Sentences with phrase «addictive properties»

I've always believed that hazelnuts contain addictive properties.
You see, food companies have designed sugary, processed food products with highly addictive properties.
A recent study from the University of Derby recommends that consumers be given fair warning about the potential addictive properties of mobile devices.
Frustrated by medications that aren't helping or are causing side effects due to sensitivity, or you have been concerned about potential addictive properties.
Research shows that consuming sugar releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain that has the same addictive properties as cocaine, but the results are temporary.
When Andrew Kolodny raised the alarm over the dangerously addictive properties of prescribed opioids, he became both a hero and a figure of hate
Despite all of this, caffeine is considered a drug, and the research that has shown that caffeine improves physical reflexes and mental skills are largely thought to be a reflection of caffeine's addictive properties instead of its ability to stimulate us.
Resorting to sleep pills is a risky business, as they have potent addictive properties.
We talk about the relationship of consumption of refined sugar with... mortality and aging brain function, memory, and neuroinflammation the development of cancer and expression of oncogenes sex hormones... and, of special relevance, if you're hoping to cut out a soda habit, the real addictive properties of refined sugar consumption that mirror that of more well - known drugs of abuse.
Wheat - based foods — In the groundbreaking book, Wheat Belly, Dr William Davis makes a very convincing argument that wheat has addictive properties in the brain.
Research shows refined foods have powerful addictive properties that some...
Addicted to Fresno is a relationship comedy with few addictive properties.
The best classic arcade games — Pac - Man, Galaga, Frogger among others — might have different styles, but they all share addictive properties that make the player want to keep playing.
@ Tamara - Wheat Belly is a good outline of some of the wheat - specific inflammatory and / or addictive properties of this grain (which is quite different from what wheat used to be...)
It's as if the tobacco industry, hearing that cigarettes weren't safe, introduced a presumably safer mini-cigarette for children with the same addictive properties and no regulation over how many kids could smoke.
January 23: Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff said Facebook should face regulations compared to cigarette companies for its addictive properties.
Nielsen pointed to remarks Poloncarz made at a recent Opiate Epidemic Task Force meeting, where he touted Erie County's recent lawsuit filing against major pharmaceutical companies for misrepresenting the addictive properties of their opioid - based painkillers.
Medical opinion remains divided over the effects of cannabis on users» mental and physical health and on its addictive properties.
The suit, filed on Wednesday, also accuses four physicians of being paid by drug makers to promote their prescription painkillers and mislead other physicians regarding the drugs» addictive properties.
Erie County's Medicaid data shows opioid prescriptions for the popular combination drug hydrocodone - acetaminophen have fallen considerably in recent years as more physicians are educated about the addictive properties of such drugs, Poloncarz said.
And they add: «Because many US youth who use vaporisers do not vape nicotine, they are candidates for primary interventions, which are particularly strategic to combat nicotine use, because they take place before the need to address nicotine's addictive properties
It could also make it far easier for medicinal chemists to tweak the genes to produce new versions of the drugs that might have fewer side effects and addictive properties.
Opiate drugs» addictive properties are largely due to the ability of this class of drugs to produce powerful memories associated with the intense experience of pleasure and euphoria they cause.
Kosten is also researching vaccines for methamphetamines and opiates, which are among several anti-addiction shots that have the keen interest of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, says NIDA director Nora Volkow, a research psychiatrist who has used brain imaging to investigate the addictive properties of drugs.
The letter went on to detail the dangers of cigarettes, and the addictive properties of nicotine, and urged the President to «use the full resources of your office to protect the health of our citizens».
Interesting fact: Evidence has shown that many highly processed foods also have addictive properties.
So the risks for diabetes, immune problems, and gliadin's addictive properties on the brain would still exist.
Fact: flours that contain Gluten (a group of proteins that are in grains) have ADDICTIVE properties, they literally stimulate pleasure centers in your brain that make you want more.
Fact: sugar has ADDICTIVE properties.
While small, infrequent amounts of processed sugar is not a health risk for most people, studies show that refined sugar may have addictive properties, and many of us struggle with limiting our sugar intake.
The problem is that sugar has addictive properties, and we have become accustomed to it in just about everything.
Reducing coffee consumption and fuelling your body with alternatives will not only help bring your body back to balance, and support optimal health and functioning, it will allow you to take advantage of its health benefits without falling victim to its addictive properties.
He also casts a wary eye on the addictive properties of technology, which, he says, is more likely to amuse than fulfill us.
I, myself, am rather well versed on the addictive properties of PopCap's titles, as my girlfriend's constant Bejeweled 2 obsession reminds me.
It combined the addictive properties of monster hunting / fighting (like Pokemon) with the the magic aspects and strategy of a more traditional JRPG.
The Wonder Years debuts on TV, George Michael's «Faith» tops the Billboard charts, gas costs $ 1.67 at the pump, the U.S. Surgeon General states that the addictive properties of nicotine are similar to those of heroin and cocaine, and Royal Dutch Shell writes a confidential report on climate science and its own role in global warming.
My claim relates to all marketable commodities and non-financial services with qualifications indicated by one example (smoking which has an addictive properties; there are others).
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