Sentences with phrase «addition to student concerns»

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In addition to food safety concerns, the additional time it takes to move students through a salad bar can rob kids of the precious minutes they need to actually eat their salad.
In addition to food going to waste, Kline said he's concerned that calorie and portion controls are leaving some students, particularly student athletes, hungry at the end of the day.
If there are any issues or concerns with I.S. 109, we firmly believe it is better to invest in its future than to induce significant strain that would come from the addition of 400 + students of an entire high school.
If there are any issues or concerns with I.S. I 09, we firmly believe it is better to invest in its future than to induce significant strain that would come from the addition of 400 + students of an entire high school.
In addition, they said, they are concerned that the officer's primary role is to oversee voting, rather than to ensure students» safety.
Running for nearly 20 years, English School of Canada has educated over 30,000 students from more than 50 countries.Students appreciate and are engaged with the multicultural student body they study with at our fully accredited school.Finally, the third class will illuminate how to write various academic, business, professional, and functional compositions.In addition to these practical objectives, this class will show students how to put themselves in the correct mindset to write, how to plan to write as well as how to implement editing and revision strategies.The program also teaches students the specific language skills and vocabulary needed in a health care workplace.It covers speaking, listening, and reading on a wide range of topics from technical skills to ethical concerns, from communicating with patients to discussing issues with colleagues.
In addition to students being able to report their concerns from any school PC to a trusted member of staff, teachers can also «Add a Concern» where they are verbally told of a student's problem.
In addition to the phrases above, here are a few words and phrases to help you when concerns are evident and a student is need of assistance.
In addition, the Orleans Parish School Board has the opportunity to create a platform for parents and students across the landscape of self - directed schools to air their concerns with the system (s).
In addition, any policy initiative needs to take into account these qualities of effective classrooms: safety, respect, student responsibility for learning, intellectual rigor, ongoing support, and concern for students» welfare.
In addition, cross-case analyses revealed other important components not on the original list: positive school culture (marked by rituals and traditions that celebrate student accomplishment, teacher innovation, parental commitment and a shared ethos of caring, concern and commitment to helping students learn); dynamic, personalized assessment systems; emphasis on the world of work; and deliberate fostering of learning experiences that develop initiative, self - regulation, persistence and collaboration.
One of the next pieces, in addition to looking at behavior, is to review our results for Tier III students and review results not only against the Tier III interventions, but evaluate the results of those students against our State assessments because one of the challenges that come up is if you are really serious about making gains with intensive students at Tier III, you need to evaluate them and their ability to access the typical or the core curriculum and that's been a concern.
The pace of additions should be concerning to anyone who cares about personalized learning and / or student data privacy.
In addition to the general concerns that Common Core is not needed, harms students and takes control of curriculum and testing away from teachers and local school districts, there are many specific concerns that upset parents and teachers.
All in all, this course helped me to understand that it is important for educators to follow the correct protocol when dealing with situations in and out of the classroom (e.g., speaking with parents or the principal concerning an issue that they should be aware of), think carefully before choosing an intervention for a scenario, cooperate with others to achieve a common goal, and know and practice various standards such as diversity, ethics, professionalism, in addition to the role of the teacher at all times, (Student KNOW1)
The SSC also allows for stakeholders to raise and discuss concerns and changes they would like to see, such as the addition of more frequent and varied student field experiences.
In addition to organized social outings, mentor and mentees also meet informally on a regular basis to discuss student progress and any concerns, either work - related or personal, that the students may have during their year.
Criticisms of part - time programs continued through the 1950s and 1960s, and some scholars questioned the viability of certain instruction in part - time programs due to concerns about the ability of part - time programs to teach students legal research and writing in addition to questions about whether these programs provided adequate seminars for students.42 These critics essentially argued that evening programs were not capable of preparing students under ««modern conditions.
In addition to discussing her current position, Melissa spoke to the students concerning her externship when she was a student and other areas throughout her working experience.
In addition, reviewers concerned with the possibility of contamination of control students by experimental students in our earlier randomized within - building study design preferred a nonrandomized design in which whole schools, rather than classrooms, were assigned to intervention or nonintervention conditions.
It is widely recognized that in addition to fostering children's academic development, schools play an important role in fulfilling a broader educational agenda that is concerned with enhancing students» social - emotional well - being, character, health and civic engagement [1].
The panel participants agreed that in addition to affordability concerns, inventory shortages and lifestyle factors such as marrying later in life and having to repay student loan debt are burdening a segment of creditworthy buyers by making it more difficult to save for a down payment.
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