Sentences with phrase «addition to the treatments above»

In addition to the treatments above, it's a good idea to also avoid fungus - promoting foods such as sugar, alcohol, dried fruit, cheese, and yeast.

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The broker promises traders the use of an innovative binary trading platform in addition to VIP treatment to those who deposit above a certain amount.
Treatment — in addition to the above measures, there are two commonly used anti-fungal creams:
For example and in addition to the problems noted above, it also offers an approach to treat the «weak» muscle (s) of a TMJ problem; it provides a way to directly improve brain function, which in turn can correct many muscle imbalances that effect posture and gait; and, it can often eliminate the need to treat various other elements commonly employed in various muscle testing - based techniques, reducing treatment time.
In addition to treatment of the conditions listed above, we offer the following Naturopathic Medicine and healthcare services:
In addition to the above treatments prescribed or performed by your veterinarian, you should also keep your hamster warm and clean, isolate him from any other hamsters, and thoroughly sanitize his cage to prevent re-infection or spread of the disease.
In addition to providing thyroid supplementation for dogs showing the typical signs of thyroid disease, we now know that treatment of dogs showing the early stages of thyroiditis (based on the testing described above) is necessary and important to correct the underlying thyroid imbalance, reduce the risk of developing other related immune - mediated disorders, and to control or prevent the process of thyroiditis from progressing to depletion and exhaustion of the thyroid gland.
In addition to incorporating usual green components like solar panels and wind turbines, it also features greenroofs, above and below grade treatment cisterns, and most notably, vegetated street treatment swales.
In addition to the evidence discussed above, you will need to use evidence like your medical bill and input from your doctor to demonstrate that you suffered a specific injury in the collision and that you need certain medical treatment.
Covered entities seeking authorization to use or disclose protected health information they create for the purpose of research that includes treatment of individuals, including clinical trials, must include in the authorization (in addition to the applicable elements required above) a description of the extent to which some or all of the protected health information created for the research will also be used or disclosed for purposes of treatment, payment, and health care operations.
In addition to all of the administrative and clinical medical assistant duties listed above, RNs are responsible for creating care plans — detailed schedules for therapy sessions, medication, and other treatment procedures — for each patient under their care.
In addition to the services offered above, we also work with clients and area providers to make sure the clients pursue additional treatments as needed, such as psychiatric or case management services.
In addition to the above issues, my work has included treatment of trauma, domestic violence, child abuse, improving couples communication, as well as parenting and co-parenting counseling.
Medical care plus cognitive behaviour therapy — In addition to the medical care outlined above, patients given cognitive behaviour therapy were invited to attend 16 one hour individual treatment sessions over four months.
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