Sentences with phrase «addictive cycle»

The phrase "addictive cycle" refers to the repetitive pattern that people with addictions go through, where they engage in the addictive behavior, experience temporary relief or pleasure, and then feel a strong urge to repeat the behavior again. This cycle can be hard to break and can often lead to negative consequences in a person's life. Full definition
In the classic addictive cycle people try to relieve their distress with the same thing that caused it, and that's how they end up trapping themselves.
We have a much greater understanding of addiction today than we did back then but as you've pointed out in numerous postings, the church really doesn't know how to cope when addictive cycles in Christian contexts.
When relapse is an issue, we address it deliberately but delicately, understanding the toxic and unhelpful nature of shame and it's impact on addictive cycles.
These tools help in breaking the addictive cycle — drinking to anesthetize the effects of previous drinking — and are another reason for AA's remarkable effectiveness.
It can halt the addictive cycle and repair the personality damage resulting from the addiction.
The answer will be divided into three categories: (1) AA's effectiveness in breaking the addictive cycle and producing initial sobriety; (2) its effectiveness in producing long - term sobriety; (3) the extent to which the approach is successful in changing underlying personality - structure, rather than simply controlling symptoms.
How effective was the Emmanuel therapy in breaking the addictive cycle and providing initial sobriety?
Like others who have attempted to use such techniques with alcoholics, Worcester had encountered the problem of breaking the addictive cycle long enough to allow the therapy to have some effect.
This tends to be a real problem among the holy hipster set where boundaries are seen as oppressive and evil whereas I see healthy boundaries as life giving forces that can keep me from falling into an addictive cycle.
If an alcoholic counselee suffers from a severe underlying personality disturbance, he will probably require psychiatric and other medical treatment, in addition to AA, in order to keep the addictive cycle broken.
Interrupting the addictive cycle and beginning to cope with responsibilities such as holding a job, lead to the strengthening of the coping «muscles.»
Referral to an alcoholic clinic or to a physician for Antabuse may supply the help that is needed to break the addictive cycle and achieve stable sobriety.
This includes help from AA, assistance from a medical expert, learning how to interrupt the addictive cycle, helping the person develop a new way of life without alcohol, and helping further his / her spiritual growth.
Denial will perpetuate the addictive cycle.
This leads to a vicious and addictive cycle.
I hope you can use the habits and 6 - week plan to start getting rid of your sugar or carb cravings and break that addictive cycle!
These non-foods actually cause an addictive cycle similar to hard drugs and alcohol!
Breaking an addictive cycle, any addictive cycle, is the right choice.
It's a vicious and addictive cycle...
There's an addictive cycle at play throughout Survive, as you constantly want to find resources to make new stations and items, which will cost you more resources, rinse and repeat.
There's an addictive cycle at play throughout
This addictive cycle drives you to explore the region and gather more slimes.
With the charming personality of the slimes and the addictive cycle of selling plort, Slime Rancher is a great game, and hopefully, it will continue to blossom with future updates.
«This game is basically a Star Wars - themed online casino designed to lure kids into an addictive cycle of gambling money for a chance to win game upgrades.
This is the addictive cycle that keeps you hooked.
We are set to see a perpetuation of the addictive cycle that has led us to the mess we are in — that being the all - pervasive disposability practices that designers replicate, governments try to manage and clean up, and everyday citizens like you and me have to accept all of it as normal.
Any time we engage in our addictive cycle, our relationship can suffer.
Addictive cycles can complicate trust, one of the most foundational building blocks and pillars of a strong connected relationship.
This produces a powerful euphoria, which is often followed by guilt and despair and a repetition of the addictive cycle.
Other important components for recovery include understanding what is the root cause of the addiction, learning about the addictive cycle and how to counteract it, developing a healthier lifestyle and balanced routine, broadening your support system, and growing in the spiritual life.
Learn how you use denial to continue your addictive process and begin to understand your addictive cycle.
Begin to understand your type of acting out behavior and outline your arousal template to understand the deeper causes of your addictive cycle.
This workshop will help clients understand their addictive cycle and how to change it.
Family counseling provides support and education to loved ones so they can modify their roles in a manner that breaks the addictive cycle and supports recovery.
You do not want to be contributing to their addictive cycle.
Dr. Winter understands the deep pain, shame and isolation that an addictive cycle can perpetuate.
Are you tired of being a yo - yo in that addictive cycle?
Watch out for the addictive cycle.
Using Eye - Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR), we can identify and desensitize the many triggers that get you thinking and fueling an addictive cycle.
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