affect, which reduces ablation, than through the mass added directly by snowfall.
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